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Everything posted by fleshgear

  1. how do you know about this? i checked the cas website and there is no information there.it just says tba. where do i get more info about this jar show? is it plants only? i have a coulple of cool plants but they wont fit into a jar. this website here seems to be the best place to get updates about cas.
  2. how is your root tab test going werner? can we get another picture?
  3. You don't need to use the R/O water. But a 50/50 mix you be good. You would then need to use a declorinater.
  4. the petlands sometimes have nice ct's. might be worth checking out
  5. well the spawn i had wasn't fertilized the all turned white. absolutely no fungus with the methylene blue. i noticed the other trio of angel fish acting aggressively so i checked it out and they just spawned for the first time, so i will take those eggs out and try again.
  6. so here is the results of the tests on the two tanks i ddi a 50% water change with tap water on the weekend and also change a heater to an adjustable one. the left tank with the new heater. temp 68. the plug i pluged into did not work. good thing i checked. ph 7.6 nitrite 0.3 gh 160 kh 90 i am not sure why the nitrite was so high. might have something to do with the black water expert. the right tank was temp 80.5 ph 7.8 nitrite 0 gh 200 kh 100 both tanks the water looks the same.. kind of brownish from the black water expert i did not measure the BWE i just put some into each tank. maybe i should measure next time. also i will put a peat bag into one tank and find some spawn aid for the other tank and will test again later. i dont have any RO water right now but i have to get some, so i will probably hold off on the RO for now.
  7. the water could be the problem, 3 or 4 of the last males all ate their eggs. having that many is probably unlikely. the first 3 spawns i had i did not use any of these things. i might not have even had an almond leaf in there i can not remember. maybe i will just start over. new dechlorinated tap water and an almond leaf and half of a styrofoam cup and some java moss. there is also a few snails in the tank as well i dont know if that makes a difference or not. i will test the water in the tanks before i throw it out for ph gh and kh also nitrate and nitrite
  8. yes i did. and i tried using half reverse osmosis. which also makes the water softer and i tried using black water expert. i have not tried using spawn aid though. i have not been able to find it yet.
  9. so i had two pairs in my tanks that were doing nothing, they had a nest but nothing ever happened. I noticed the CT bad father had built a nest in his little jar so i decided to give him another try. I almost gave him away on the weekend but i wanted to give him one more try. so i guess i will see what happens. If he eats them this time he will be gone. i also put another ct pair in the other tank. on his last attempt he also ate the eggs.
  10. The glass top on one of my tanks was a little dirty / hard water stains / scratches I recently removed it and it seems to make a big difference. If I can keep the top of my tanks open I like the open style.
  11. i followed this almost to a tee, and tonight i came home to lots of eggs on an Echinodorus rubin leaf. almost did not want to cut the leaf off but i did. this is there first spawn so hopefully all goes well. they looked very confused when i took out the leaf.
  12. The tanks with betta's I never get fry out of them. Even the one tank has about 20 guppies. And no fry at all. The female betta's eat them all
  13. So far I have about 15 eggs in a ziploc bag with some peat. I will see what happens
  14. some times my fluvals leak even when they are clamped, but i can still push the top down a little bit further and when i do that they are fine. also i believe that when you are adding water with the lid on, if the water goes in the middle of the two holes it goes into the motor compartment and then just pours out above the seal. its not really leaking it is just draining out the water that was in the motor compartment. also on a few the seals in the aquastop leak if the lever is not exactly in the middle.
  15. even if the cory's did cross spawn in the community tank the chances of them not getting eaten are very slim. a while back i had ich in a few tanks and i did a salt treatment, about double the amount of recommended salt. and all the corys are fine. i lost all of my german blue and gold rams. but that was it.
  16. i would but i am not sure how much peat to use and how wet it should be? should it be in a ziploc bag? or a ziploc container? air tight? i guess i would be opening it up every other day to add more eggs, but then what?
  17. update. i just noticed my Echinodorus 'Rose' has a runner spike. it has one spot where it should flower or make a baby plant. the spike is only about 8" long right now but i did not see anything there yesterday. the plant is probably double in size now. it is amazing how fast and how much it grew in a month and a half since i took the picture. the leaves are at the top of the tank now. i also just took off the galss top i had on the tank, so it is just open now. i am not sure if it was that or that the leaves are touching the top of the water. i was going to move the plant to a different tank but i think i will wait now and see what happens. hopefully it produces some little ones.
  18. I think even though they are a mop spawner you can still put the in moist peat and let then devlop. And when you are ready you add water and they will hatch. I am not 100%
  19. i am breeding gardneri killifish. i am using a mop. i was taking the eggs out and putting them into a cup with methylene blue. they only lay about 2 eggs per day and they hatch two weeks later about 2 per day. this seems to be a steady thing. but now some of the killis are big enough to eat the little ones. i was reading somewhere that you can put the eggs into damp peat moss and they wont hatch until you want them too. i would like to try this but i am not sure how to do it. how much water? how much peat? what do i keep them in? how long can i collect eggs this way before i need to hatch them out? does anyone have any experience doing it this way? will it even work with mop spawners? i was reading that you can still use methylene blue to keep the fungus away.
  20. update. it seems to be growing fine. i will have lots of new plants from this.
  21. I really like albino and panda cories, and I've heard panda cories are harder to take care of and die easily so Ill stick with albino and I've already got 2 albino cories swimming around in my tank and wanting them to give some more to school with. but thanks for the confirmation of putting mollies in that tank i have some panda corys in a 33 gallon tank with some other type of corys and they are fine. never had a problem with any corys. i think they are a very hardy fish. i thought i killed some once by adding straight cold water. they started twitching and flipped upside down swimming in circles. once they warmed up they were fine. they are still alive today.
  22. I really like those fish. I would rather just keep them in the comunity tank all the time.
  23. i have 5 synodontis petricola one is a little under 3" and the others are about 2" I do have a 45 gallon cichlid tank with some 3 elec yellow's 3 strawberry peacock, 4 neon blue peacock, and 4 blue peacock. the last 8 are still small. this tank still has not been set up for long, only a month and still seems to be doing some weird things. not sure what but i don't want to risk putting 5 synodontis petricola in there. I have a 77 gallon planted community tank with some female betta's 3 angels, some swords a few guppies, 1 killi, 5 orange laser corys, about 20 otocinclus algae eaters, and one black molly. can i put the synodontis petricola in that tank? and will they be happy? i read that they are a peaceful fish unless the fish are much smaller than them. there is no caves or anything like that in there, but i could throw something in. maybe a cheesy decoration or something.
  24. i have swords, guppies, neons, corys, and some other fish and one black molly. i have this combination in two tanks. the molly's are fine. sometimes i add salt and somethimes like now they go with out salt for months at a time. on a side note i just noticed my albino corys spawning i took about 50 eggs out of the tank. why do you want albino corys? i think there is so many other good looking corys.
  25. i read about the endlers that only sometimes the hybirds are sterile. and most of the parents will not eat the young. in my two tanks of endlers they are all just mixed in together and they may eat some but lots of babies survive.
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