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Everything posted by Vallisneria

  1. It depends. You'll usually see bags of 5-6 fry/juvies, pairs/trios or single fish. Usually the single fish are adult africans, larger fish or plecos.
  2. 2x39watts over a 75g tank isn't high light, thats around 1w/gal You should be fine growing plants like crypts, java fern, vals, anubias, swords, any low/med light plant. Why do you think ferts will hurt your livestock?
  3. How much light do you have? I'm assuming by "low maintance plants" you are reffering to how much pruning they require. Just choose plants like crypts,java fern, vals, swords, etc. Any plant that isn't a stem plant. But having high light can have problems, so I'd recommend reducing the lights unless you really want to get into plants. With high light(and no co2, ferts) you'll be fighting algae issues. It it possible to have a low-medium light low maintnance tank. Having a high light tank is just a little more difficult.
  4. I've used CLR a bunch of times to clean filters and tanks. Just make sure you really rinse it and its fine. But a razor blade is the best at getting that hard water ring off tanks. You can buy a little yellow paint scraper handle to hold the razor blade to make it easier to use.
  5. I hope it works out for you and your able to save your angel. Keep us posted
  6. You can order it through Canadian Aquatics http://www.canadianaquatics.com/equipment/equipment.htm
  7. I also find the same thing with the waffers. The bottom feeders and regular fish won't touch them and prefer the pellets, while the fry go crazy for them. Definitely makes feeding the fry easier
  8. Red filaments coming out of your fish sounds like a callamanus infection
  9. I like getting my substrate from SIL industries. I like Sil #9. Its a smaller gravel. I personally don't really like using sand because I find it harder to clean with the gravel vac.
  10. There is nothing underneath the "whats on your mind" box? There should be things like "my profile", "my settings", "my content" etc. If there is no links under there you might need to contact Tanker as I have no idea why those wouldn't be showing up for you.
  11. Use a net to scoop it out. But you should be able to suck it out. Just hold the syphon further away from the sand. Aggitate the water abit so the food floats up and suck it out.
  12. Glad you found it because if you had said no I had no other ideas, lol.
  13. When in your "my settings" page, on the left side it should say "profile settings", "email & password", "signature" etc. Are you on the right page? Or is it not there?
  14. At the top right of the page there is your name. Click on it and then select settings. Click on Email/Password to change your password
  15. There is a new webmaster that is trying to get things up and running again. In the meantime just check here for any ACE updates or ask any questions. The membership info is ok(the application and the place to send the money to, or just drop it at the meeting) but the meeting address is changed to Allendale Community Hall (6330-105A St). First Tuesday of the month @ 7:30pm.
  16. There is a thread about this right under yours http://albertaaquatica.com/index.php?showtopic=35802 There is also a thread in the planted forum about Aquasoil being available at Pisces in Calgary. Might save on shipping if you are already going to calgary http://albertaaquatica.com/index.php?showtopic=35827
  17. Fairdeal is a person on this site that imports fish. You'd have to contact him to see if you can visit. He has a subforum in the sponsor section. Also, I just did a trip down to calgary a few weeks ago and asked the same question. I ended up checking out Gold's, BA, Franco's, Pisces and Riverfront as they are all pretty close together. BA isn't as good as our BA here in Edmonton. So if you're low on time that would be the one to skip.
  18. Do you have any driftwood in the tank?
  19. Yep, thats what I've used before too
  20. Meeting is tonight! And I believe the presentation is about catfish
  21. For plants you usually have to go right after a shipment as they go quickly.
  22. Do you want a school of little fish or a few bigger fish?
  23. Aquarium Central has a good selection of shrimp. Lots of different colors and species.
  24. Is champagne yeast similar to wine yeast? Because I was using yeast for making wine, I just walways called it brewers yeast since thats what I assumed brewers yeast was Or is champagne yeast a different strain that even better at higher alcohol levels? Either way, experiment with your bottles.Try different yeasts, different temps, and different amounts of sugar. For me, using yeast for making wine, didn't give enough of a difference. All I got was amybe an extra week out of the bottles, not the 9-10weeks they are talking about in that thread.
  25. I use a 4l jug, 3-4 cups sugar, 1 tsp yeast and fill to about 3-4" from the top with warm water. It last about 2 1/2-3 weeks before starting to weaken. I've used brewers yeast and regular bread yeast. Both work well. The brewers yeast gives a little bit longer but for the extra cost its not really worth it to me. Now I just use regular cheap bread yeast. If yours is only lasting a few days your yeast might not be working(old/dead) or your bottle might be getting too cold to produce. My bottles weren't producing and it was because they were getting too cold in the basement where my tanks are. Now I keep the yeast bottle on or close to my light fixture. It helps warm the bottle and keep the co2 flowing.
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