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I Shake My Head...

Wingin' It

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So yesterday I was at a LFS and I am a snoopy person, so I tend to listen in on what sales people tell customers. I happened to be close to a mom and her two daughters and they had brought over a salesperson and wanted one large apple snail. Cool...snails are easy...i'm sure the novelty will wear off in a matter of hours...hahahaha. Then mom asks the sales person, "How often will the snail change into another shell?" and the sales person says, "You'll probably never see it happen 'cause they do it in the night when you're not looking at them..." LMAO...seriously? Who are these people?! I wanted to pull the lady aside and tell her the truth about snails...but then decided that thinking that snails change their shells isn't something that is going to hamper the snails health...I walked away openly chuckling and shaking my head.

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I'm sure there's many stories like this overheard at many LFS. However, a pet peeve of mine is the fact that most of the customers consider the lfs employees "experts". Granted there is many excellent long term employees who have much more knowledge than I'll ever have but there's also newbies, disgruntled employees, etc. So if you're new at this, go get your information from a good basic aquarium book. Now that I can get off my high horse, I'm going to watch my snail change into a different shell :smokey:

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I'm sure there's many stories like this overheard at many LFS. However, a pet peeve of mine is the fact that most of the customers consider the lfs employees "experts". Granted there is many excellent long term employees who have much more knowledge than I'll ever have but there's also newbies, disgruntled employees, etc. So if you're new at this, go get your information from a good basic aquarium book. Now that I can get off my high horse, I'm going to watch my snail change into a different shell :smokey:

aren't books just like instructions? I thought you didn't do instructions....

To get back on topic, I usually test the LFS employess and act like a retard, when i know they are just talking, but dont know what they talk about is usually when i tell myself i won't be asking that person for help. Its one thing not knowing about an animal, its quite another giving someone wrong instructions that could jeopardize the life of that animal. The best LFS employess are the ones willing to say, "I dunno, but let me find out" and then they actually do find out.

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The employee I was listening to was relatively new to the store...and still young...not to say that younger people don't know what they're talking about...but he sounded serious...Sometimes the unknowledgeable employee is exactly what I'm looking for ;) J/K!!! hahahaha

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A LFS employee (who shall remain nameless) actually told me that they were encouraged to tell customers information even if they didn't know the answer.

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A LFS employee (who shall remain nameless) actually told me that they were encouraged to tell customers information even if they didn't know the answer.

i could totally understand this, and a sales tactic is what it is. the employee spews out random 'facts' and the customer goes 'ooooh! this guy/gal knows what they're talking about! i better buy what they suggest!'.

(BFM shakes head and mutters to herself......)

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