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Looks like a ramshorn to me.

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Yes, a ramshorn, and not the somewhat desireable Marisa cornuarietis, but the pest-type Planorbis orbicularis.

Giving your new plants a dip in an alum solution or potassium permanganate solution before introducing them to your tank will eliminate any unwanted hitchikers.

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Well I've managed to capture four of the little beggars so far. Can't see anymore at the moment but I'm sure my battle is far from over. Wouldn't want to wake up with a bunch of hickies LOL

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I don't consider ramshorn snails a pest in a planted tank. They much prefer dead/dying plant matter over healthy plants, and help to keep the place clean. Yes, they can multiply quickly, but the population will be in proportion to their food source (don't over feed the fish.)

Marisa cornuarietis, sometimes sold as Columbian Ramshorn or Giant Ramshorn (larger snail with a striped shell), is not at all desirable if you have plants. They will think your tank is their own personal salad bar.

Can't help you with the hickies...

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Marisa cornuarietis, sometimes sold as Columbian Ramshorn or Giant Ramshorn (larger snail with a striped shell), is not at all desirable if you have plants. They will think your tank is their own personal salad bar.

Yes, but they do have value if you do not have plants. I find that even with moderate feeding of my fish, a couple of Planorbis becomes thousands in no time....they clog the filter, increase the bioload substantially, and look like heck.

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