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Best For Polishing Water


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I feed a lot of frozen Mysis shrimp in one of my tanks and it sure makes a big mess, it never really clears up anymore. What should I be running to polish the water? I was thinking a Magnum H.O.T. canister using the micron filter or I could fill it up with Purigen. Opinions would be appreciated.



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for polishing i just use polyester batting in the top of my media stack, whether it be in a canister or hob. it does a pretty good job for cheap, and a big bag of poly batting can be found at walmart easily. i always make sure the bag doesn't say 'flame retardant' or 'mold/mildew resistant' or anything like that, because you don't want those chemicals used to touch your fish.

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purigen is worth every penny. I do know that.

I've got some on order right now for both my tanks, hoping it lives up to what i've read.

I've had it in my tank for ~8 hours now, it's already easy to see a difference in the lack of tannins. Should be quite clear given 24 hours. Definitely worth the money.
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  • 2 weeks later...

What does Purigen do and where can I get it? I too was looking at a second filter just for cleaning debris but I was reluctant since my canister filter is already lots of filtration for the tank.

purigen removes organics and tannins...Its basically a better alternative to carbon...It also can be recharged...Its available at aquarium central, big als, etc..

run it in your filter until it turns dark brown then recharge it with bleach..

Edited by ubr0ke
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What does Purigen do and where can I get it? I too was looking at a second filter just for cleaning debris but I was reluctant since my canister filter is already lots of filtration for the tank.

I'd buy it online, way cheaper. I got 2 of the 100ml bags and a new air pump for something like $2 more than I could have got the bags for at big als, and that's including shipping. I got my stuff from JL aquatics
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Filter floss is a must. Take a 40% off coupon to michaels and buy the polyfil bag it's 8$ normally so itll run you about 5$. I usually keep at least 3" of semi-packed polyfil in my eheim 2217 at all times right before the output hose. Every month or so (less if I did a lot of fussing about that month) I take the bottom half and throw it away cause it's the most dirty and then add in new stuff for the top half. Massive change for barely no money.

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I tried an AC 30 on my 40 gallon breeder that had 2 - 100 mL bags of Purigen and filter floss, it couldn't keep up with the mess my Sterlets were making. I now have a Marineland HOT Magnum with the 8 micron filter and it seems to be doing a better job. The NLS pellets that I'm now feeding are making the water worse than when they were eating Mysis shrimp, I hope the Marineland filter can keep improving the water clarity.


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how much nls are you feeding at a time? it shouldent pollute your water that badly,what kind of substrate do you have in this tank aswell?

i find sand is as easy to clean as a bare bottom tank,and all you have to do is stir it up once in awhile so no air bubbles build up.

i find with those fluval substrates and gravel substrate all of the food falls down in it and pollutes your water badly over time if you don't maintain it.

sounds like you have some good filtering going on in your tank

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how much nls are you feeding at a time? it shouldent pollute your water that badly,what kind of substrate do you have in this tank aswell?

i find sand is as easy to clean as a bare bottom tank,and all you have to do is stir it up once in awhile so no air bubbles build up.

i find with those fluval substrates and gravel substrate all of the food falls down in it and pollutes your water badly over time if you don't maintain it.

sounds like you have some good filtering going on in your tank

I'm feeding enough to keep my Sterlets from bobbing their heads at the surface which they'll do if they are really hungry. They break up the food pretty good before they'll take it and when they poop it out it is still red from the dye which adds to the water pollution. It's a bare bottom tank, I'll use sand once they are moved to the stock tank but I was told they'll suck up a lot of substrate and I'm a little worried about impaction while they are under 12".

I've got an Eheim 2076 Pro 3e and the Marineland HOT Magnum on this tank (4 Sterlets) and an Eheim 2075 Pro 3 on a 30 gallon breeder (1 Sterlet). Should be more than enough biological filtration just not doing a good enough mechanical filtration job to keep it crystal clear.


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