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Everything posted by Quetzalcoatl

  1. Too many fish for a small new tank, perhaps the first 2 or 3 goldfish died of natural causes, but they unleashed an chain reaction as their little bodies and other waste contaminated your water. The cloudiness is a good indication of ammonia/bacteria spikes. Every tank and filter needs time to settle a healthy colony of bacteria. You can also buy living bacteria colonies already stablished at your local fish store. Like that Biomax stuff for sell at pisces pet.
  2. wow my fancy snails never breed, I only manage to breed pest snails
  3. I have an empty room in my home with a big window facing the sun, I have a 75 gallon fish tank just in front of it. I have no filter, heater, lights, or co2 system, Just the power of the sun and air bubbles Plants grow nicely in there, and I keep endler guppies. There is nothing like the power of the sun
  4. They sell these guys sometimes as feeders in pisces in calgary. I have a few, they are sturdy little cute fish.
  5. how big are your fish? little fish are more likely to die but big fish handle well the treatment and get better in about two weeks
  6. This hobby is very addictive. Fish are very interesting creatures, and a nicely planted tank brings some beauty and peace into your home
  7. During my childhood I enjoyed capturing these little monsters and growing them up. You can feed them mosquito larvae.
  8. just to clarify chocolate cichlids and Uarus are two different fish, I keep chocolate cichlids and they never bug my plants.
  9. your problems just started, wait until you get into monster fish
  10. I have been thinking of getting some of this for my discus tank, Finally the discus don't bug my cherry shrimp, but you never know with fish....this ones might look more yummy
  11. You can get an army of snails, they clean my rocks nicely, also you can get a hill stream loach, they feed on algae. Some shrimp also will go for it. This is a natural long term solution. Also if your tank is heavily planted algae has less nutrients to develop and grow.
  12. The worms will go away if you avoid excess feeding your fish. The other one is a dragon fly larva. It will eat any small fish and other critters in the tank.
  13. What are you doing with your broken tank? I have been thinking about experimenting doing a plywood tank. So if you plan to dispose of it, let me know
  14. I really don't do anything special in my tanks for plants. I just have T5 high output lights. With this and a simple white sand substrate my val's grow and reproduce like mad, as well as the water lettuce I keep Crypts too, but they don't reproduce. All my swords have slowly disappeared from my tanks.
  15. Fish are cold blooded animals, just put it on the freezer, the temperature will drop slowly, and with that his metabolism, until it reaches the point of no return. His heart will stop and after that the rest of his body will freeze. I have euthanized some fish this way, and it is amazing how their frozen bodies show no sign of stress. They seem to die peacefully.
  16. I keep chocolate cichlids, they love to eat snails. Their tank is 100% snail free. I give them snails as feeders and you can hear their shells breaking inside their mouths. I am sure you could offer some of your adult snails for free and some people will take them as feeders or to breed them I personally don't mind snails in my tanks. I think they play a role cleaning the tank and cause little damage to my plants.
  17. This would not work with aggressive fish, they will fight their reflexion to death.
  18. Are the angels your biggest fish in the tank? Not all fish breath the same. I keep bichirs and a snake head. Both of these fish actually breath air and swim to the top to take a breath every few minutes. However my discus never do this, they have a different breathing system. If your other fish are smaller or less active they might require less oxygen, thus you don't notice a change in behaviour.
  19. I think your tank might be over crowded. They are doing this because they are not getting enough oxygen from their water. While you can afford a larger tank with good filtration my advice is frequent 30% water changes. You will notice that after a water change their behaviour will go to normal for a while. If after the water change, they still do the same, you might have a different problem perhaps too many plants and not enough light? so, the plants are consuming the oxygen.
  20. I have the impression that my fish live in some sort of permanent spring in a tropical paradise, their tanks are always heated and the length of their days is always the same. My convicts and endlers breed all year round next to my pest snails. However my other fish and shrimp don't breed at all
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