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Fishful Thinking

Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by Fishful Thinking

  1. Excellent captures, Taylor. I like the blue in the eyes. How big are these guys right now? It is none of my business, but why are you getting out of the hobby?
  2. Thanks, Steve! It's been a labour of love with the photography. I find the dolphins can get a bit boisterous every now and again, but most of the residents of the 150 are like that. How many do you have all together?
  3. I saw this tank in person last night and it is awesome! I love the division of the two rock piles, the plants in the back and the cool fish. My photos do not do these fish justice. Edit by Jason: You can tell I got the Paracyprichromis nigripnis from Pop Eye - these fish were posing wonderfully!! P. nigripinis Callochromis macrops 'Ndole' F1 Julidochromis transcriptus (or is it maleri?) P. nigripinis
  4. And you told her a nice pack of 8 would fit in quite nicely, right?
  5. Sounds like you will have wigglers in no time!
  6. Fishful Thinking


    Between Donald and Frasier, Donald is my favourite. I like the subtle blue hues on the finnage. Nice fish.
  7. Those BNs are miracle workers, eh? Are you planning on breeding them?
  8. Kids have no respect for their parents now-a-days! Nice shot of a real trooper. I look forward to the round by round updates.
  9. The pic of Lana's stunning dolphin made me want to take some pictures of mine tonight:
  10. The synos have been pretty shy in this tank. They mostly come out at feeding time to cruise through for any food. I am impressed with their speed!
  11. My little petricolas out for a cruise during feeding time:
  12. Great set up. Are you planning on filling the right hand side with water or just leaving it dry?
  13. It's looking really good, Jason. What a difference from the last time I saw it.
  14. Thanks, Taylor. I really like them too, especially the variation in color that they have. I haven't really seen an opportunity for an open mouth shot, but I will put it on the list of shots that I want to get.
  15. I love watching the Paralabidochromis chromogynos male on a power trip! Nice setups and lovely fish.
  16. Looks good so far! If they are not already in there, when are the fish going in?
  17. Yeah, I could watch the tropheus for hours. They use the entire tank and they are so active! I had thought that the Chimba tank only had one dominate male but in the last week there have been a couple other contenders, as you can see from the second video. "Tropheus TV"--I like it! :thumbs:
  18. I am looking forward to seeing this mod!
  19. I did a 30% water change the other night and took some video after the fact. They are actually more active than what I recorded because they were a bit shaky after the water change. But still, most of the behaviours were evident. Hope you enjoy! Chimba
  20. Well, the two big males had a bit of a tussle. I just grabbed the camera and started shooting, so I apologize for the lack of proper lighting, the water stains on the back glass and anything else annoying. Fight Night
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