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Everything posted by Molino

  1. Didn't expect to see this thread again. For a second I thought I missed a fish show sometime in August... But wait a second I started this thread -roll- lukeS and Goldfish Girl, As I remember, and it was quite some time ago, both of your fish we're quite cooporative while taking their photos It was all the water spots on the glass and the black tarps covering part of the aquariums which made taking photos more challenging. Anyway if either of you want a higher resolution photo of your fish let me know and I can email them to you. Nelson
  2. Molino

    Allo Allo

    Welcome to AA :beer: I used to be 23, really. It feels like it was just a few years ago :eh:
  3. Here is an up to date photo of my 55 gallon SW tank. I took out some of the LR for my Mantis Tank and have gotten some more frags. I think once it fills in it should look very nice. The Xenia on the right is growing very well. I have another Xenia frag of a much lighter colour on the left now as well. Mushroom under the actinics:
  4. Ewwww!! On a more serious side though, is it easy to keep a starfish? I wouldn't mind getting one of those blue ones that are available regularly at a lot of LFSs.
  5. Good luck with the new fish! I hope they do breed for you. Baby duboisi look very nice with all their spots. Is anything else going in this tank with the Tropheus?
  6. It is. I'm not sure how big this guy will get, but I hope he keeps growing for a while yet. He looks very scary
  7. Please login to share your images and videos.
  8. My big Cray molted the other day so I decided to measure one of his old claws. From the joint at his body to the tip of the claw it's about 4" long. I was honestly surprised. Of course now he is even bigger since he has molted. I will have to drop a ruler into his tank to see if I can get a good measurement of the entire Crayfish. So long as he doesn't eat the ruler -roll-
  9. If you want to read some reviews about different lenses check out www.fredmiranda.com. They have reviews on all of the above mentionned lenses, and more, although not from the perspective of aquatic photography. edit: I should note that as Froggie pointed out to me better prices can be had for all of the above lenses. The price figures I supplied were from a Canadian retailer. In the US for example the prices are significantly less.
  10. Ok these aren't quite in your pricing range, but they are both very good Canon Macro lenses. The Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro and the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro. The 60mm is about $570 and the 100mm is $720. I have the 100mm lense and it is my favorite lense so far. I also just learned that Canon has a EF 50mm f/2.5 Macro for about $370, so a more reasonable price, but I have not heard from anyone using this lense or how they like it. You really only need a macro lense though if you're shooting small fish. If you're shooting larger fish you can do without a macro. I guess it also depends on how close you mean by closeups.. However if you're looking for a cheap, good quality lense for a great price you can't beat the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 It's not a macro lense. It will allow you to focus as close as 1.5 feet away and is a fast lense with an aperture of up to 1.8. It goes for about $120. If you're looking for more recommendations I would highly recommend visiting: aquatic-photography.com They've got lots of great photographers there, many of whom also use Canon DSLRs. Nelson
  11. Looks Great!! I can only hope mine is as nice in six months time.
  12. Molino


    Welcome to AA. It's nice to have some more SW hobbyists here. I just started my own SW tank earlier this year and really enjoy it, good luck with you FOWLR tank. Be sure to post pictures if you have them, we love pictures!!!
  13. Molino

    New to AA Hello

    I would strongly repeat the suggestions of African Cichlids. They are very colourful and interesting fish to watch. However if you want to keep you guppies in the same tank you'll have to go with something other than African cichlids. And welcome to AA :beer:
  14. Took a few more shots this evening in my Malawi tank. I have yet to get any photos of the Yellow labs I am happy with. Their colour seems too vibrant and is always overpowering. Perhaps a lower setting on the flash. Anyway here are some of the other photos. Ruby Red Male Venustus, not showing his spots Dimidiochromis compressiceps. Not a great shot, but the best I've gotten of this fish yet. Cheers Nelson
  15. Yep, the photos are definately getting better. Look forward to seeing more!
  16. I fixed the White Balance on one of the above pictures. Much better IMO.
  17. You're right Sean. It is a lot more noticeable on the last two. I may have to look at those images again and fix that.
  18. Ok, I thought I'd try and get some good shots of my Mantis, but it was a failed attempt. He refused to stick his head out of the lair any more than what is shown below :grr: While I was at is though I did take a few decent shots of his tankmate. One eye on me the other on his escape route back into the tunnel... His bold, yet mentally challenged tankmate, Herman the Hermit: Posing for the camera:
  19. Nice catch! If you feel you have too many, please let me know
  20. The D Comp. does look very nice. How large is it?
  21. Great selection of fish as always Gina!
  22. Good luck Jason! Be sure to let us know how it's going and to post pictures when you take them
  23. Nice shot with the female Crayfish. How often does she have babies?
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