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A-A Mentor
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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. Welcome to the board!
  2. Welcome to the board, Ian!
  3. Welcome to the board, Stu!
  4. Welcome to the board, Dave...I envy you that 180 ray tank!
  5. Toirtis


    Welcome to the board, Neil!
  6. The screw-in compact fluorescents work well, but the "Enviro-lites" are designed to put out a large amount of UVB and some UVA...likely what fried your plants.
  7. Teresa, for one, although I haven't spoken with her in a while.
  8. Sure am...I have 10-15 friends that have worked there in the past, and a couple who still are.
  9. Welcome to the board, Candace!
  10. Yeah...$150 each....quite the steal, and Gold has a half dozen more, and they are all really nice....I may have to get one myself.
  11. That pic is a bit creepy, Chris. You work at Fast & Dirty?...how are your lungs holding up?
  12. They rely on their olfactory senses more than on sight...it is possible that the gravel had some trace of food on it and he swallowed it thinking it was edible. In most cases, they just spit it up later...I have only ever seen two cases with bichirs that swallowed enough for it to affect their health.
  13. I used to paint business windows with assorted things.....now I want to try something similar on one of my tanks.
  14. Pisces has a bunch of 'lobster' (crayfish) fry that are about 1 cm for $1.99 each.....and from what I have seen, they will quintuple in size in just over a week.
  15. Toirtis


    Welcome to the board!
  16. Toirtis

    Hello everyone

    So...care to list what you're currently producing?
  17. Toirtis

    hi i'm new

    Wow...our first Southern Hemisphere member! Welcome Nick!
  18. So thats what a young buettikoferi looks like....I have never seen one under 6". Eaten a few, though.
  19. Its not a dat...some sort of cichlid...could be a hybrid.
  20. Toirtis

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to the forum!
  21. I will be actively working with 2-4 species after Christmas, in hopes of a few spawns for 2005....not sure which I will focus on, though.
  22. Not terribly difficult (I am not sure why you got fungus on yours), but the trick is clean water, a little bit of marine salt, and keep tham at about 82ºF....worked for all of mine so far(now I am hoping it will work with palmas polli and delhezi).
  23. No real idea, but they sometimes do....often found splashing about in the HOB filter's outflow, for some reason.
  24. Aauggghh! This is what I get for surfacing on the Winterpeg board...
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