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Everything posted by Reza

  1. As for taking 5 gallons out it depends on the size of your tank. I personally change 30% every week in my 135 gallon as it is fairly stocked. The 20 gallon gets 40% every two weeks and the 10 gallon crayfish tank receives a 50% change every 10 days. Here's to it being Friday!!! :beer:
  2. Hi Josh. Big Al's normally has them for around $40, I once picked one up on a 25% sale for a measily $15 and it was about 3 inches long and healthy. (For some reason they were selling them for $20????) Big Al's prices on them are as unpredictible as the weather here. I personally wouldn't pay more than $30 for a 3 incher in Edmonton. Have you thought about Jardinis, they look a lot like the asian arowanas but only cost about $100 in Edmonton, no doubt $40 in Calgary.
  3. Oh, I thought you needed to look for claspers as in the linked photo but I am VERY new to crayfish. http://www.bluecrayfish.com/reproduction.htm ... and here http://www.bluecrayfish.com/gender.htm Please let me know if I am interpretting the pictures correctly as I wish to buy a second electric blue and try to mate them. I need to know if I have a male or female first.
  4. I would guess a female. Can't see any claspers.
  5. If you put the coconut halves in the microwave for about a minute the meat will fall right out. No need to scrape away.
  6. I've always found my convicts to be great parents. I normally make sure that the intake to the aquaclear has some filter floss over it with the use of an elastic band. Besides that and frequent water changes the fry seem to flourish, until I feed them to my larger fish that is. Congratulations dad!
  7. The red rocket gave me a laugh on Christmas Eve. -roll-
  8. The fish that FishieRuffio gave me are living in a waterside coconut too!
  9. Hi Tanker, I heard the red bellies have to be kept in groups due to the way they feed, tearing at food together instead of biting off pieces themselves. Could be wrong though.
  10. Oh to answer your question about feeding. We fed the guy bloodworms for the first month. At 2.5 " he actually ate the two scissor tails in the 10 gallon with him. Then I added freeze dried earthworms and crickets to his diet and some mysis. Once he reached 5" I was brave enough to move him to the 90 gallon community tanks and he started to pick at pellet food I fed my severums as well as devouring the usual meaty snacks. I now feed him mostly mysis, prawns and clam meat and treat him with freeze dried earthworms and crickets. He still eats the floating nutrafin pellets.
  11. ace99 that's too cool. The video looks like it could have been taken in our own aquarium, the super red jardini filmed is a twin. When my wife picked the guy out at Big Al's it was because he showed a lot of red in the tail and on the body unlike any of the other jardinis they had in. The strange thing is that it started off light not dark as the newsletter author suggested. Thanks ace99, you've made my day.
  12. http://www3.telus.net/public/arynreza/Arowana.html Above is a link to some poor photos of my jardini ace99, I had a hard time as the guy NEVER stops moving. Sorry for the delay. ~Reza~
  13. Thanks for the info. The pair had dug a cave area in the sand under a pile ov lava rock a week back. On a routin water change I inadvertantly turned over a 6 inch flat sea shell. Within hours the jewels had laid their eggs on it. The couple seem very peaceful to each other, taking turns to guard the eggs whilst the other scavanges for food. I've been making sure they have enough mysis to eat as I heard if hungry, they have a tendency to eat the eggs and start again.
  14. Hi Just got home to find my jewel cichlids have laid about 200 eggs. Anyone know how long they take to hatch or have some advice? Thanks.
  15. Looks great, thanks for sharing.
  16. I find that when you overstock, it's hard to see the real characteristics of the fish you have.
  17. I've been feeding my cichlids and arowana clam meat, prawns and shrimp from Superstore for years now. I haven't seen any signs of a problem developing. I've heard of a lot of people feeding their fish beef heart too.
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