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Breeding N.caudopunctatus


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Has anyone bred Neolamprologus caudopunctatus?

After about a year of having these guys and trying to get them to breed(i have 1f/2m) I think something is finally happening.

I noticed a couple days ago that they were swimming in different spots(their territories changed). Normally the female and the smaller male are right up at the top in the corner becuase the larger male is always chasing them. But now the female is sitting right outside a shell and the large male is leaving her alone. The small male is hiding in the corner.

So i watched them a while and the female is staying very close to the shell and keeps going inside. This is the first time in a year that i have seen them even go near the shells i put in there.

So am i right in thinking she might have spawned? I dont' see any fry or eggs(if they are there they must be deep inside the shell). I looked online and it sys the eggs hatch in 3-4days.

So has anyone bred these before? Care to share your experiences?

I'm just surprised that after a year they finally might be doing something. Its weird becuase the past few weeks i have let their tank go to crap. I am planning to change this into a planted tank so i haven't cleaned it in a while. I didn't want to have to clean it if i'm just tearing it down. Its covered in algae and i haven't been keeping up with my weekly water changes. I guess maybe the change in conditions is getting them in the mood :D

I guess i jus thave to wait and see if i get any fry -ham-

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So nobody knows?

Should i expect their spawning and fry care to be like Shell dwellers(i've raised L. ocellatus before) or other lamps?

Its been 5 days since i noticed the female in the shell and the male keeping all other fish away. How long before i see freeswimming fry if they did breed? Should i expect the pair to be good parents or should i remove the fry?

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Thanks, its hard to believe no one is keeping/breeding these guys. They are so pretty.

I have checked everything i could find online. I was hoping to get some personal experiences. I guess i'm all alone on this one :D

I'll keep you posted if i do actually get fry or not.

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Yippee, I see fry!!! -ham-

I've been watching the shell all day and i didn't see anything. I just got home and decided to check again and i see a bunch of fry. My God are they tiny though. They look way smaller then when i bred L. ocellatus.

Ok so now what do i do? I was actually planning on tearing the tank they are in down tomorrow but i guess that has to be postponed for a bit.

How long should i leave the fry in there with the parents before i can move it out and put the shell and fry into their own 10g? I dont' want to move them too soon and have the babies die or move them too late and have the babies eaten.

Should i take the males out and leave the mom be? Or just remove the 2nd male and leave the pair(and a couple otos) by themselves.

I'm so excited :smokey: I've been waiting a year. Nothing i had done had triggered them to spawn. I guess leaving the tank dirty and gross put them into the mood :lol:

ps: can Blue green algae hurt the fry? Thats why i'm tearing this tank down as its full of blue green algae(cyanobacteria)

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Congrats on the fry. I'd probably remove the second male if it were me, but don't know if I'd really worry about the cyanobacteria. I know that my fry tank with my newest Syno petricola fry had a ton of it in the whole tank and never seemed to really hurt anything (but I've since added snails to clean it up). I'm actually a bit under the belief that there are probably other microrganisms in the algae that the fry can pick on, as well as the algae itself, for a bit of extra food (my Julie breeding tank has tons of long hair algae on the rocks that I always leave for this same reason).

Best of luck with raising them!

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The easiest way to get rid of BGA (cyanobacteria) is to ad a bit of Seachem's Excel. When dosed as recommended, BGA will be gone in a day or two. If there are other plants in the tank, they'll appreciate it, too!

Don't overdose too much, tho... it wiped out my Valisneria when I did that last time - must mean there's something in there that is not good in high doses.

Kind of like Maximum Strenght Tylenol - find out how much will kill me, then back it off a little. :boxer:

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The easiest way to get rid of BGA (cyanobacteria) is to ad a bit of Seachem's Excel. When dosed as recommended, BGA will be gone in a day or two

Really, YOu just follow the dosing instructions on the bottle?. I'm not too worry about it though. I just wanted to make sure it couldn't hurt the fry. As soon as the fry are big enough i'm moving them ot a 10g and taking this 20g apart and cleaning everything and then turning it into a planted tank. So in a couple weeks the algae will be cleaned out and hopefully won't return.

I tried to remove the other male but it didn't work too well. He hide in the rock pile and i'd have to take it completely apart to catch him. I didn't want to disturb the female and fry so i left him. The larger male does a good job of keeping him in the top corner so i dont' think he'll do too much harm.

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Really, YOu just follow the dosing instructions on the bottle?

I'm pretty sure you just had one letter missed-typed with the CAPS - just not sure which one.. :P "YOU just follow the instructions???!!!"

On just about any Seachem product, I don't really follow the instructions, as I find that their recommended dosage is usually WAY too low. But, in the case of Excel and Prime, I follow them pretty close. :)

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