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Everything posted by BlackMumba

  1. Very nice find :thumbs: hard to say delta or HM... he needs to be flaring...
  2. HI, and welcome to the site... :thumbs: I have Red Crystals available and Black Crystals as well as a few Cherries. Although, you would have to ship from Edmonton to Calgary which I have done here recently with sucess no loss's reported. So, if you can't find any locally, I have alot ! Chantal...
  3. Well, he will attack her, she will go and hide.. maybe for a while.. she will come out he will flare and attack her again she will go and hide... this is normal don't panick. She isn't going to come out looking pretty at all, some do some don't depends on the girl and boy. I currently have a stupid male and female, they are best friends and aren't even remotely interested in each other they just swim around together like Mates... they have been together for a week!! LOL Some males are so brutal on the females, the female will hardly have any fins left.. some are gentle and sweet and only do a small nip here and there. Once they are ready to mate, the female will come out from hiding, she will go under the nest to inspect... she will stay there the male will be flaring like look at me not only am i beautiful but a great father look at my nest, she will rub up against his body and they will embrace... and the show begins. This will take hours to complete, best to leave them alone... Also, you will no when the male and female are complete she will be once again hiding the vertical bars aren't there she is thin again. The male will be under the nest always looking up or making new bubbles. he doesn't leave his post *nest* this is the time to remove the female. Leave the male in... he will clean and discard any eggs that are fungal and or not fertized...
  4. Thanks Bettafishmommy... :thumbs: err.. I have some fugly grandchildren lol
  5. Yes, you would be able to bring them in directly... you would have to pay the air shipping, and any gst associated with them if you pay any amount of dollar for the fish.. So, if you put a price of 1 dollar on them, pay the shipping costs.. depends on the box size and weight in order to get a estimate on shipping them to Edmonton international airport. Europe has direct flights to Edmonton or Calgary !
  6. Wow, this is fantastic news!! I can only assume their numbers have increased in the wild in order to open up wild caught again!! Maybe the prices for them will drop too soon... :thumbs:
  7. :thumbs: well hopefully they will mature to baby pleco's too soon to know... but I am super excited, I am thinking of branching out to other types of pleco's as well... this gives me the motivation!!!
  8. Patrick also forgot to mention there is a fee of 55 dollars for licence, which is required. Forwarding companies are also referred to as transhipper's etc... Catherine, had to have a transhipper in order for her to obtain her betta's.
  9. They are beautiful, you must have paid an arm and a leg... zebra's are soooooooooooo expensive.. I certainly hope you have apair, apparently South America is banning shipment of wild caught out of the country for most or all plecos currently and the zebra pleco habitat is in danger. Or so I have read! Good Luck with them :thumbs:
  10. :thumbs: Well, I had purchased a few Long Fin bristlenose plecos two years ago at one of the auctions, just for fun to see what would happen... if they got to big I would just sell them no biggy. Well as i turned out, I have a proven breeding pair, I checked today in the cave.. and Mister pleco was in it.. so I waited and he moved to his usual spot, I thought I would check again. Yep!!! Bright Orange eggs neatly in a pile.. I would say about 40 for sure without counting. I am very excited, I moved my betta's that were growing out in the tank with them, I read it takes about 10 days then another 4 to 5 days before they are going to be everywhere in the tank... and Yep on a strict diet of NLS !!
  11. Okay Asian flights only land in those three locations, everything gets cleared in customs in that airport. If you ship fish in from say the US, there are direct flights from US to Edmonton, from there you can clear in customs. You can also get and clear items from Europe as well. Vancouver as far as I understand, is not going to have signapore flights cleared there any more, starting in July. Edmonton, as far as I know is trying to be a Port of Entry for all locations starting in 2012, thats why all the construction at the airport. FEDEX does not get fish from Asia, you can get a transhipper from the states to ship using Fedex thats about it, but most US fish importers don't ship to Canada..
  12. Sorry to tell you this, but you will need to have a port of entry there are only 3 ports of entry into canada from Asia that would be Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal. You will need a transhipper to get them from the port of entry, then the transhipper who is at one of these ports of entry would ship the fish onto you. You would be better off to get the fish from the states, which can be flown in and you just pick up, and pay any GST on the cost of the fish. Most flights from the states come directly here. No special paper work needed. Most, members do breed and sell alot of Cichlids here, you might want to ask locally if there are the type your looking for are available rather then the costs associated with shipping fish in. IMHO
  13. Beautiful, what fantastic photo's... !!! :thumbs:
  14. Awesome, way to go Puff !! :thumbs: Congradulations!
  15. Some, males don't always blow bubble nests, I have even spawned males without a nest to speak of, he will build one, he isn't ready or she isn't Drives me nuts when they refuse to play on my terms... lol Be patient, he will when he is ready do a good water change that might get him in the mood!
  16. They say the best age is at 4 to 9 months... but they will breed whenever so I don't pay much attention to that. Also, you will need to have the male in somethng other then the live bearer breeding net.. You will need him to be in a territory all his own, then introduce the female keep her separated from him with him being loose.... give it a go... he seems willing and the girls seem ready.. but get him his own pad to show the girls what a good provider he is ! :thumbs:
  17. Here is an idea, take him out put him in a cup during feeding time, that way your giving too much food.. he can eat in peace, then when he is done put him back in... Also, the betta might even be not well, so this will help determine if he is or not. That would be my suggestion ! :thumbs:
  18. Hi Ian, I am the other half of Patrick the one who took those photo's... We would certainly welcome visitors to our home, especially someone who is very much for the conservation and protection of these snakes. When we first purchased our property we noticed that we have an abundance of them, I used to as a child in Calgary catch them and bring them home, although the species there were much different and had no color but brown... they would be found under rocks and such to this day I don't know what type of garter snake they were. So, when I first seen this type in our own yard we were very excited to see them, I marvel at their coloration...they were very different something I have never seen, we wouldn't even let our teenage son to disturb their nesting spots... thankfully he was as respectful of the nature as we were. We also, have a bat house and encourage bats to live around us, Patrick built it to home up to 500.. :thumbs:
  19. They are free swimming younguns now.. they will be on the hunt for food, you can remove the male now and or leave him in for an extra day or two don't matter he will still care for the babies.. Keep us updated!! :thumbs:
  20. :thumbs: If you put him back in, and he is picking up the fry and spitting them back into the nest.. fantastic he will resume his fatherly duties. I know it looks like dad is eatting the fry, but he is actually collecting them in his mouth to do a major drop off at the nest. They fall to the ground 100 at a time, he can't pick them up one by one could you imagine.. hahaha Good luck, keep us informed. BTW - Betta breeding is alot of work... I put alot of hours into each betta I have... For what I get per betta... does not ever recoup the cost... but I love them so much... its their personalities... I call them the dog's of the fish world!! They wag their tails when they see you, go back and forth at the glass to say hi, *really its just them saying where is my food human I want it now*... they look up at you when you feed them, then the jump up to attack the food... sometimes I have to save them from the cement floor cause they jump so freakin high!! Oh, and fingers taste good, betta's have sharp little teeth ... makes you pull your finger back pretty darn quick when the chop down... no blood just like a what the heck... jeez!! LOL
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