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Sam Chicklets

Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by Sam Chicklets

  1. I found a tile blade for a hacksaw works wonders for cutting curved holes or enlarging the bottom hole.
  2. I've always been partial to Geophagus. It would be great to have Steindachneri, Surinamensis, and Acuticeps. I would also like to have Gymnogeophagus Gymnogenys. Oh yeah and lots of Synodontis
  3. Some of the household silicones have anti mildew agents and other additives that are toxic to fish. Ask him where he got his info from, I went on the Dow Corning site and went through technical suport, and they said none of their product was rated aquarium safe.
  4. How about a baseboard heater on a thermostat? Can you insulate the walls around your fish room?
  5. I'm not sure but Aquarium Illusions sold me some for $16 a tube, which is a little pricy, however at least it works.
  6. The sick fellow kind of twitched a bit and then swam up to the top of the tank and one of the bigger Angels just nailed the sick one hard enough to splash in the water and killed it. But I'm still not 100% sure of why it was sick in the first place. All the rest of the fish look healthy in the tank right now.
  7. When you treated your tank did you add salt? Salt is lethal to a lot of catfish.
  8. I,m not sure what is going on with my Angels. A couple of days ago one of them started hiding and only coming out to eat. Last night it didn't come out so I looked for it and it was dead. This morning I found another one laying on the bottom not looking good. I don't expect it to last the day, but it looked fine yesterday and was eating well. I,m thinking there are only 2 possibilities. The first being that I got a parasite from Big Als as last Friday I purchased an A. Agassizii from there that did not last the weekend, and when I went back Monday there was only 1 left out of the 25 or so that they had, and they had a lot of other tanks with fish that didn't look good or were empty from Friday. However the replacement fish is doing fine. The second possibility being that the 4 larger Angels are pairing off and picking off the smaller ones. But like I was saying I am not seeing any outward physical indications. Any assistance on this subject would be greatly appreciated. These are my daughters fish that I got her for her bd at the A.C.E. auction on Nov. 05. and would hate to see them all disappear.
  9. Have you considered heating the room? It might be more cconomicla to heat the room to your lowest desired tank temperature and use tank heaters to raise the rest of the tanks above that.
  10. Nicely done, I can't wait to see the fish room.
  11. Aquarium Illusions in Edmonton only uses G.E. 1200
  12. Do you just have the 2 Kribs? here is a photo of some of mine They have grown quite a bit since that photo 2 of the females look like they swallowed a dark purple grape.
  13. I was at the auction as well with my daughter and a friend, welcome to the forum
  14. Have you considered Angels? they would do fine in a 29g tank. I have angels in a 36g tank and they are quite comfortable, without bothering their tankmates.
  15. The dual filters are an excellant sugestion as you can alternate cleaning them and always have a good bacteria culture. If you use a canister you casn run hoses through the existing filter hole. Or you could use an internal filter.
  16. I had Swordtails, Mollies, Platties, Guppies and a pair of Fuellebornis
  17. I would be interested in getting some of them from you once they have grown some. Pm me if you want to sell some.
  18. Welcome to the site! You should check out the water cooler there is a group session and a known pusher list
  19. I remember seeing those guys they were difficult to keep due to water conditions and food requirements.
  20. I have 7 Angels ranging in size from 1 1/2 to 3 " in diameter residing in a 36g tank that is 14.5" tall and they are quite healthy and happy, your 20g tall wil will be fine for one Angel. But like Wibber says the Barbs might be a questionable option.
  21. Your tank has lots of potential if you want to put the effort into it. I had a 108 and a 96 that looked spectacular with plants and elbowgrease but it required maintenance plus trial and error with fish and plants as there was a lot less knowledge then, if you do some researching on plants and fish there are a lot of possibilities out there.
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