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Fishful Thinking

Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by Fishful Thinking

  1. I sure hope that's not what it looks like. It should look underlined with links to my member journal threads. If anyone else sees it with the lines crossed out, could you please let me know. Thanks.
  2. Great video, Ryan. You keep this up and I'll be contemplating a ray tank!
  3. Nice fish! What type of setup is this (footprint, filtration)?
  4. Great start, Brad! The frog or toad is my favourite. That cat also looks like it's about to attack. Keep up the good work!
  5. Awesome collection, Patrick. Great shots of the breeding too!
  6. Thanks, Brad. I use a Canon Rebel XSi with a Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM Lens and no flash. I was able to get enough light from the fluorescents from the aerogarden.
  7. Thanks, everyone. Dustin, crappy photographer?!? I love the shots of your arrowana! Other than the suggestions you made, I would recommend getting the best fixed focal lens that you afford and an external flash. And seriously take as many pictures as you can because you throw so many out in the editing process. For this batch I took something like 100-125 pictures.
  8. I love it when you give some fish away and then have an opportunity to see them all grown up! We were at a friend's house and I had just picked up the new flash for the camera so naturally I had to take dozens of pictures of the inhabitants of the tank. The three larger ones are formerly from our tanks and the turquoise is a more recent addition: My wife captured this shot, which is easily my favourite of the bunch:
  9. Thanks, Taylor. I am really enjoying this new lens, both for the fish, macros and portraits.
  10. Thanks! These guys are one of the harder fish I keep when it comes to taking photos. I think it might be because of the black over most of the body. Here are some pics from this morning:
  11. Thanks for all of the help, everyone. I am leaning towards the 430 EX flash and going for the cords. I just have to decide if I need the E-TTL functions or not.
  12. When I was deciding what to feed my tropheus, I took a lot of info from the NLS forum: NLS forum, Tropheus search My tanks both have algae growth which is jackhammered off by the fish. I like it because it gives them something to do and snack on when I am not around, but I am sure that they would be fine even if they didn't have it.
  13. Messing around with the new lens in the aerogarden:
  14. And he is! He owns the left side of the tank, especially the big cave. I find him very difficult to shoot because the straight on flash either washes out his color or does not give the picture the required exposure.
  15. Thanks for the help. Even just knowing the terminology helps in the search for information. For those of you using this type of product, is two feet of cord enough length for shooting from the bottom of a tank towards the top? Do you find the cord gets in the way? The reason why I am asking is that I saw some wireless units and am wondering if they are worth the extra money for mainly aquatic photography.
  16. I was wondering what I need to purchase in order to do overhead flash photography with my Canon Rebel XSi. Any product recommendations are welcome and any tips with using overhead flash would also be appreciated. Thanks.
  17. I picked up the 60mm macro lens from Canon. Very impressed. I still need the overhead flash, but this is a start.
  18. Started playing around with the 60mm lens last night:
  19. I borrowed a buddy's external flash but could not figure out how to get good overhead lighting with it. I ended up having to sit there with the camera on a tripod and me standing beside it while I manually pushed down on the flash button and the the button on the camera to take the picture. Needless to say, it was not super productive, but I have enjoyed the few results that I got. Some advice here about equipment and technique would be appreciated. Here is what I captured:
  20. Thanks, Taylor! An external flash is on the shopping list, but I don't think I'll ever be at a Gerry or Patrick level. I am looking at getting the same 60mm macro lens as Patrick uses, fingers-crossed.
  21. The synos are pretty smart at hiding when threatened and they have the barbs in case things get rough, so I think they would be fine with some cave-like structures.
  22. Looks good! That guy's got more get-up-and-go than I thought it would. Cool. :thumbs:
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