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Everything posted by AvianAquatics

  1. Shultz Aquatic Soil can be found in Ronas at the Garden Center... here in Calgary anyways. Werner - That explains it somewhat! I have Najas in my Cherry 10Gal and the GH in that tank is 70PPM while my two others is at 80 (due to driftwood) and 100PPM! But my light is relatively moderate.. around 2.6wpg. So if I have like over 4wpg, which is true in my other 2 tanks, then I shouldn't add any Hornworts or it'd just raise the pH.
  2. Definitely! I don't buy wild animals since it will deplete their population somewhat in the wild. Like you said the white cloud mountain minnow, even though it's gone in the wild I don't feel bad buying tank bred ones. But for fish like the Zebra Pleco and Blue Eyed Panaque I wouldn't buy them no matter how enchanting they are.
  3. My Cherry Population has been slowly decreasing over time and I don't want to stress them out more than I have to. I'm probably just going to ask people at ShrimpNow and see their opinions on it.
  4. Nice! I love the Red Lotus and the Rotala stood out for me!
  5. Maybe. I have HC at over 4WPG and they would grow some and die some so I never really formed a "true" carpet. Now I've added CO2 and found they are growing a lot more quickly and the dying areas have not really spread. But still, it pays to have both high light AND Co2.
  6. Shrimps only! So far I have: Crystal Red Shrimp Grade A, and S (Caridina cantonensis sp. "Red") Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina heteropoda var. Red) Snowball Shrimp (Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. white) Tiger Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis sp. "Tiger") Yellow Shrimp (Neocaridina Heteropoda var. yellow) And coming soon: Blue Pearl Shrimp (Neocaridina cf. zhangjiajiensis var. blue) Crystal Black Shrimp (Caridina cantonensis sp. "Bee") And probably in the far future Blue Tiger Shrimp and maybe Sulawesi shrimps
  7. I have peat so I think I will try it. Crystal - How much CO2 do you use? I added CO2 to my planted tanks about maybe 1.5 month ago so maybe they will drop soon Jvision - I never knew Hornwort can lower pH but I'll definitely keep that in mind. The only thing is all my tanks are planted so adding Hornwort will probably overtake my tanks in a matter of weeks, but we'll see. Also I was at Ronas the other day and noticed they have something called Schultz Aquatic Plant Soil which was supposed to keep pH at 7.0 and is said to be safe for all fish (so should be shrimp safe too right?). Have anyone tried something like this before and did it work?
  8. I agreee with Winging'it and Revelution. Dwarf Puffers are notorious fin - nippers and are extremely aggressive; they are best in a species tank only. I'd recommend Pea Puffers since you can keep more than GSP in a 17 Gallon tank. You'd need about 2-3 gallon/puffer, more males than females in a heavily planted tank with plenty of hiding space.
  9. Today I finally managed to get a high range pH test... and now I wish I had never gotten it. Turns out the pH in my Cherry, Crystal Red + Snowball shrimp tank is at around 8.2-8.3 and my Tiger + Yellow shrimp is at 8.0. And one of my CRS female has finally gotten pregnant again after 2 month, last time she kept on losing her eggs until there was only 2 left and I blame it on the pH. My Tigers too, I'm always having at least 1 pregnant 24/7 for 5 month now and not even one juvenile baby. Seriously if I can't get my pH lowered soon and my CRS loses her eggs again I'm gonna go and then . I know the only reliable way to lower pH is RO water; but the initial cost is a bit too high and I can't drive so I can't buy RO water (maybe I should try some hydrochloric acid? I heard they have worked for shrimp keepers). But if it's absolutely the last possible way to lower it then I guess I have no choice but dragging five gallons of water from bus to train. Any suggestions or any fish shop sell RO water?? But on the upside maybe I should get my hands on some Sulawesi shrimp ?
  10. Haha I think so too. All my shrimps have been breeding for my except the CRs, but this morning the male ones have been going all over the tank so I hope I'll see a few berried females again... and I've recently got such nice S+ too >.<
  11. Same here lol. I've wasted over $100 on CRS so far and this is my 3rd try already but I believe I will succeed this time I think it's the Calgary water that's not making them breed. When my CRS was berried she kept on loosing eggs until there was 2 left and I never knew what happened to the last 2. So I want to hear Blue Ram's secrets
  12. Yep, your deal is definitely better! I just have never seen anyone selling them in Calgary and thought no one breeds them. I haven't been able to breed mine so mind sharing some secrets ?
  13. I saw some Crystal Red Shrimp at Pisces today, all nice and active (no deads) unlike the last time I bought from them (only 2 out of the 10 survived). They cost seven bucks each and range mostly from C, B, a few Grade As, and I even found myself a S+ V- Band! He's a little stressed right now but I hope he's got some solid white and red coloration. They are definitely nice shrimps!
  14. I always wondered too and quite expensive from the looks of it.
  15. A cutie *come and give me a kiss* lol And are breeding short body texas the same as normals or is it slightly harder?
  16. Yeah welcome! I've always wanted to try a saltwater tank but don't seem to have the money or the space for it
  17. I second jewels. ALL fish will try to eat shrimps if they are given a chance. Your shrimp WILL survive and continue to breed but you'll just see less babies and juveniles and your shrimp colony will take longer to grow... As for schooling fish my favorite has always been the Black Phatom Tetras... I once had 2 males together and every morning they'd turn a stunning silver - black. Also maybe try some Diamond Tetras?
  18. Aww cute :3 Your kitty catty is so cute and nice... it makes me want to adopt a cat one day!
  19. Nice! Maybe I'll go get some on Monday... but last time I went they didn't have any I like :/
  20. 2 years ago my dad drove the fish tanks all the way from Windsor On to Calgary. We had some fish but surrendered them to the pet shops. All we had in that tank was cherry shrimps (they were in the car day and night for like 5 days, minimum water and probably huge flux in temperature) and they made it alive here. I'm thinking if you have hardy fish and driving with the tank it might be an option to bring the fish with you. Maybe just take out the gravel so their skin doesn't get scraped off.
  21. AvianAquatics


    Welcome to AA!
  22. He's lovely! Lol I want to get some angels but they seem to only last a day in my tanks o.o
  23. Your light seems fine and Anubius doesn't need any special care like Co2. I think it might be lack of nutrients like iron, magnesium, etc. Try dosing it with Flourish Comprehensive Supplement from Seachem.
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