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Everything posted by Toirtis

  1. Toirtis

    Hi there

    Hey Molino...welcome o board!
  2. I love this bit in the Edmonton bylaws: (o) “Restricted Dog” means any dog: (i) certified by a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine in Alberta to be primarily of the breed Staffordshire Bull Terrier as that breed is defined by the Canadian Kennel Club; (ii) certified by a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine in Alberta to be primarily of the breed American Staffordshire Terrier as that breed is defined by the Canadian Kennel Club; but does not include a dog: (vii) registered, or eligible for registration, with the Canadian Kennel Club as a purebred Staffordshire Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier. 15 The Owner of a Restricted Dog shall have liability insurance specifically covering any damages for personal injury caused by the Restricted Dog in an amount not less than one million dollars. 16 The Owner or any other person having care or control of a Restricted Dog shall, at all times when it is off the property of the Owner, have it: (a) under control; ( muzzled; and © held on a leash not exceeding two metres in length. 17 The Owner or any other person having care or control of a Restricted Dog shall, at all times when it is on the property of the Owner, have it: (a) indoors; ( outdoors, secured in a fully enclosed pen; or © outdoors, muzzled and secured by a chain fixed to the property that prevents the Restricted Dog from coming closer than two metres to the apparent boundary of the property. Interesting how only non-registered pitbulls are dangerous.
  3. Boy, have I a treasure trove for you....
  4. Not in Edmonton, but, for instance, rottweilers are banned in the Rocky Mountain MD. The mastiff blacklist I was referring to is amongst insurance companies in the USA, and may be adopted by companies here in the very near future. Calgary has had several attempts to create retrictions on certain breeds municipally, and Edmonton's restrictions are on non-purebred & registered Staffordshires only. My mother's Bordeaux is an unusually large specimen.
  5. Indeed....and puts him on every insurance company's black list of breeds, as well as the banned list in quite a few cities/counties.....a risky pet in Edmonton, which already has some stupid laws defining 'dangerous breeds'. My mother has a Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff) pup....at just seven months he weighed in yesterday at 105lbs (on his way to about 180).
  6. Go with a 'classic canister' Eheim...you will never regret it. As for bichirs with your rays, I would be very cautious, as I have heard of a number of hobbyists that have tried this and ended up with rays missing eyes.
  7. Currently: 6 Julidochromis transcriptus 'gombi' 7 J. ornatus 2 Altolamprologus compressiceps 'Kasakalwe yellow' 3 A. calvus Congo 'blackfin' 12 Neolamprologus pulcher 'daffodili' 2 Neolamprologus falcicula 'Walteri'
  8. Rumour is more than on the street....I think my family is just short of having me committed.
  9. Bingo...I have a whack of them: 14 Polypterus s. senegalus (Senegal bichir) 10 Polypterus ornatipinnis (ornate bichir) 5 Polypterus palmas polli (marbled bichir) 4 Polypterus delhezi (armoured bichir) 4 Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri (saddled bichir) 4 Polypterus bichir lapradei 2 Polypterus endlicheri congicus (Congo bichir) 2 Polypterus retropinnis retropinnis 1 Polypterus retropinnis lowei (Lowe's bichir) 6 Erpetoichthys calibaricus (ropefish/reedfish)
  10. Welcome....great to see another bichir/reptile person on board.
  11. Yes, and at near giveaway prices during their monthly 2for1 sales.
  12. Thanks, the chap I got them from has F0 adults, and a whack of F1 juveniles....he also auctioned off five at the last CAS meeting (whoever got them got a heck of a deal at only $10).
  13. On Vespas, yes, but on Oxquo's new motorized bicycle, no.
  14. For some strange reason, the 'view new posts' function has been showing me only a very small portion (perhaps 10%) of the new posts between my visits....any idea why?
  15. OK, now write that out as a printable article, and submit it to the Calgary Aquarium Society magazine for publication.
  16. I have managed to pay only a maximum of $0.82/L so far (of course, it was 21 cents/L cheaper at this time last year), but with stories like the brief jump of crude to $43US/barrel earlier this week, and people in Vancouver coughing up $1.05/L, have me really twitchy whenever I fill up the Windstar.
  17. Just got some Neolamprologus falcicula 'Walteri' from a fellow hobbyist in town...anyone else keeping these guys?
  18. I must admit....I have been eyeing Vespas a bit too much recently myself.
  19. Hey Adam, welcome on board.
  20. I have avoided using feather rock for just that reason....just too bloody sharp....a real pain to even handle. Feather rock is leagues beyond slate as far as sharpness/abrasiveness goes.
  21. I do not have one personally at the moment, so I experience dog-ownership vicariously via my parents' three dogs, including their Dogue de Bordeaux pup, who just hit 6 months of age and 110lbs. His sire and grand-sire: http://www.riverbendbordeaux.com/MAP0000.jpg
  22. Pretty much identical to how most of my ACs are set up....works a treat.
  23. Hard to tell from the photos, but is that a senegalus or a lapradei?
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