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Everything posted by randy

  1. Yup, cycling a new tank hurry up and wait!
  2. what are your current water parameters (ammonia, nitrIte and nitrAte)
  3. I have had this happen on the start up of a new tank, (did you reseal the tank) It eventual went away (wiped it off) there were no adverse affects.
  4. She may still eat while holding if she gets hungry enough, or will just swallow the eggs. It is odd that she would have a second batch, especially with no other compatible breading fish in the tank. If they are indeed eggs I would think they are not fertile. Not sure if the eggs are yellow in color I think they are more transparent white than colored. (but I could be wrong on the color of the eggs)
  5. Well I guess it is a wait and see. I have one of my electric yellows holding every month or so. Every so often one of the fry beats the odds, and have quite a variety of sizes in the tank.
  6. Here is an other project I am working on. MTS (may need to get help for this, or not?)
  7. Just epoxy no cement Here are picts from another tank with the same type of background
  8. Will be putting it in next week and will post pic.
  9. Yup made from Styrofoam see this post on how they are made this will be the 5th one I've done. makining a background
  10. Are you feeding flake food or pellet food. I have noticed that after my yellow spit the fry out and was fed pellet food she would scoop up all the pellets and hold them in her mouth.
  11. Re doing 33 gallon tank at work here is a styro 3d back ground
  12. I had purchased one of them last year probably a foot long. I soaked the thing for 2 month and it still made tea water, it is now sitting in a box in the shed.
  13. Are the tanks getting direct sunlight? For the blackout cover the tank so that it is dark in side the tank (thick blanket etc.) Leave it covered for 3 days no peeking or feeding of you fish. Is the tank planted?
  14. http://www.reefs.org/library/testing/ecoaqualizer an other site
  15. check this site out http://www.rexgrigg.com/debunked.htm
  16. To get rid of the algae cover the tank with a blanket for 2-3 days light off, no peeking or feeding completely dark. Algae all gone.
  17. I don't think it would hurt it. When they ship these thing they are not in heated container. I would just make sure that it is at least room temperature before plugging it in. If it is a submersible put it in some water for a day or two to see if the seal is ok (not plugged in)
  18. Very nice how long has it been set up
  19. It looks like an open wound (quite deep) I would guess that it may have got caught under a sharp rock. If it were mine, I would move it to a quarantine tank, and keep an eye on it for infection. If you leave it in the main tank insure you water parameters are spot on and keep ane eye on it for infection.
  20. I moved last month to a new place, setup my tanks but forgot to replace a piece of wood covering a hole in the canopy 1"x5". The little bugger committed suicide!! He was one of my fave fish.
  21. Yup can't touch the things, my eyes swell up really bad last time I did try and feed to my tank I had to take to days off work cause I could not open my eyes to see.
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