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Everything posted by epiphany

  1. I'd buy it online, way cheaper. I got 2 of the 100ml bags and a new air pump for something like $2 more than I could have got the bags for at big als, and that's including shipping. I got my stuff from JL aquatics
  2. I've got some on order right now for both my tanks, hoping it lives up to what i've read. I've had it in my tank for ~8 hours now, it's already easy to see a difference in the lack of tannins. Should be quite clear given 24 hours. Definitely worth the money.
  3. I've got some on order right now for both my tanks, hoping it lives up to what i've read.
  4. You could get a smaller aquaclear filter for your tank just for polishing. Stuff it full or purigen and filter floss, it sure would keep the cost down over going with a new canister.
  5. Did a bit of looking and came upon this: http://www.bettafish.com/showthread.php?t=29402 . It seems like to get a proper number you'd be overstocking your tank.
  6. Saw those when I went today. Way better looking than the females I usually see at pet stores. Many nice red and blue ones. I ended up getting 7 oto's for $14.
  7. epiphany


    What kind of hours do they do? I stopped by yesterday at around 3:30 and they weren't open.
  8. Having a filter would definitely be better than no filter. What kind of water change schedule do you do?
  9. If they're unfiltered you could use a small handful of the gravel from your established tank to bring the bacteria over. Just make sure the water in the new tank is treated before you do that
  10. I need a heater for my 35g tank, as room temperature is 68-72f and I am going to be keeping angels in there so would like to keep the temperature around 76 or something. Since there's little price difference between the 150w and the 300w heaters, would I want to get a heater made for a larger tank that should in theory heat the tank up faster and be on less, or one made more for this size that will likely spend more time on but taking less power? As well is there any difference between brands other than looks and pricing? Thanks.
  11. Excellent, I think I'll start stocking in the coming week. I figure I'll add the angels last just to make sure my biological filtration is a bit more caught up with the other fish before adding them. And I'll for sure post pictures once things get going.
  12. Tank looks awesome, how many watts is the aquatic life fixture? And is that a GLO fixture I see as well?
  13. I'm liking the looks of the golden barbs. So this is my current plan, if anybody has suggestions or concerns I'd love to hear them. 2 black velvet angelfish, will hopefully be able to get a pair already together. 5-7 cherry barbs, probably 6 or 7 though. 4 ottos, and il start with 2-3 Amani shrimp, and if none of the fish seem to eat or bother with the amanos then I'd probably add a couple more. Filtration and lighting will stay the same unless I find I need more filtration in which case I'll get another hob filter. I'm thinking about getting some floating plant like frogbit which I'll use some airline and suction cups to sort of corral it in one area. How does this sound to everyone?
  14. Would tiger barbs work with angels? I've seen a few sites say they're usually fine but I've also seen sites saying not to keep tigers with long finned fish as they may nip at them
  15. Will a pair be away from the rest of the fish if I go looking to buy a pair, or is there an easy way to pick a pair?
  16. I'm not planning on doing c02 or switching to a canister on this tank. I would like to stick with my current filtration but if that won't be enough I'd pick up a second hob. Would they leave Amani shrimp alone or would they become snacks? And without being able to easily tell them apart would there be any aggression issues having 2 males or 2 females, or so I just lose the breeding aspect?
  17. That's awesome then, I love the look of angels but didn't think I'd be able to house them in this tank. Are there certain angel species to look for/avoid? I've seen black Angels at riverfront and I like their looks, other than colour is there a difference between those and other angels? How exactly would I pick a pair, are the males and females easy to tell apart? And how many of the tetras or barbs would I want, 5 or so? And would Angels leave ottos alone?
  18. Would angels not get too large for a 35? I thought that to keep angels I would need more along the lines of 60 gallons.
  19. Hey everybody, I've recently set up a 35g tank with the dimensions of 30lx12dx22h, and am unsure of what fish to actually be putting in there. Some info on the tank: 35g, flourite substrate with driftwood. Currently is lightly planted with cabomba and temple. Light is 2x24w T5HO lights about 6" above the water. Filtration is an aquaclear 50 and a sponge filter in the rear corner of the tank. I would like to have a few larger fish(2"-3") or something, and a school of small fish. I was thinking about doing something along the lines of a few gouramis (powder blue maybe) and a school of celestial pearl danios. I'm not set on either of those fish, but just know I want a few bigger 'centerpiece' type fish and a school of small fish. I also would like to have a few ottos and a few amano shrimp to help keep things clean. Going by this, does anyone have some suggestions on what would be nice in here? If I forgot to mention anything please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you in advance! A picture of the tank can be seen here: http://i.imgur.com/ysy4k.jpg
  20. I know Big Als on 32nd had apistos a month or two when I was there.
  21. I can't remember all of them at the moment, but if I remember correctly the one in the back left corner is called Temple, I don't remember what the one next to it is at the moment, the third one in is called Mayaka. The back right corner is called cabomba, and the one next to it is another one I cannot remember right now. That's good news then. I'd rather not have to constantly trim plants but wouldn't want them to be dying due to the lack of CO2. I'll probably just pick up a bottle of excel next time I'm out and use that once in a while to supplement the plants.
  22. My 10 gallon tank: 2x13w daylight CFL bulbs 1.5" from water Marineland penguin 100 filter Glass top Aquarium gravel with API first layer Flora: 1x java fern, 1x crypt, 1x mayaka, 1x dwarf hairgrass, 1x anubias barteri, 1x temple, 1x cabomba, some java moss and 3 unknown plants. Fauna: 4x otocinclus I will be adding a small school of fish in the coming week or two. I'm just trying to decide between doing a group of tetras, some celestial pearl danios or some white cloud mountain minnows. I'm wanting something that's pretty colourful that schools but stays small. Anybody else have some suggestions?
  23. Thanks for the compliments, the plants have only been in the tank for two weeks now, so I can't take much credit on their looks haha.I bought a bottle of flourish today and will be dosing that once or twice a week. And yeah I saw the little snowglobe in my closet about a week ago and just knew it had to be in the tank, gave it a good cleaning first of course though.
  24. Hey guys, I'm fairly new to the planted thing and was wondering if this is something that would be needed in my tank. My tank can be seen Here. A shop near me has it on for $42.99, but is currently 20% off so it would be ~$35. First up is do I need CO2, or will I be fine the way it is? If I need it, is this system any good, as well as how long would one of those little bottles last? If it's not that good/if there is better for similar pricing could somebody please inform me? Thanks.
  25. My 10 gallon tank: 2x13w daylight CFL bulbs 1.5" from water Marineland penguin 100 filter Glass top Aquarium gravel with API first layer The large piece of wood is only a decoration unfortunately and isn't real, I will likely redo this tank at some point with real wood down the line though. There is a large chunk of some kind of clear rock/glass that was in my basement that I tossed into the tank also. Mickey Mouse is my little buddy in there too. Flora: 1x java fern, 1x crypt, 1x mayaka, 1x dwarf hairgrass, 1x anubias barteri, 1x temple, 1x cabomba, some java moss and 3 unknown plants. Fauna: 4x otocinclus
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