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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by ÐÉÅÑ

  1. Take a look at this, it's only $33 at Totem and says "safe for portable water use".
  2. whats wrong with using plain old Alberta rocks? Just go down to any river,lake or pond. :boom: they're all free. :boom:
  3. could you post some more pics of the tank, thanks
  4. Imho i think that mylar emergency blanket would make the best diy reflectors. They're only a couple a bucks and you can get them at wal-mart or canadian tire.
  5. If you wants some more great info click here.
  6. or you could save the fishes gills form burning and do a fishless cycle.
  7. This one puts the 800g to shame. 28,000L :blink:
  8. http://www.cichlid-forum.com/tanks/index.p...e=owner&u=12419 Just wondering if this tank belongs to anyones here? Looks awesome.
  9. do you have any full tanks shots? Looks good
  10. 30" inches is pushing it for only 1/2" glass, from what I have read 24" is the max with 1/2" glass. One question are you using the plexi-glass to seal the aquarium making it water tight or just for protection?
  11. Do you have any full tank pictures? Looks go though.
  12. As I search for more info on the web I ran into a form that said a quarantine tank is a must. Supposably marine diseases are hard to fight, and medications are very harmful to inverts. The more I search the more money this hobby costs. Very expensive.
  13. It depends, what do you want? -fish only -fish only with live rock -full reef setup
  14. I read that they need water devoid of any traces of copper.
  15. Just wondering where in alberta sells the cheapest live rock and sand, and for how much. Thanks
  16. Neither, If you want to know who ownes it click here Reef Central I should of probably posted that with the pic . It's 800g of pure reef heaven. I'd imagine it cost quite a bit, but the great part is it's basicaly self-sustaining. One of the most beautiful tank I have ever seen.
  17. The only problem I see is that the initial setup cost is like 3 to 4 times greater than a freshwater tank. Things like a skimmer, live rock, live sand, filtration, expensive lights, ro unit and salt mix all add up. But I do agree they look kick @$$.
  18. Just wondering if anyone knows of a species of peacock that will allow other males of that species to fully color up? With lots of females. ps. It would be for a 90g. Thanks
  19. You better watch out thats a cop magnet.
  20. Those pics arn't his, so don't give him too much credit . http://www.malawicichlidhomepage.com/panis...eus_saulosi.htm
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