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Honey Gourami fry


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Yesterday the Honey Gouramis had a turn at successful spawning - but questionable positioning with the bubble nest - he built directly above the CO2 bubble ladder and the escaping CO2 bubbles end up in the nest. How healthy is that?

I'm not holding out too much hope for survivors, Dad has been busy keeping the little ones in the nest and chasing away everyone, but there aren't as many as there was yesterday. The Rasboras are very interested - and fast.

BBS are too big, and the infusoria culture won't be ready for a few more days (I think; I've never made the stuff before) What opinion does everyone have about saving some fry to a breeder trap and adding some algae-laden Ambulia and Amazon sword? Do you think there will be enough 'goodies' on those for fry to eat? At least until the infusoria is ready? Should I leave them alone for a few days?

As a side note, with the CO2 turned off, the Kuhli loaches have taken up residence in the Hagen bubble ladder; this morning I found them ALL laying on the 'steps' like it's actually a giant sofa. -roll- I'm trying to get pictures!

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You can try the breeder trap idea, but the fry may be small enough to get thru to the tank. Maybe try a margerine container: fill it about 1/2 way w. tank water so it'll still float and put the plants, etc in there. Change out almost all of the water every day (pour it thru a net, so you don't lose any fry), and you should be fine.

Green water, vinegar eels and microworms are also good fry food.

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Actually, when I had all the Cory fry I made a homebuilt fry trap with one of those plastic salad containers you get with potato salad (or whatever) from Safeway, and poked it full of holes with a thumbtack - strung a plastic coated cheap wire hanger piece through the top so it hangs on the side of the tank. I poked the holes from inside to outside so the rough edges of the holes aren't accessible to the fry. It's almost the same size as the purchased trap I also have, and you are right, they will definitely fit through the gaps in the bottom of that one.

I don't know anything about vinegar eels and microworms; are those easily accessible somewhere in Calgary?

Speaking of Cory fry - they are doing great! Thanks for all your advice - the only bit I didn't use was the Ivy - don't have one or any suitable house plant except maybe spider - so I stuck in some Ambulia instead, that's something I have plenty of! The babies are happy and busy exploring all their new space, and shifting the sand around better than I thought they could at that size!

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I don't know anything about vinegar eels and microworms; are those easily accessible somewhere in Calgary?

Generally from other hobbyists... I don't know of too many shops that keep live cultures of fry food.

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Darn it, anyone going to Calgary? I have a vinegar Eel culture sitting on my desk ext to my computer right now. I would give it to you if I had a way to get it to you. My fry are all livebearer so they don't really need it.

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Oh, balls!!!! I wish I'd posted this yesterday - my husband WAS in Edmonton then *smacks self on head*

Just did a bit of reading on vinegar eels and micro worms; culturing either of these sounds fairly easy, do you just keep some 'in stock' for when you need them? It seems to me I have no say in all these extracurricular tank activities and should just be a boy scout about it :thumbs:

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As far as I know vinegar eels can be kept for as long as you want them. I have them sitting in a pop bottle on my desk. The pop bottle is 3/4 full of apple cider vinegar. I haven't done anything to/for them since I bought them for a dollar at the last ACE auction.

If your husband is coming to Edmonton again soon, the offer still stands. Free with pickup.

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Honey gourami fry are almost microscopic, They look like fine ground pepper with tails. You should move them to a tank of thier own if you want survivors. Make a net out of a nylon stocking to fish them out and put them in the tank without the parents and a sponge filter, They will also eat first bites fry food or the yolk of a hard boiled egg sqeezed through a fine mesh cloth. Floating plants will also give them nibblies all day.

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I've raised two successful batches of honey gourami fry. I for the first little while just used wardley's liquid fry food, and would grind up NLS flakes super small. the flakes would get caught up in the plastic plant that I had floating....and I would see that from time to time, they would seem to nibble at it. When they get bigger (about the age when you can actually tell that they are lil baby honey gourami's, about 1/3 of a cm) they seem to start eating small pieces of crushed up NLS flakes. I've even have one try it's hardest to eat a tiny piece of blood worm that accidently fell into their trap when I was feeding my pea puffers. For now I just have the fry in a breeder trap. Before they had their own 10 g tank that I wasn't using for anything else. I am hoping to get rid of my snails, and move my gold fish into that tank.....then give the fry the goldfish tank.

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I saved 8? or 9? baby gouramies in the trap, they seem to be fine. The ones I didn't save are. . . gone. But I guess that's OK with the parents because this morning I found another fresh batch of (haha) ground pepper!


That's a little quick, isn't it? :shock:

Ok, so here's my plan so far, subject to more ideas:

Save some more fry to the trap EDIT: Honey gourami fry will fit thru thumbtack holes. Moving on to the margerine (cottage cheese) tub.

Leave the algae laden leaves and little ambulia cuttings in the trap with the fry AND

Infusoria - technical term for green, smelly lettuce water? Have I done something wrong? OR

Wardley's liquifry food

Wait for them to grow big enough (How big should that be?) to go into the 10G with the baby cories, who are about 1.5 months old now. Am I right in thinking that the gourami fry will stay mostly to the top and the cories to the bottom? Safe?

My thanks to everyone who's helping me! I wanted more Honey Gouramies but I thought I would have to buy them :lol:

Edited by gadgetgirl
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