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Everything posted by Okotoks

  1. Has anyone imported live fish before and what are the obstacles? I have relatives in Southeast Asia and I was hoping to get some wild caught gobies sent over.
  2. I seen a lonely halfbeak at petland shawnessy this afternoon. I've always wanted a school of them but never been able to find a store with more than 2 for sale. I hear the fry are nearly an inch long when born.
  3. I have tanks running both. Flourite is amazing stuff and I find the fluval stuff great, but messy if you have large bottom dwellers that disturb the soil like a big Plecoptera or sun catfish.
  4. I just picked up a bunch of Mickey Mouse Platies and hope to have some luck with them. I have some swordtails that breed like rabbits.
  5. I just bought a Fluval c3 HOB and it is fantastic but like the others said, Aquaclear is great choice.
  6. I used a 2 liter coke bottle like most sites say. I then used a air valve. The next morning I was cleaning sugar water off every surface in my fish room Now I just run the tubing into the power head intake. I use a heavier plastic bottle now as we'll.
  7. I don't use a heater on one of my CRS tanks but I do have an under substrate heater on a 35 gallon with fluval flora substrate. It's a simple length of flexible cable I think I got it at Big Al's Calgary and it works fine.
  8. Has anyone ever had issues using Seachem Clarity In a tank with shrimp? I have a 20 g cycling and added a cap of the stuff. I plan to add cherry reds and otocinclus in about 8 days.
  9. Photo taken on iPhone 4. I am not injecting CO2, just adding 1/2 to 3/4 Flourish excel every day. Using 2 CFL 14 watt bulbs for lighting. The terrible looking green twig at the back left of the last pic is a Rotalla I rescues from a relatives dying tank.
  10. This is a 10 gallon tank I have in my computer room. Plants are lots og giant hairgrass. Rotalla Wallachii, and a crypt. One retired old female guppy, countless red cherry shrimp and a few snails.
  11. I am having a hard time posting photos. Each photo I wish to post is over the 1MB limit. Is there a photography program I need to install in order to post the photos? Pics are from a iPhone 4 if that helps.
  12. So i just planted Tennelus and Rotala Walachii in a 20g tall that I have had cycling for 3 weeks. Substrate is 3-4cm of fluval flora. Using an 18" flora glo bulb for lighting. Also have CO2 injection. Livestock includes 4 snails, 20 cherry red shrimp and 7 feeder minnows. So far the minnows havent bothered the shrimp. The tank sits in my computer room which gets a ton of natural sunlight in the afternoon and evening. Will this natural sunlight improve plant growth or stunt it? I am pretty sure that algae is going to love the sunlight. I will post pics once the wife gets home with the iPhone.
  13. My 29 gallon shrimp tank hasnt had a water change in 6 months. I have 3 centimetres of fluval shrimp substrate. Plants are a full carpet of echinodorus tennelus and a pile of shoots of spiral val in the back hiding the hoses and filter pipes. I add a cap of nutrafin plant-gro every second week as well as a DIY CO2 bubbling through a powerhead. Everything is bright green with the odd small brownish tip on the val. Shrimp colony is too large to count.
  14. So my wife brought home an Aluminum Plant, which is a terrestrial plant. Yeah it looks good in her tank but I know it's going to die if not transplanted. My question is this. The plant stem seems weak from being supported under water so long, how do I go about putting it into a pot? Just set the roots in loose potting soil and support it with some sticks like I would for tomatoes? I have a spare 10 gallon tank and a bag of potting soil. Would this thing do well if I were to make the 10 gallon a Riparium/terrarium setup?
  15. Excellent, thanks folks. The other fish are all active and healthy. I am going to test eveything before and after adding new plants next time. Thanks again =)
  16. I have a 33 gallon planted tank with 2 swordtails, 2 dwarf flame gourami, 2 endlers and 5 neon tetras, 2 otocinclus, as well as an uncountable amount of cherry red shrimp. When I came home yesterday all 5 neons were dead on top of the glossostigma carpet. They must have been dead for a couple hours, because the shrimp were having a feast on their remains. The only change I made to the tank in the last few months was adding 4 Valisneria plants on Saturday morning. I know of neon tetra disease but these 5 were all bright and active, showing no signs at all yesterday morning before leaving for work. I do dose ferts, but I go really light on dosing so as not to injure the shrimp or Ottos's, using about 1 cap of flourish excel every 2nd week.. I am using a Marineland c-160 canister filter with no carbon, only bio balls and polisher pads. Tank temp is at 25 degrees and Ph is 6.9. If anyone has any clues as to what may have killed just the neons please offer any help. Also the gouramis are gentle and don't even bother my shrimplets at all.
  17. I was just curious if anyone has seen any of these guys in Alberta fish stores yet. Here is a link with a little info..http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/content.php?sid=60
  18. I enjoy having about 10 in my 33 gallon planted/shrimp tank. I have 2 assassins in there and use the lettuce trap from time to time if they get out of hand.
  19. Could some of the Calgary and Lethbridge area members point me to some good pond supply stores? I live in Okotoks and we haven't got too much to choose from here. Our home depot has stuff aimed more for home improvement and little int he ways of ponds/gardening. I would like to put in a smaller 55-75 gallon pond in my backyard this spring. Thanks.
  20. I have been cycling a 33 gallon tank for about 3 weeks now with no plants and only 6 neon tetras in it right now. I was thinking of making it onto a nearly pure Orinoco river biotope, but I am unsure of what plant species and even what livestock would look good. Any suggestions?
  21. I had a 25 gallon sitting on 2 of these. http://www.ikea.com/ca/en/catalog/products/20011408/
  22. I have 2 in my 20g planted/shrimp/endler tank and they do a fine job. I found it took 2 months before the 2 assassins started to do their job. I believe snails take a longer time to get accustomed to their new homes and start the assassinating.
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