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Everything posted by SuperGuppyGirl

  1. Most commonly asked questions so thought since I was up I'd ask, and hopefully be able to help were they pregnant ? their gravid spot really big? where did you get them from? water parameters ? tank size? when did you start the tank? what else is in the tank?
  2. Read up on the laterite and thinking might do that in a smaller tank as I will be converting all my tanks over eventually lol BUTTTTT I got the quikrete sand and will be spot feeding the plants now just have to catch the fishy in the first tank and move them over -05- so I can put in and start decorating EEEEE is excited!
  3. might have to pop out and raid some more plants and some snails LOL as I got 2 bags of play sand for the big tank revamp
  4. lol the nanoluteas are apparently safe with small medium live bearers so can really get the tank to shine hoping and apparently breed like rabbits too, as for plants house plants usually die on me in a week, his have lasted around 2 so might just be super plants lol and thinking they help keep the plants clean as always see them on them and the black fuzzy algae is starting to go away so thinking is a good thing lol just added an albino BN to each side of the 35G split as everyone at AC said the Ottos would get hammered on by the kribs and so far they last 2 days now but am waiting to see if the SK male and RK female laid eggs before I move that tank around, the SK female was a total bag to the RK male so she is sitting in my breeding trap, nipped his tail but good so on a time out, and going to move some stuff around before she goes back in, hoping the guy who wanted my 2 common plecos hurries up with his tank revamp so I can free up some space otherwise they are being posted for free on here
  5. OOOOOO!!! Hope so love to see them I have a powder blue oddball I'm going to try breeding, Good Luck
  6. Ummmm...when mine do that, they're...ahem...frustrated LOL, sexing is pretty much the same as guppies, and as for the cross breeds, I know the platy/molly crosses are fertile but I have had guppies and platies in the same tank for months on end and never seen them attempt my girls, any pics so want to see
  7. try this link, but you should have no problems with them as you breed bettas http://www.tropicalfishkeeping.com/profiles/licorice-gourami/ or this one http://fish.mongabay.com/species/Parosphromenus%20deissneri.html and so see why they got you if they are anything like the pics I have seen FABULOUS! and I thought the sparkling were nice.
  8. Ottos, so going to try those, they are so adorable, mu corys kind of investigate everything so might be problematic lol and so agree about Spruce's tanks actually wanted to do it so much I bought the cryptoheros nanaluteas females off Jvision and found a male at AC (they had them labelled as Lemon lime cichlid and they supposedly do okay with small to medium live bearers so WIN! As for shrimp I tossed in around 5/6 ghost shrimp and it was HELLO LUNCH but at least only out $5, and thinking some of Spruce's snails hitched a ride on the plants as well cause saw several in the tanks not sure what kind they are (red brown curly circle shells) so hopefully they will help keep the plants clean ....oh and yeah the scarlet female took a liking to the reg Krib male, her belly colors went ballastic after he was in the tank like 5 minutes so hopefully he feels the same LOL,thanks guys been adding flourish excel to hopefully kill the angel hair algae, and so running out to get Ottos tomorrow and then shopping for some sand lol
  9. I put mine in my fry tank after i get them cause then i know they get lots to eat right away but granted its mainly a guppy fry so easy to renew if they occasionally eat the fry dont think they do but never really paid too much attention
  10. Hope so, damn i put in like 3 pots, propped a ceramic half log on a rock and got a weird barrel thing for caves and they have been hanging out in it alot so hoping got another male and hoping my other girl likes him, just have to figure for out what type of algae eater works for them, what did you have with them DragonNeko?
