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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by sharuq1

  1. Option #1 is what I would pick myself, however if the cube is having heat issues the killies may not do well, considering they like lower temperatures. White clouds would look great, especially the non-gold variety, they turn quite red when they are mature (at least ours did) and were very beautiful. Another option could be peacock gudgeons. They are very pretty, not too big. Might eat the shrimp though... Or perhaps cardinal tetras, or rasboras?
  2. I was thinking that maybe a good place to look for some very tiny live food might be pond water. I went down to Bower Ponds here in Red Deer, and took some water from the pond that is not one of the main ponds (they use it for stocking or something, I am not really sure), with a scraggly plant, some dirt from the pond and dead leaves etc. It is absolutely teeming with life. Lots of little worm looking things, tiny darting whatevers, a couple of some kind of snails, and some insect larvae. Kinda risky maybe to put some of this in my tank? Probably. I put a piece of one of the dead leaves in the RCS tank and they are going nuts over it, along with a couple dropper-fulls of the pond water. Did the same in a currently uninhabited tank I intend to have fry in some day (hoping some of the really little things reproduce to make some fry food for me), as well as my killie breeder tank (the worm things looked tasty). Found what looks to be dragonfly nymph and gave that to the 120g. I am sure the fish in there will think that a wonderful snack. Anyhoo...wish me luck that I don't give my fish some parasite or something, lol. :smokey: Anyone else have any creative ideas for live foods? Oh, mods I had no idea where to put this post so move at your discretion If anyone in Red Deer happens to have a culture of vinegar eels, micro worms or something, can you please pm me?
  3. Oh my goodness. I found 3 eggs on the top mop today! :smokey: This morning I had a scare with the water quality and thought I may have killed off my male, so I was feeling rather discouraged--but he seems ok now. Yay! Now if I can get any to hatch is the next question... Here's hoping.
  4. You always have the coolest fish. I really like the one second from the bottom. What breed is it?
  5. This is my first pair of Aphyosemion striatum. I think they are gorgeous and I would really like to breed them. Does anyone have advice on their care, breeding and care of eggs and fry? I have looked on the net but I would really like advice from the breeders here. Currently: The pair are now in a 2.5g tank, 3 sides are covered, as well as a small portion of the front so they can have a dark corner. There is a small hob filter, set to basically a trickle--with a sponge over the intake, no heater, no light. There are 2 boiled "mops", one at the top and one at the bottom with a tiny clay pot to hide in. The top is covered with glass, with the exception of the tiny slit across the side where the filter is. I am feeding them nls and cyclopeeze at the moment, I also have frozen mysis on hand. I added a few drops of blackwater extract, as the water is quite hard here.
  6. cardinals are also nice, and pretty too
  7. You might want to consider the type of dwarf cichlids fatpuffer has.. Their name escapes me atm. Triple red something Apistograma cocatides or something like that. Beautiful little fish. They have them over at Natures usually.
  8. Yo-yo loaches! They completely devasted our snails. Not a single one in the tank.
  9. Looks beautiful Brad. You guys should go into business
  10. Sounds nice. I would change out the rena for an FX5, but that is just imho
  11. I would go with the ray, way cool
  12. I have been tossing around the idea of turning my 33g salt, but I haven't got the lighting for what I want. If I do go the distance I want to be able to put in pretty much any coral I want, so I don't want to do this wrong and have to spend more money to fix it later. Does anyone know of a good lighting system that comes complete (ie. I don't have to put it together)? Like for eg. 2 actinincs and a halide, or a bar full of t5's with individual reflectors and a good ballast?? Throw me some links, ideas or tell me what you would do. Thx ppl!!!
  13. I have a pH monitor...but sadly I am not much use to you, I have never used it, lol One of these days maybe
  14. Awesome! Can't wait to see your pics. Keep us updated
  15. Awww he's adorable! Lot's of work these guys. enjoy
  16. If I was to hypothetically convert a tank that had been treated once upon a time with copper meds, is ther any way to make this safe/remove the copper residue?
  17. You have gudgeons in with your JD :shock: Peacock gudgeons??
  18. The fish room sounds totally awesome! Can't wait to see pics.
  19. Gotta agree, those babies have surprisingly large mouths
  20. Glad to see another person getting into saltwater!! Lots and lots of possibilities for your tank. I have several blue hermits in my tank, and they have never bothered the corals. I guess that's just my experience, others may have had a different one. I have a red hermit in there as well. Nice color, and fun to watch as they pick off the rock. Good luck with your new tank
  21. I know this doesn't answer your question, but if you don't like your damsels, couldn't you give them away? Or give them to the octopus, lol.
  22. Sheesh, after skimming #4 I quit reading
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