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Everything posted by Ishkabod

  1. Thanks for the tip. I'll check it outL
  2. Thanks for the advice. It is helpfull. I have allready successfully raised a batch of baby guppies with no losses and only feeding once a day. They didn't grow fast but they didn't die so i call that success. Thanks again and i'll look for a guppy forum. Thanks L
  3. I'm not sure what to do but sell him. He's my only blue coloured fish in the tank and i love his colouration but he seems to be extremely agressive to all the other fish in the tank and even removing him and rearrangeing everything in the tank and putting him back in a few days later only helps for a short while. He's 7cm long and hasn't grown much at all since i bought him a while ago not like my electric yellows have grown so i think this is as big as he'll get. When the Yellows get full sized might that fix the problem?? and if so should i wait and see?? Thanks for the help Lisa
  4. How Can i figure out what type of Guppies i have and if cross breeding is a no no here too. Also if it isn't a big no no any tips to get really nice fry I love the colour of the tequila but don't like the size. I have found some males with really really big tails and would love to have some females like that but haven't seen any so breeding tips to get the colour and size in a batch of babies. Thanks Lisa
  5. Beware that without optimal conditions the female may just eat the babies instead of spitting them out. My Jewls did that with her second batch and haven't had another batch since. (evil Mr. Blue and tank leaks to blame)
  6. Well it seems my cichlids LOVE Survivor because the jewels had fry during the last survivor and now my yellow has babies in her mouth. Maybe the theme song reminds them of home?? I think i might break out my Anime DVD's because my koi stopped eating like pigs when YTV cut back on the amount of Anime they show every week. Hmm well at least maybe now i can eliminate unplanned pregnancy in my cichlids by restricting next seasons watching to my bedroom. Hope this might help Lisa
  7. Two of my electric yellows are holding fry. Any idea on how to keep as many as i can alive once they are spit out?? Lisa
  8. I have small pleccos in with my Mbuna's and oither fish and have had no killing but it could be that the store i bought some of the fish from had peccos in almost every tank. Maybe get i BIG one and it'll teach them to leave the plecco alone and or it could be the plecco is seen as competition for food and or baby fry so more feeding or different food for the two?? I'm hoping that one of these ideas might help with the reason. Good luck L
  9. If i remember i'll ask them next time i'm in AG. I'm thinking though that you could always sillycone it then when the bulb need replacing cut the sillycone off and silicone it again.
  10. Where can you buy that nutrilizer because i have hard water stains on my plastic that I've scrubbed for hours with vinegar and a scratch pad and i still can't get it off. It sounds like the best bet to me. L
  11. Thanks so much everyone, that answers my questions. I really really appreciate the advice. Thanks again Lisa
  12. Saran wrap under the arm or under the tongue for the digital and If the manual thermometer is a glass stick on the room temp could be a factor especially with it becoming colder. Personally i use the three dollar in tank alcohol based thermometer. they are small and can be hidden behind things or used when you are doing something to the tank or heater. It's the first and easiest thing for me to check if there seems to be any kind of problem. Good luck Lisa P.S. if you are planning to get one of them then make sure you compare them with the others on the shelf for the best temp reading.
  13. I was wondering what level should i keep my nitrates below and if they get above that level by 5ppm or more how much of a WC would reduce the amount and by how much. Thanks Lisa
  14. Personally what i would do is test it useing your body heat which we all know what the real temp is and figure out the real temp from that. Good luck Lisa
  15. Here is a link to a site i found I can't be sure it's legit and not just a marketing thing but what they are doing seems to be the solution to haveing the aquarium hobby industry help to devastate coral reefs http://www.aquariumcouncil.org/conservation.html Hope this is helpfull
  16. If you look at the middleish line on the two fish that sort of have circle like patterns on them you can easily see that the light and dark colours are switched. It's the dark line of colouring after the first light one when going top down on the first fish and it's the light bit of striped colouring going top down on the second fish. At first they look almost identical but the colour pattern switch is dramatic when you really look at it. It's quite interesting and good luck with your fish as i still have my mystery blue cichlid which i named Mr Blue. Lisa
  17. Umm have you checked the yellowpages and called around because i'm sure there is someone in the city that supplies them. I'd do that before forking out a fourtune to get from the states If not check the online yellowpages and see if you can get it from a nearby city. L
  18. first off i've successfully saved possibly two cichlids from bloat in the early stages useing Epsom salt. I'm thinking though that you contaminated the filter with disease from the feeder fish you used to jump start the 80 gallon. Epsom salt reduces stress and is a laxative so bloat is less likely to happen. Also you didn't say you checked the nitrite levils before you added the fish so the cycle could have been in a nitrIte spike stage. Check the nitrAte levils asap because that is what will build up in the tank and stress then kill the fish without adequate water changes. NitrAte levels are waaayyyy more important to measure than nitrIte levils after the tank has cycled as it indicates if the cycle is complete and when and how much of a water change you need to do Here are a couple of links Cichlid lake buffer recipie (epsom salt doseage) http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/buffer_recipe.php Disease Info Cichlid specific http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/fish_health_list.php Cichlid Info my fish wouldn't live without aka BOOKMARK :thumbs: http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/ Good luck and i hope something here helps Lisa P.S. regardless of what my blerb says I do have a cichlid tank. P.P.S. next time i'd get those other filters going on the first tank before moving them because you aren't increasing the tank load just the water capacity that needs to be filtered.
  19. Thanks for the tips.. I'm lucky i have a slow leak too but the seal cracked a bit more after i drained it to the below the leaky level. They are in a rubbermaid and i'm just waiting to get a silicone gun to re-seal the seams. Thanks for the link too I'll make sure to reference it before i start siliconing(sp?) it Thanks again Lisa
  20. If it's construction not involveing your property then i'd let them know and see if they can provide a generator. Usually construction companies have some allready that you can use for free. Check and see. Good luck L
  21. Thanks so much for the idea. I have just enough money to walk over to canadian tire and buy one. I'd have thanksed you earlier but I had a FLOOD when i was emptying my tank and the sink clogged and i didn't realize it in time. I'm almost done cleaning that mess up but at least the cichlids are safe in a rubbermaid till i get the tank fixed. Thanks again Lisa
  22. I'm out of money for the month to buy a new fish tank. if someone near Belvedere has a 33gal tank i could borrow till i seal up the cichlid tank i'd appreciate it sooo much. Or if someone has some other solution. Thanks Lisa
  23. I'm no expert but i've heard that yellow veins and green leaves means an iron deficiency. maybe check that out and then reduce the amount you dose and spread it out over the week because then the plants can absorb it insted of haveing spikes of excess when you do dose the tank.. Hope this helps Lisa
  24. What a lucky bonus. I think you need a licence for keeping native fish but i'm not sure if that applies to catching and keeping or to keeping them period. Call fish and wildlife and see what they say. It sounds like you live out of edmonton. For some reason the possibility that it was fish deposited there by pelicans or some other bird sruck me at the start of this message. FREE DELIVERY YAAYY. I'd keep the plecco guy for now and when he is too big then see what you want to do with him then because the goldfish might also be too big by that time. Good luck Lisa
  25. Thanks for all the help. The biggest reason why i'm worried about the fry surviveing in the tank is that there are few places to hide and i don't have cash to buy more stuff for hideing places right now. I have four left and they are doing well. I know why the others didn't make it and i found a breeding net that would work for the small fry. Thanks again Lisa
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