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Wingin' It

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Wingin' It

  1. I have had this happen with my Saulosi as well...I used to call mine the drag queen My hubby thought he/she was prettier than the actual females! lol
  2. I saw someone giving away some Red Wigglers on Kijiji today...will those work?
  3. Very Cool. Wish I had the space! oh and money...lol
  4. She looks nice n'big and healthy!
  5. Welcome Velma! Sounds like a lovely beginning to your fish keeping. Do you have any pics of your mommy molly?
  6. Ok, so today a NEW batch of babies popped out! that makes it 2 weeks between fry (Same parents). At this rate, i'm going to end up with a few hundred by next auction...lmao
  7. You need to cycle your tank before you add that many fish into a new tank.
  8. I only saw 2, however there was a large piece of driftwood in the tank that others may have been hiding in.
  9. I know that if you fill a bucket full of water and let it sit out overnight for a day or two that all the Chlorine will evaporate...that's as far as my knowledge extends.
  10. I was at Tanks-A-Lot today, and found a couple of gorgeous Scarlet Badis for sale today! $4.99 each but they were sooo small...probably around .5 inch at the most! I seriously thought about getting them, but decided against it. They were nicely colored and everything...if anyone out that way is looking for them, i`m sure they won`t last long now! haha.
  11. At Tanks-A-Lot they had 1 Male Green Dragon Half Moon For $10.99 (I think that's the coloration) 2 or 3 Really nice Male Lyre Tail for $9.49 (Green/Red) All were fairly young still.
  12. I have a 45 Gallon long (with a Fluval 304) with plants in it and the fish are constantly picking at the leaves...then of course the leaves float to the top...I don't know of any fish that will eat the floating ones. I do know though, that mollies/platties/guppies/endlers etc. do tend to eat cabomba and it's supposed to be healthy for them...the excess might just be something that you'll have to live with? Not a great answer, but if you find something...be sure to let the rest of us know!
  13. Just for the 'record', I had 8 Bettas in their own vases with bamboo at my wedding. They all lived for several years with the most recent death at 3.5 yrs after the wedding! I agree that unsolicited animals as gifts aren't cool...but every case is different. My wedding was small, and there were no teens, or alcohol at my wedding. I'm not a drinker, so my guests weren't allowed to be drinkers that day either...nice eh?! haha. I personally thought it was a beautiful touch to my wedding, which was very low budget and i'd do it again if I had to (assuming I had the same honest and responsible people at my wedding again!)
  14. I imported hundreds of Bettas 5 yrs ago and used many of them in glass vases at my wedding...but didn't venture into the candles...They make great gifts for your guests though...for those of them that wanted them...there was some disappointment though for some people 'cause there weren't enough! In the middle of the vases I used those Bamboo sticks you see everywhere that are growing in viles. Might be a safer alternative to the candles in case some wax/perfumes seep into the water?
  15. Love the little Clown in the Anemone...nice zoo's...I think they're beautiful! Sorry to hear of your loss! but nice job reconstructing!
  16. Today I visited RED CORAL and he says, "Bad things happen Fast!" So SW tanks are supposed to be grown slowly apparently...It's a complete learning experience for me, and I don't even have a SW tank yet!
  17. Oh man that sucks...looks like a lot of time/money was put into that tank.
  18. Any cdn sellers selling star moss??? how do you know when you're looking if they're cdn if they don't post it?
  19. I tried syphoning my fry out this afternoon...but only got 3 'cause the little guys are quick! and the parents are really quick at getting 'em to hide out until my syphon left the tank. Oh well...I guess it's going to have to be survival of the fittest.
  20. Wow...that's a lot of Bugs and such...lol
  21. Nice fish...congrats on the fry! Hopefully some will find Good hiding spots!
  22. I think I may end up doing just that...just so that I can watch these little guys grow up!
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