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Everything posted by fishclubgirl

  1. So in one of my kiijiji purchases, I found a loach that needed new home. Got to pick him up and he's in a bucket on the lawn. The lady says he's very friendly.. I have a tank that I put my "rescues" in that also includes 6 lace synodontis that I got because they were 4 dollars and small and cute. Now 2 years later, they're no longer small. (or cute) . So I'm checking on the loach tonight and him and the large female syno are squabbling.. Yelling at him isn't working...Anybody have any thoughts...
  2. Yes, a planted tank without CO2 is possible and much easier. Pick the plants that don't need CO2 and high light ie crypts, amazon swords, vals, anubias, hygrophilia polysperma, java ferns, hornwort, najas grass and there's probably more... If you do get vals, don't use liquid carbon though as they will melt. This kind of tank is one of my faves!!
  3. So I'm doing a little work on the tanks now that my place is not a gazillion degrees... and am checking on the latest propagations; runners from an echinodorus grandifolious(sp) and one of the german hybrid swords and runners from a crypt usteriana (cjjerrom, you need this plant and I'm trying to get a good one for you). Then I look into one of my tanks where I've had a crypt blassi "rosanveriq" for a year and half where it's done nothing but lo and behold, there's not one but 2 runners.... My name is "fishclubgirl" and I am a rare plantaholic....
  4. I didn't know that when I bought them so I got pairs. They are in a semi agressive heavily planted community tank so I'm not worried about agression.
  5. Get them shipped to a business address.. Always someone there and there's no mail box.. Worked for me for years and gave my coworkers and employer something to talk about...
  6. Love mine but they have eaten lots of my fry..not a bad thing. They're like coming home to a tank full of puppies!!
  7. :boom:I will take my magic wand and make you disappear..... and your cories will be mine, all mine and not Superguppygirls.. Be very careful what you wish for
  8. There's some people in the CAS who know where to get it too.. I would try it but I'd probably blow something up...
  9. And they've spawned and so have my plecos.... My tanks runneth over... Had a bad month so this is great!! And I have more runners from my sword plants...
  10. I'd have to leave you there though, if I found some rare plants and you didn't fit back in the suitcase...
  11. Just a heads up for the planty people!! There's an aquatic gardeners expo in Chicago November 7-9 this year.. Am thinking of going and being a plant geek all weekend!!
  12. Excellent, just before Halloween!! Are the members of ACE going to dress as their favorite fish?? Already started saving my duckweed for Syno321...
  13. doing my betta order tomorrow am. If you want wilds ie simplex, smaragdina, mahachai or HMs(males only, I think), let me know. Wilds are about 40 dollars a pair. Sorry no pics and if you pm me, they're yours...Great chance to get thai fish at wholesale prices...
  14. Clown loaches are quite susceptible to ich unfortunately.. You might want to keep using salt as a preventative.
  15. So I lost my male koi angel and still have his ladyfriend. Gave it some thought and realised that I had a half koi male from my first breeding pair. As I enjoy breeding angelfish, thought I'd arrange an introduction.. I did have to take a piece of duckweed off him(surprise) but there's definitely some chemistry around the swordplant...
  16. Did my shopping already... so it's tomorrow!!
  17. It's called MTS(multiple tank syndrome) and it's contagious......
  18. Most commercially sold angelfish are not good parents.. You're better off to remove the eggs and artificially hatch them in another tank with some antifungal and 80 degree temps.
  19. I would check your test kit as I can't see driftwood lowering the ph that much(if so, I should've done that years ago!!). Also I'm sure with some water changes, it won't stay that low for long. Calgary water is liquid rock....
  20. No... tanks to you my fish can see again!! Enjoy!!
  21. Here's a foolproof way to breed BN; set up 2 breeding tanks with groups(one male and more females, lucky boy!!), have something for him to hide in(preferably something you ordered and got shipped in), feed them top notch algae wafers then go look in a community tank and discover a male fanning eggs behind the CO2 diffuser....
  22. I was a proud member of my junior high aquarium club but we didn't have a 580 gallon. Have put you down for them but I am going over there Sunday to make sure fish are healthy and take some of the community fish.
  23. Someone has contacted the CAS and has 5 running tanks that they wish to give away to the CAS. Largest is 5' and sounds like the smaller ones are 29 gallons. There is an Oscar and some severums as well as some community fish. I am thinking of going over there on Sunday and if you want to check it out, please pm..
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