  11. Hmmm mixing sands sounds pretty cool not sure about putting dirt under though plants in dirt tend to die on me lol might have to look into it really want to look in the tank and see a background of greenery to offset the fishes
  12. Tried my hand at researching because I liked the name and saw in 2 out of 3 sites that they can eat your plants to the root but one site suggested Duckweed for their plant craving and java fern/moss they don't like, can't hurt to try it, http://animal-world.com/encyclo/fresh/cichlid/UaruCichlid.php but did say shouldn't be kept singly, sorry
  13. So I have narrowed down the multitude of choices to either pool filter sand or playsand, (suggestions, pros, cons) with MTS and possibly a few assassins at a later date to help control the population, pick up some Flourish (only have 2 regular fluorescent bulbs in lid) to help promote plant growth, going with Java Fern, Chain Sword, Cryptocoryne, Anubias, and Riccardia Chamedryfolia (new moss) this gorgeous carpet like plant that is probably going to be hard to find, stocking options in this tank are corys (variety of them), neons, rummy noses, 1 dwarf gourami, dwarf plecos, rasboras, WCM, and am trying to decide between S/A dwarf cichlids/ aphistos or African dwarf cichlids, trying to set up a plan beforehand so I don't screw up (like I did with guppies ) or perhaps some suggestions for stocking as well, please share your ideas whether yea or nay Adding again to this sorry...but was thinking for fish, 1 breeding pair of aphistos due to limited bottom space with my cory fetish and say a breeding trio of yellow convicts, is this doable? Pretty much a newb outside of live bearers...thanks again
  14. So I had 3 male Scarlet Kribensis and a female, that just didn't seem to pair off, lots of nipping no actual damaged fins but ALOT of chasing (35G tank small gravel, 5 terra cotta pots spaced around tank) and the poor lil girl was chased out of all 5 hidey holes, so I went looking around and found homes for 2 males, keeping the biggest scarlet male and the female, started feeding black worm still no purple belly, he would sometimes swim with her and sometimes nip and chase her off, added some real plants (Thanks Spruce Gruve) dwarf chain sword, chain sword, cambomba and some root less stem thing that floats (from DragonNeko), still no purple belly double checked and yes it is a girl, finally got another female (regular krib) and popped her in the tank, she chased the poor scarlet female so much she started getting severe stress lines and not eating, sectioned her off in the end of the tank and few days stress lines gone and she is eating and attacking the hard cross stitching mesh I used to separate when the other female is close, almost immediately after I added the new female to the tank (within 2-3 days) of the black worm the regular Krib started sporting the big purple belly, the male swims more with her and doesn't chase her off but she sometimes does to him, so thinking they paired off been slowly raising heat to 84F so how long till the eggs and how will I know (first attempt on egg layers)....thanks peoples Almost for got have 6 rasboras in there for dither fish and with possibility of eggs any algae cleaners I can put in with these guys, eaters of the brown variety and angel hair variety in a high sun light area
  15. Could that possibly one of those rose/flier tail bettas?
  16. Gorgeous blues and so want all the ones in the second thread but probably crossbreed and destroy the colirs if i had a these all together in a 20g long *sigh* but the splash of darting colors amidst a lush green background would look so amazing
  17. If I ever get ambitious enough to do this I would probably go for a neon color like green and have it peep out around some chrome edging that would be attached to the outside corners of the tank if possible
  18. LOL no silks I wish, my tanks are cheap so plastic, but am keeping the guppy tank fake as hoping if the kidlets see how nice real plants look then maybe I can get rid of them lol thanks so much guys and gals, going to do a revamp on the 75G column sand, plants nice slate decor and no more tacky neon unless they are fish
  19. I have found they are extremely helpful, and have an interesting selection of fish, and are decently priced plus can pick up some oddballs for cheap, got a hillstream loach there classified as butterfly pleco for like 6-7 dollars, and golden eared corys sold as bronzes for like 3 dollars each, Shawn and Randy are the ones I chat while there
  20. So currently have been using fake decor but am super jealous of the gorgeous planted tanks I see LOL but I have issues keeping house plants alive except Xmas (zygo) cactuses, tried my hand with java moss but even that died any suggestions of low maintence easy beginner plants to start with? Freshwater set up mostly live bearer community tanks, well rounded gravel, and regular fluorescent lighting, the thing is I would rather not go buy a bunch of expensive equipment to find out my black thumb extends to aquatic greenery as well, here's to hoping :smokey:
  21. Never had an issue from my other fish eating the algae wafers, a little bit of veggies are good for them as far as I know
  22. Picking up this stuff at G&E Pharmacy monday so going to grab both, just tired of losing fish, thinking the guppies are going to be a species only tank with some plecos.
  23. Worms again, was good for 2 weeks then boom saw it again, was told that the piperazine gets the eggs too where levamisole doesn't, just trying to get rid of it
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