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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by fishclubgirl

  1. Okay that attempt didn't work. I use a "speed dating" for bettas method. The next couple were more cooperative and so hopefully I'll have black copper HMs. Dad, don't eat the kids(eggs)!!!
  2. Love them!!! Have them on most of my tanks!! Mine have sponge, carbon and Bio max, I think it is. Nobel peace prize to whomever designed them!! Haven't tried any other combo as I'm pleased with them, as is.
  3. Are you looking for crypts? I have balansae and wendtii if you want some.
  4. There's also www.bettabreederscanada.com and we have online meetings monthly.
  5. What kind of media are you looking for? I can try to help you hopefully. I have stopped feeding them, and they seem to be fine. The bigger barbs have started to nibble on my Cabomba plants so I am not too worried about them staving to death. I have a cartridge filter that hangs on the back of my aquarium and I think I could add any media into the filter chamber. I think sponge or filter wool will be the easest to remove when the time comes. I have smaller aquaclears and could swap out a sponge for you to use. Let me know!!
  6. Bristlenoses are good with algae wafers or steamed pureed spinach in my experience. My tanks are planted so I don't feed them that often(I have over 2 dozen bristlenose right now). Wonder why I don't have an algae problem, hmmm!! Don't know the sizes on clown plecos though.
  7. What kind of media are you looking for? I can try to help you hopefully.
  8. You could try celery as it couldn't hurt. They like their food soft so try steaming it and let it cool. No cheese whiz for them though!!
  9. Have you been putting some algae wafers for them? They need that(I learned the hard way!!).
  10. I have 4 pepper cories that I've had for a year and half. They are max 1.5 inches though only in a ten gallon. They have bred so they must be happy there. They're so cute!!
  11. Although temperature is definitely a factor in a bettas activity level, there are other items to take into consideration. Bettas are actually social and like to flare at different male or female bettas or they get bored and listless. Water is another consideration as they like it clean and also like some almond leaves in it. Food is also a mood enhancer and NLS, Bettapro or blackworms are excellent choices. Also the quality of the fish will affect the activity level. A betta from a reputable breeder with these circumstances will be quite active at room temperature.
  12. Fleshgear, My results were tapwater 8.0, parents used brita 7.2, my Value Village filter with new cartridges 7.0. I do just use the ph drops to check the ph so test results are probably not terribly accurate. I run my aged water through the brita as I'm cleaning jars. Am putting a new pair in the spawn tank tonight so I'll see how it goes. Werner, that would make a great article, lol!!!
  13. Okay, I'm nothing but persistent. If you know of a canadian breeder, supplier, etc, please pm me with their information and I'll get in touch with them. The more fish and supplies they sell, the more interesting items they can bring in. So let's help out our local suppliers!!
  14. Our website is officially going now too. Check out www.bettabreederscanada.com and make your life betta!! We are looking at having our first show in 2010. Can't wait!! BOS is just a generation away, lol!!
  15. I got some shrimp a couple of weeks ago and moved them last weekend. They were in a heavily planted tank and I could not believe how many little ones there were. They are really good at hiding in the plants so hopefully you have some!! Try moving some of the leaves around. Let us know!!
  16. No, male and female longfin bettas can kill each other. Plakat(shortfin) can be kept together if they're raised together but I feel they're like cichlids. They are better in a group so they forget who they're fighting with. I keep some of mine as individuals in community tanks and they don't bother any other fish. They're more at risk for having their fins nipped than anything. Females can be kept together but they will nip fins. Hope this helps you out!!
  17. It's good in betta jars too and I like it for my livebearer fry tanks. Also use it for my lowlight tanks. If I have too much, I just scoop it out.
  18. The local aquarium clubs also have "for sale" ads on their websites too. The local aquarium societies are also a way to meet other breeders who aren't on alberta aquatica(poor souls).
  19. There's also canadian suppliers on aquabid and I've gotten some awesome deals on good fish there. I'm big on supporting local suppliers too!!
  20. I have a double tail female from Black Mumba. Have tried to get her a "boy" but it has been a misadventure. Decided to put an old(over 2 years) DT HM male in with her. Usually I breed my bettas when they're a LOT younger!!. Anyhow he's quite taken with her and has a nice nest going. Will add in some viagra and put them together tonight. They're both yellow DTs so should be interesting if I get any fry out of them. Let you know what happens!!
  21. I managed to pick some off by hand when my cories spawned. First time they got some fungus and no luck. Had some luck on the next spawn though. My thought is use some antifungal if you're picking them off by hand. Just a suggestion though!! Congrats on your spawn!!!
  22. Totally agreed!! I like my tanks planted with lots of cover. My fish "feel at home" and settled. Happy fish live longer and are easier to breed. I went over to one aquarist who had imported in some costly livebearers who weren't eating. They were in a totally bare tank and scared out of their minds!! When in doubt, do what Mother Nature would do!!
  23. Myself, I find it easier to clean the tanks and do bigger water changes with no gravel. Also a sad fact of life, is that fry die. It's much easier to see and clean up their corpses this way. Most fish like some kind of cover and that's what the pots do.
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