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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by fishclubgirl

  1. We never quite sure what will be there and I always end up coming home with something unexpected. I do know there'a someone in the CAS who breed barbs but someone might be clearing out a tank too. You'll just have to show up!!
  2. An update, we are at 325 lots taken so please pm or email me with your lot requests!!
  3. Even though my fish are in schools, they can't read... looks like aeneus eggs..
  4. Was looking into one of my tanks tonight and noticed some eggs. They look like spixi snail eggs but... I have no spixis in there. My money's on the cories either bronze or weitzmanni. Only other culprits are apistos(but they've bred before and it's not them) or BN plecos(and it's not them either...)Just have to wait....Aargh!!
  5. Great meeting last night and some real steals at the mini auction. Bladderwort for a dollar!!
  6. Spotted at T & T supermarket Franklin Mall, bamboo plants for 99 cents and bamboo lotus plants for 1.29 each. As my tanks are full of plants, I now am growing them out of the tanks too!!
  7. Just a heads up that the next CAS meeting is September 9th. We are pleased to welcome B & I Aquariums and she will be telling us how she got the fish bug bad and the lessons she learned along the way. We also will be reviewing how to bag and label your fish for the upcoming auction. You also can reserve your auction lots then. Our jar show will be central and south American cichlids and we will have our mini auction too. Hope to see you there!!
  8. Starting to get ready... Please let me know if you need lots for the auction, 25 for members and 30 for members who volunteer. We'll even let the riffraff of ACE attend and bring fish...
  9. You mean I have to give birth to a plant.....this is payback for the loach jokes..
  10. And it's on... got 125 points spotted on Saturday and have more to go...
  11. At the current time, I have 2 mated pair of angelfish who are just "friends" without benefits, betta splendens who don't know how to build bubblenests, wild mouthbrooding bettas who think they should bubblenest and have some tank crashes and lost my breeding bns pairs.. but I came home to my apistogramma panduro pair with eggs and today my bolivian rams have found a rock they really like...
  12. Cool to see all the tanks and nice people too!!
  13. Don't any loaches near the playstation, you'll never get it back...
  14. Hope my xenotoca eisenis don't watch it... they're nasty already... gives them ideas..
  15. Now if only the betta pulchra and wild angels would get the hint....
  16. So my bettas don't like each other and have had no success with breeding them.. my plecos, kribs and assorted livebearers seem to make up for it. I have some occellattas and thought I had 3 girls. Got some dither fish to distract them and they ate them. Am cleaning their filter tonight and there's 2 fry...Will clean it out further tomorrow and see if there's any fry, Aargh, I ignore fish and they spawn...
  17. Agreed, bettas work well with most community fish. Just watch you don't mix long tails with fin nippers ie barbs..
  18. And you're still keeping them in the wedding party??
  19. And it's today and I got my fish last night.... a pair of wild angels for 50 dollars... start the car.....
  20. So everyone seems to be getting along now and the loach has been identified as "Casper the friendly loach".... Thanks for the links but no luck determining his species as of yet... Perhaps he will be the botia fishclubgirlus...
  21. Keep going... Let's see how you get kuhli, weather and sidthimunki into this...
  22. Thanks everyone for the suggestions??? The yelling seemed to have worked(or perhaps the brine shrimp pellets...) and he has found a nice home in a plant pot at one end and the synnis have the other end. I think he just wanted to fit in and make friends but the synnis weren't having it....Now to find a yoyo that sinks for him. Thanks for the website link but he is still unidentified..
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