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Fish Book? Fish poster?


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:D I am hoping a reader is out there somewhere and can help me out. I am looking for a "FISH" book that has a small color picture of a fish with a brief description (food/ph/sexing/breeding/size/etc) of every common fish available. I have gardening books like this and was wondering if there is such a beast for fish. Something not to technical that I could bring lets say to the auction with me and if I came across a fish that I liked I could read a quick info about it and decide whether I wanted it or not. Just a small quick reference kinda book.

Also, I am interested in purchasing fish posters. You guys know the ones. Like they have at most fish stores. Example Riverfront has one with little pictures of all the dwarf south american cichlids. It is laminated but don't need it like that. Where do you get such a thing?

Thanks for any help on either topic! :D

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BAENSCH aquarium atlases as great for auctions. They have a pic and a small description(region,breeding,food, etc.) of each fish. The photo atlas has all the pics from all the volumes with only a tiny description(lenght, temp, ph etc.). The photo atlas is great for auctions as you dont' have to haul around a bunch of books if you only want to know a fishes lenght or water.

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I have a binder edition of Exotic TropicaL Fishes by Axelrod. It is aphabetical with color pics and requirements listed. The only bad news is that it is from the-70s so not current on African Cichlids for example, but great for the staples of the industry. I doubt it is in print any longer. (TFH Publications)

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baensch Aquarium Atlas photo index 1-5 is handy for some quick ballpark specs when considering unfamiliar livestock or an impulse purchase is coming.

i've found a few aquatic posters at poster centers around town. most of those places have 'nature' sections. some nice olde illustrations.

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No, you dont' need the whole set. I only have the first 2 and the photo index. The first one has most of the common fish, along with the second and the photo index is great because it has all the pics from all the books.

Each books costs around 30-40$, photo index being more(if you get the soft covers). I'd recommend getting the Vol 1 and the photo index first as they are the ones I've used most.

Check out ebay, there might be deals on there.

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I have the first 2 Baensch, Axelrods Mini Atlas, and Axelrods Exotic Tropical Fishes They are all good. Also have Tetra Press Tropical as well as Marine, and a slew of other small books.

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Now after reading websites all day long LOL! I was hoping skinless or others could scan a page of the book so I can take a peek inside before I order online. I am looking to buy

"Baensch Aquarium Atlas photo index 1-5"

So seeing inside the book would be wunderbar. Hopefully someone with the book has a scanner LMAO. Do ask alot or what? Sorry. Or maybe someone knows of a store in te city currently carrying it? Please let me know and thanks again to all!

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You could try the public library, not gonna help if you want to own the book, but you could look it over and see if it's worth buying. Also you don't even have to leave your computer screen, you can reserve books and have them sent to you're local library for pick up. (Provided of course, that the library has a copy...)

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Axelrods mini atlas uses symbols


Sorry about the quality you know how difficult it is to take fish photos LOL

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