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Edmonton Moderator
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Everything posted by Vallisneria

  1. Great to hear Hope they continue to do well
  2. Very nice, the bottom stand looks very much like my metal stand for my 90g. Good job.
  3. HOw slow do they guys grow? MIne down seem to be growing at all. They are 5 months old and still only 1cm. Rahim from this site said that his L. ocellatus fry is ready to sell in 6 weeks. This is the schedual i have them on I feed 4-6 times a day. I have been feeding them cyclops, crushed flakes( veggie flakes, color flakes, staple flakes and earthworm flakes, all of them are mixed together except the veggies flakes) I also feed them brine shrimp on occasion. I do water changes 2 times a week. Right now there is about 30 fry in a 20g. I was jsut wondering why they aren't growing? In that same 20g i also have a rusty fry that was smaller when i added him but is now twice as big as the L.ocellatus. Why is he growing but not the rest?I was hoping that they woudl be big enough to sell already.
  4. The background in the first pic is really nice, love the effect.
  5. Vallisneria


    The few big DIY projects i have done are building the stand to my 58g. It was great as i needed a tank and i also got credits for school (Industrial arts credits ). My dad watched over me to make sure i didn't screw up though. With the help of my dad(he is a metal shop intructor) we built metal lights cases that hold up my fluorescents so they sit right on top of the glass lid. We also built a metal cabinet stand for my 90g. IT is awesome, it could hold up a tank :P Its stronger then we need but looks great. And the best part is we only had to pay 70$ for materials I'll try and get some pics later tonight if you want.
  6. My theroy is > If some one else has built it >< its going to cost 10 times more :P
  7. Welcome board I also have a 90g african tank(malawi) :P Do you have any pics of your canopy and stand? I also built my stand and lights
  8. Nice to meet you and I"m very glad you joined the forum Unfortunately i missed your talk on discus but would love if you came to do a talk about africans :P
  9. Vallisneria


    Welcome, glad to see more younger people coming to the board
  10. What seems to be the problem? Sometiems mine doesn't want to work but that means somethign is usually loose or not connected right so it can't form the suction.
  11. my python was the best purchase i ever made. Its made cleaning my tanks so much quicker and a lot less hard work(no evil bucket lifting). I would suggest looking online for your python. I got mine for around 25$ i believe(its been a few years so i can't remember exactly). You can also make one, I have seen lots of posts about it on other forums.
  12. Great pics as always Nice pic of your ocellatus fry. How big is it in that pic? I"m having a hard time getting any pics of my fry. THey are about 1 cm long and my camera still can't seem to pick them up(can never focus on them)
  13. Vallisneria

    Hi there

    Hey, Glad to see you finally dropped by :P
  14. i like using the regular Daylight bulbs you get at revy or home depot. I have tried a few LFS bulbs and never really liked the look of them. Plus they cost a fortune. The last one i tried was a 50/50 bulb. I found it very dark and it didn't do much for my fish's color.
  15. Baensch Volume 4 is out now? i thought it wasn't translated yet
  16. WEll i looked around and all i could find was this http://www.aquatics-online.co.uk/fish_diseases.htm
  17. DO they look sick besides the white gills? Breathing hard? not active? Not sure what it could be.Maybe they were burned during the nitrite spike? But i'm not sure if that causes them to turn white.
  18. The edges of the gill are white? Are the gill red? Does it affect both fish?
  19. I found with my ruby red peacocks only 1 male would show significant color at a time and they were in a 90g
  20. Sweet, SO is your a moped or a powered bike?
  21. So where/how do you get garlic juice? Do you make it or can you buy it? I have never seen garlic extract at the store
  22. I love planted tanks but they are am incredible amount of work. I finally got tired of having to prune,trim, test, clean my planted tank each week, i decided to tear it down. It was also partly due to a BBA infestation i can't seemt o get rid of. I still have plants in my tanks but will never do a fully planted tank again. They are beautiful but more work then i'm willing to do :P
  23. You dont' have to pay insurance on the vespas?
  24. Thanks, Maybe i'll try making the food this weekend. That is if i can figure out how to use the agar agar stuff :P FYI- the garlic comes in a bulb, each piece you break off is a clove :P So should i jstu use 1 clove if i'm going to make a small batch? Or even less then that?
  25. is it ok to feed the garlic food all the time? I'm thinking about trying to make some homemade food and would like to try adding garlic.
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