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What does F1 mean?


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So what does F1 mean? And when the fry grow up and start pairing off, is that ok genetically? How would one get fresh genes into the pool? Mix fry of another pair in there? Do they have to be close to the same age? What about different species making hybrids? Can all breeds hybridize?

I hope someone will have the patience to answer this.

I am still just planning my cichlid tank. I have 12 or so books out of the library, and have yet to buy a big tank. Not sure which species I want.

And if you know of any books I sould read, reccommend them please!



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So what does F1 mean?

"From a WC or F0, parental stock, fry from the crossing would be labeled as Filial generation (F1). The number following the F denotes the different generations involved in breeding. F1 is the first filial or filial-one generation. This identifies the offspring as the progeny after mating or genetically crossing two types of parents with different genotypes or phenotypes (the parents are known as the P generation). F2 is the second filial or filial-two generation, i.e. the progeny of self-fertile or intercrossing F1 individuals and so on. Members of this generation are two generations removed from the original parent generation. F2 individuals have been in bred one time. " http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/cich...eding_terms.php

How would one get fresh genes into the pool?

- By adding fish from a different stock. Get them from a different store or breeder and add them to your breeding group.

Mix fry of another pair in there? Do they have to be close to the same age?

-Well when adding fry to a tank its usually best to match fish about the same size, or atleast big enough that they can't be eaten :)

What about different species making hybrids? Can all breeds hybridize?

-What type of fish are you planning? It really depends on the fish. But yes hybrids can occur so its best to choose your fish accordingly. Hybrids in africans(especially malawians) is very common. Usually this can be fixed by choosing species that aren't similar looking and having good male/female ratios but even then it can still occur(i had a P.electra,a hap, breed with my L.perlmutt,a mbuna, so anything is possible :boxed: ).

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F1 means one generation removed from the wild...in other words, both parents are wild caught fish.

Fry pairing off is okay for a few generations, but can lead to complications later on. It is universally agreed that introducing unrelated offspring for pairing is a better method.

Fresh genes are usually introduced by keeping females, and buying a good quality male. A nice quality male will have vibrant colouring, shape, etc. that is more apparent that with females, who all keep the same drab colouring.

Pretty much any species of African cichlid (I assume that is what you are referring to) can hybridize, but there are things you can do to cut down the chances. There are New Worlds that can hybridize also, and again you need to be careful. How? Talk to experienced people.

Next question: I have three small kids. I have enough patience all day for the same amount of questions that one of them will ask in a 10 second span, so this is easy. :lol:

PM me your number, Becky, and I can give you a call and chat about some options.

Darcy :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Becky > asks : And if you know of any books I sould read, recommend them please! <

The Aquarium Atlas Books , By Baensch, . Volume #1 is great to start with. Every hobbiest should own this volume!



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