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Everything posted by The_Little_One

  1. I wouldn't suggest it unless you clean your tanks very often. Pea puffers are awesome but dirty up small tanks quick. If you do decide to add more, I'd cap it at 3. What else is In the tank?
  2. IMO, you should steer clear of bright colored substrates - especially white sand. It can make your livestock skittish and also tend to dull their colors. Dark is always better. As for cheap alternatives, I've been using small gravel from old-school playgrounds and it's been great. I've also dug up the side of stream-beds with sand rich in iron - which my native plants are loving.
  3. Best tank choices ever. Good luck with the new setup(s).
  4. I caught my first river shrimp today and I'm hoping to get a small native cold water tank going. I love this thread.
  5. I've read that nerites tend to head for the waterline when there's issues with the water quality. It's their method of escaping for an alternative water source. Check your parameters to be safe?
  6. These little guys slay. They're super hardy and look rather nice IMO. Got several of them in my Fluval Ebi and they're doing great.
  7. You may have seen a chinese algae eaters by accident - they look very similar and get much bigger than Ottos.
  8. I found an adjustable fully submersible heater for $8 at Big Al's. STOKED.
  9. I know the Pisces in Calgary was selling them for $99 each and there's some small heaters out there for $15-$20 that work very well. Not that much of an investment for a decent product that will bring hours and hours of enjoyment...
  10. Hey folks. I just picked up a new fluval ebi for an invert tank and I imagine there are plenty of other owners in this community forum. Please feel free to post your thoughts, reviews, custom changes, and suggestions here. I'd love to see/hear how other people have been enjoying their ebi's and would benefit from advice from seasons vets. First thought/suggestion - I was a little annoyed the filter didn't come with the carbon insert to begin with. I found them for $4 at Riverfront though, so not that pricey. Phew! Also, I heard that loosely stuffing the first slot of the filter with angel hair helps speed up the filtration process. Thoughts? Cheers.
  11. Hey folks. I just picked up a fluval ebi last week and I'm trying to find out a cost-effective heater that would work for it. I'm hoping to have the tank heated at 76-78F and would greatly appreciate suggestions. I'll need a heater that is fully submersible and small. Please advise? Thanks!
  12. Hey folks, I was out of town over the weekend and had a friend feed my fish while I was away. I noticed some small white spots on the glass and driftwood. Not very many, but little groups of 3 - 4 at once. I've tried reading up on google but can't stand how many contradictory articles there are. Does anyone know what this is? Could it be harmful to my fish? Help!?
  13. Each crayfish has it's own personality. Mine is far more herbivorous than most. He only ever nibbles at bloodworms - but he's always munching on my plants. You may be surprised - and the danios are fast enough to steer clear even in the event of a challenge.
  14. Please don't support the purchase of glo-fish.
  15. I'd suggest something themed like a small river tank. 7 danios (zebra, leopard, longfin, etc) 1 dwarf puffer 3 zebra nerite snails 1 red lobster crayfish (optional) Get a small current going and voila! River stones to fill out the bottom of the tank...
  16. Sadly I awoke this morning to seeing my little dwarf frog had passed at some point during the night. No more frogs will be entering this aquarium for now. The hornwort just sorta blows around inside the tank - should I be anchoring it to anything up top? My snails have been working like a boss. Very pleased with them - and they're much faster than I thought.
  17. My thoughts exactly. I've read that ghost shrimp eat algae and occasional scraps - so I figured they'd always be a safe bet to try out first seeing as they're hardy and cheap to boot. It is a dwarf frog - my bad. I see the other type(s) would get much much larger. He seems to be doing well so far, and there's a couple patches of hornwort that offer him access to the surface for prolonged periods if need be. Eventually I'd like to get a dwarf puffer or two to balance out the ramshorn snails. I think it's all coming along quite well so far. Thanks for the questions and suggestions.
  18. Interesting... according to the lighting chart in this forum I've got high-lighting. There is too much conflicting info out there... From what I can tell it's super bright and I think it's roasting nearly everything - and there was a big algae outbreak two days ago as well, so that also leads me to think all the more that it's high-light. I've heard bad things about ferts and inverts - and I'd like to keep things as natural as possible; no additives, chemicals, etc. The watts per gallon rule doesn't apply to t5ho lighting. The chart was created using a par meter which is a device that measures useable light. As for nutrients, I can assure you that they will not hurt your lifestock but I can understand if thats not the path you want to go on. Your best bet if you want to keep things as low maintenance as possible is to remove one bulb. Light drives demand for co2 and for nutrients. The less light you have the less you need of the latter. Do you think the canopy will stork work safely with only one bulb running? Thanks for the advice!
  19. Update: 12 leopard danios 4 otoclinus 1 ghost knife 1 crayfish (red lobster) 1 betta 1 african dwarf clawed frog 6 zebra nerite snails 2 zebra thorn snails 1(2) hitchhiking ramshorn snails?
  20. Interesting... according to the lighting chart in this forum I've got high-lighting. There is too much conflicting info out there... From what I can tell it's super bright and I think it's roasting nearly everything - and there was a big algae outbreak two days ago as well, so that also leads me to think all the more that it's high-light. I've heard bad things about ferts and inverts - and I'd like to keep things as natural as possible; no additives, chemicals, etc.
  21. I'm really new to all this stuff... The blubs are GE Ecolux High Output, 39W, 6500K. Two fit into my canopy and the canopy has a reflective layer within.
  22. I've got two T5HO lights directly above my tank - according to one of the charts on this forum that makes it a high-light tank. I don't mind trimming now and then, but I want to try and find plants that will survive without me messing around with ferts - they can harm my other livestock. (At least that's what I've come to think at present).
  23. Very interesting. Which get the tallest out of those three? I assume a root tab is some kind of mineral deposit for the plant?
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