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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Easiest is to upload them to Photobucket and then post a share link when you're posting here. You can also attach them to your post but you'll run out of allowed pics fast.
  2. Ron

    New Finnex Leds

    I've been told they're trying to keep pricing close to the current fixtures but no date set for release. I'll probably order as soon as they announce the pre-sale.
  3. Ron

    New Finnex Leds

    I'm waiting for the new ones, I love the control I have with my AI Hydra 52s on my reef tank. I don't need the same control over my shrimp tank but the ability to dim will be cool.
  4. Ron

    New Finnex Leds

    I saw this on another forum and I thought I should share. I was about to purchase a Finnex fixture but I think I'll wait now. http://www.theaquaticplantsociety.org/finnex-the-new-breed-is-coming/
  5. Is your TDS creeping up due to the Seiryu?
  6. The PRL tank isn't up yet but the space is cleared, tank is being built, ADA soil on it's way, all new filters and membrane in RO/DI and the filters I plan to use are cleaned and ready to go. Inert stone would be awesome, kinda of why I haven't used the Seiryu. I'd be in for some Dragon stone, I'll have to check out Manten.
  7. Very inspiring. I have 50lbs of Seiryu stone that's been sitting in my closet for the last 3 years. Maybe after my PRL tank is running smooth, I'll use set up an Iwagumi tank.
  8. Ron

    Foot Valve?

    I use spring clamps to secure the hose so it flows horizontally. http://www.homedepot.ca/product/hdx-22pcs-spring-clamp-set/891606
  9. I wouldn't do it, I used to play a lot of Paintball back when compressed air was just coming out and CO2 was the norm. I don't know if the big tanks come with anti-siphon tubes but even with them, small 20oz tanks would feed liquid Co2 and cause havoc. I would be careful as it could freeze your regulator and malfunction. Angle, I might be able to accept but not horizontal.
  10. Ron

    Custom Tanks

    They are hosting a frag swap on the 7th, I am hoping they offer discounts on their custom tanks.
  11. Old post but did you ever consider titanium heaters?
  12. Looks good, always a need for more tank raised Sulawesi.
  13. Great info. How long have you been using the same substrate? I know there are people out there who think having a canister connected to the UGF will exhaust the substrate very quickly, what have you found? What size Eheim do you use for your 23 gallon tanks? Thanks, Ron
  14. Thanks. Do you have any details on the set ups and the parameters. I believe you've outlined your old set ups before but it would be interesting to see how you've changed them especially with your great results.
  15. Looks cool but not very practical. I wouldn't want to do any heavy chopping on it if it was glass and it would eventually get scratched up if acrylic. If you want it made of glass, Concept could easily make it but I bet your warranty would be void as soon as the countertop went on.
  16. Ron

    Custom Tanks

    I don't think multi piece float glass euro braces are very expensive. Mine was expensive because it was one piece, Starphire glass and polished edges. If you are planning for a bunch of custom tanks, have them designed and quoted now and buy them on Boxing Day when custom tanks are 20% off.
  17. I did scale everything back but it was mainly due to health problems, I am hopefully on the road to recovery now so I can start planning a new tank. I am actually discussing a group order with Frank right now but he won't even let me make the order till I have my health under control, he definitely values friends over money.
  18. Great job! I think my next tank will be for PRL.
  19. Ron

    Custom Tanks

    I think it depends on the size of the tank and thickness of glass you want. You could always go with a one piece eurobrace that looks awesome but will increase tank cost by 40%.
  20. Fishless. Bottle of ammonia, your test kit and your ready to rock. Depending on what concentration you use, you could be able to fully stock once you're done.
  21. Go get a bottle of pure ammonia, you can then control the amount of ammonia. Once you're done with the fishless cycle, you can fully stock your tank.
  22. You should be good. Your model was probably built years after they were having the leak problems. Probably more bio filter than you need in a planted tank but you'll have the capacity for a higher bioload if you decide on more fish than your plants can handle. I've got plenty of Eheims running (2213, 2075 Pro 3, 2076 Pro 3e, 2078 Pro 3e and a 2262) and a few on the shelf (2213, 2217, 2 x 2075 Pro 3 and 2078 Pro 3e), I've never had a problem with any of them. Gets a little pricey to fill some of them with media but your Pro 3 should have the media included.
  23. So you didn't add it to the new water first? It's still more effective if you add it to the new water instead of the tank. If you added the new water and then the prime, the chlorine may have done it's damage already. How big of a water change did you do? Bottle says a double dose is safe. When I was on city water, I would let it age a day or two with a power head to provide agitation.
  24. Are you sure your adding enough Prime? I think they've been adding extra chlorine to deal with the run off.
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