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Everything posted by BigA

  1. I will try and come in tomorrow or wednesday after work. Thanks for the heads up Chris.
  2. Only with Rift Lake africans. Riverine cichlids from western africa are from the same habitats as the butterflies and it would make an interesting and not commonly done biotope.
  3. be cautious with the rams too. If they get into spawning mode and there isn't enough hiding spots, things could get violent.
  4. What exactly is it? A type of trout or perch?
  5. Mine are doing great too. The synos are looking good and the larger of my female platys looks like she is ready to burst with fry. :thumbs: :thumbs:
  6. as far as the ones in the tank, I would think that they would be a nice snack for the guppies or platy.
  7. kinda wish I had read that before our auction.
  8. Put it's in last night at lights out. Peeled it. Stuck it on a fork. When I got up this morning, I had a quick peek and didn't notice any activity on the slice other than a couple of snails. Heard that soaking it in water with crushed garlic can help attract him to eat. Any other suggestions? Don't want him to starve.
  9. I bought a zuchinni to feed my L81 and had a quick question. Does it have to be blanched or can it be raw? Can I use a fork or something to weigh it down? Does it have to be peeled?
  10. I just grabbed an L81 baryancistrus to add to my tank. I'll soon put in some pics for all to see....
  11. ok. cool. I might try Natures or Enthusiasts on my way home tonight. Thanks.
  12. I was wondering if anyone knows a lot about this species of synodontis. I've checked out the standard sites like planetcatfish and scotcat, but I can't find a lot of info about them. I have two in my tank, I think. I bought them at the auction, and haven't seen them since. Are they used to being in schools? Do I need to have more for them to be a bit more outgoing? Are they nocturnal? Do they like to jump? My tank is covered, but there are a couple of holes they could get through if they aimed correctly. Any info would be great. Thanks!
  13. Paul, Your tank is over stocked. You may need to get rid of some of the fish. And the clown loach needs to have more than 1 as it is a gregarious species.
  14. Blue chromis specifically. Relatively inexpensive as far as SW fish go and fairly hardy.
  15. My wife says the same to me. And we've only been married since July..........lol!
  16. Points for what? Is there a compitition or prize or something?
  17. Gorgeous. Where did you pick it up?
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