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Stocking levels.......


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I just wanted to check with everyone on stocking levels of my tanks. If you think they are overstocked or could use another fish ect..

10g - Aquaclear 20

plants - Java fern, amazon sword and java moss

fish - 5 neon tetras, 3 panda corys, 1 ghost shrimp and 1 dwarf gourmai (sp?)

18g hex (20" tall) - Fluva 3 plus (??)

plants - Java fern, amazon sword, java moss and a crypt

Fish - 3 albino corys, and 6 white minnows

15g long (24") - Aquaclear 30, co2 thingy ( :rolleyes: )

plants - java fern, java moss, anubias, 2 crypts, amazon sword, moneywort and Water Wisteria

fish - 2 leopard corys, 2 spotted corys, 5 platys (4 female & 1 male) and 2 - 5 platy fry (i have already lined up someone to give them to)

Thanks for any advice!!


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your tanks are definately not overstocked. you could add more fish if you wanted, you aren't anywhere near being overstocked. this also depends on how often you do water changes. personally i like less fish. my tanks are all understocked and overfiltered and that way i can postpone water changes for a few days if something comes up. having plants really helps too. there isn't really a specific guide on how to stock your tank. you may have heard the "one inch of fish per gallon" rule. this is not a great way to judge the stocking of your tank despite what the books will say. think of it this way, according to that rule a 10 inch fish would be able to live in a 10 gallon. thats a 10 inch fish in a 12 inch tank. he wouldn't be able to turn around. meanwhile 10 cardinals/guppies/other 1 inch fish, in a 10 gallon might look bare. ussually you can do about 15 small fish in a 10 gallon, assuming your doing regular water changes. the type of fish also matters. goldfish for example, seem to be able to create more waste then what you acctually feed them. 2 pellets in, and the next day it seems like you fed more like 20. smaller fish ted to create less waste.

as valerie pointed out your tanks do sound really nice. i had to give up my planted tank a while back, jealous of everyone else who has them now. (i got bit by the cichlid bug). now i have a planted cichlid tank *gasp*. but it can be done.

angelfish would look cool in the 18 gallon tall tank. their fins grow nice when they have the room. you only really want one tho, or you'll end up with world war three in your tank. (unless they are a pair, safest route for small tanks is just one)

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angelfish would look cool in the 18 gallon tall tank. their fins grow nice when they have the room. you only really want one tho, or you'll end up with world war three in your tank. (unless they are a pair, safest route for small tanks is just one)

1 angelfish would work but be aware that angelfish will probably eat your white cloud minnows and any other little fish that might be in the tank.

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Now this is refreshing.

I read the topic title and said to myself OH NO... What has this person done to their fish!

Thinking they have 10 Oscars in a 15g, but only for a couple months untill their 25g gets delivered. * for example*

Then i read their post, and how i believe their tanks are very well thought out, but are still worried about them being overstocked.

Congrats to you, and your fish.

They are lucky to have such a responsible caregiver such as yourself. :beer:

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Now this is refreshing.

I read the topic title and said to myself OH NO... What has this person done to their fish!

Thinking they have 10 Oscars in a 15g, but only for a couple months untill their 25g gets delivered. * for example*

Then i read their post, and how i believe their tanks are very well thought out, but are still worried about them being overstocked.

Congrats to you, and your fish.

They are lucky to have such a responsible caregiver such as yourself. :beer:

And considering she said she is new to the hobby I think it is great she has done such a good job on her tanks. I know my first tanks weren't stocked that well :blush:

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I'd add a few Otto cats, or a Bristle-nose pleco to each of those tanks. They stay small, and will keep spot (and other) algae at bay.

You're off to a great start, Chantell! :thumbs:

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Thanks for all the advice!!

When i first set up the 10g, in mid july, i got bad advice from lps. In the first week i did alot of research, returned the fish and started to fishless cycle the tank. I wanted every tank to be a different type of community. I do weekly water changes, gravel clean (i read corys like cleaner gravel) and wipe the glass of algea (sp?). The 10g has just started to show small brown spots on glass, and all three tanks have either planaria or nematodes in the filters (a healthy sign i was told??).

I was going to put a dwarf goumai in the 18g, but wanted something different. I thought angels and cichilds need bigger tanks, same for otos & Bristle-nose pleco. I was given the advice to stick with fish that get no bigger them 3", because the tanks are too small. There is still so much to learn, and brains to pick!

I find this hobby very rewarding and relaxing!


Edited by blainetyson
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MTS! Ha got to love that! I am getting for x-mas a 35 - 75g (the bigger the better!!) from hubby and kids, now i just have to wait till x-mas!!

I have been looking in to dwarf cichlids now that it has been suggested. It will mostly depend on what i can get a lps/lfs.

Thanks for all the advice!


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