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Setting Up Another Tank?

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I need to share my dilema...

I saw a fish that i'd absolutely LOVE to snag...kinda on the expensive side, but I think really worth it. But I'd have to set up yet another tank. I have already started up 3 in the last couple months. Crazy MTS. I've tried to curb my MTS, I even shut down all my tanks but one, just to set up 3 more again. Maybe I should take up drinking...lol j/k

So who wants to set up a tank for me at their house? Or maybe I should just insulate and heat my garage! LOL Oh what a thought.

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lol me too!

I decided to get back into shrimps - after some research I discovered I would need to several tanks set up for all the different ones I wanted to keep to prevent them from interbreeding. Than i just recently discovered all the different types of horned nerites snails there is out there.. would awesome to be able to select the nice ones and reproduce them, although i am told they need brackish water ot do so and i am not sure if anyone has been able to do so successfully. and the worst part is, i live in a condo!


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i just got the "No more tanks!!!" from the 'boss'. I have 3 for me set up, and am in the process of helping 2 of my girls create a tank for their room. I vaguely remember the 'no more tank' discussion 2 tanks ago......oopsie. tee hee. I think i'd better cool it...this last tank setup was free, so i thought it didn't count. another oopsie.


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Wingin it, you can keep setting up tanks until you run out of electrical outlets(so says the fishclubgirl). When that happens, run an extension cord from the neighbours. I'm sure they won't mind :smokey:

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MTS is nothing to be ashamed of!! If nothing else it keeps a fishhead "in the zone" and calm. This in turn has a positive effect on the entire household which in turn promotes harmony amongst the neighbourhood which in turn spreads into the local pupulance etc etc. Therefore in line with this, MTS is good for world peace and harmony and anyone with MTS is simply helping out world peace. (hope the wife reads this AND buys this and I won't have to sleep in the garage as 50 gal coming in on Saturday!!) :unsure:

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Nautilus, you should have gotten a 135 or larger - that way, you don't have to sleep in the garage, you can just sleep in the tank! :thumbs:

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What do you think started the sleep in garage thing? it was a 250 that I came home with one day!!!!!! That was 2 tanks ago. Oh dear!! Forgot about that two. I think I am in deeeeeeepppppp sh*t!! :smokey: Any one here with a florist shop looking to sell cheap roses and chocolates??

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Wingin it, you can keep setting up tanks until you run out of electrical outlets(so says the fishclubgirl). When that happens, run an extension cord from the neighbours. I'm sure they won't mind :smokey:

Appearently, my wife hadn't heard this theroy. I wanted to throw in a few more plugs for a 20 gallon rack in the laundry room. Being an electrician and 10 feet from the panel it should have taken 20 minutes. Then more tanks! My wife caught me, but after some back peddaling, begging and jewelry She got her way. Kind of disappointed with how that one worked out.

But ,when this blows over I am going with the "it's easier to beg for forgiveness then ask for permission" theroy. And then jewelry...lol!!

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you guys crack me up!!!

my lease states '2 fish tanks'. says nothing on size of said two tanks, heheheheee...... but i'm up to four tanks now, landlord knows about #3, but i don't know if he's noticed #4 or not (it is in view of the apartment door though, so i don't think he missed it last time he stopped by).

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And here I thought I ran out of outlets but managed to squish in an "Ebi" . Really, I will shut down the tank it replaces, really!! It's not my fault!!! Ron gave me the substrate for the Ebi so I had to trade for the tank. So Ron and Popcornshrimp, I blame you... Jay, chocolates also might help out with the wife and Wingin It, divorce may be expensive but it does give you more time to work on your tanks.

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And here I thought I ran out of outlets but managed to squish in an "Ebi" . Really, I will shut down the tank it replaces, really!! It's not my fault!!! Ron gave me the substrate for the Ebi so I had to trade for the tank. So Ron and Popcornshrimp, I blame you... Jay, chocolates also might help out with the wife and Wingin It, divorce may be expensive but it does give you more time to work on your tanks.

How's the new Ebi? I'm pretty happy with the Fluval Shrimp Stratum and the shrimp seem to like it too. I started off with 30 PFRs and I counted 20 shrimplets on the glass this morning and that's only 5 weeks after set up.

I'm pretty lucky, my wife is letting me set up a 450 gallon in our new house and whatever else I can fit in my fish room.

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Made the mistake of borrowing the Takashi Amano complete book from the CAS library(shameless plug!!). So I will be setting it up later today and trying to keep it simple. In other words, not my normal" there's a inch of gravel, put a plant in it!!" style. It was very cloudy but seems to have cleared up now. So far, I'm finding it easy to work with and am a much bigger fan of it than the Edge.

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