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Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by NatureNut

  1. I just recently switched to Prime and so far I love it. The up front cost is more than some of the alternatives (I used a store brand), but it also treats a lot more/capful than the others aquarium products I've had. One thing I did for awhile, and it worked fine, was to buy pond water treatment. The cost was the same as for aquariums, but it treats much more water.
  2. Sounds like a great solution to me if they can do it. Seems to me some of the mods get high blood pressure over this, and it might help their ongoing health. If anyone here hasn't been a mod on a forum, they should do it for at least a month somewhere, just to see what a PITA it can be. I've done it in several places and now I generally run like stink when someone asks me. LOL So along with my "Good idea!" I will also say, "Hats off to you mods and admin who keep this forum going!"
  3. I lived in Edmonton for several years. We lost a bunch of fish when they switched from Chlorine to Chloramine (we had no idea that they did this). I now live in a town where they say they NEVER use anything but Chlorine. I treat my water with products that eliminate both Chlorine and Chloramine EVERY time, at the dose for Chloramines. My take on it? You spend a heap of money on fish, they're counting on you to take care of them, why take the risk when it really costs very little more to get a chloramine removing product over what you'd pay for removing chlorine.
  4. Ironically I wondered if there should be the opposite... a requirement that people post 'pmed' when they do. I like knowing that someone else has expressed interest so I should decide quickly if I'm interested. I know that I could lose out by waiting too long, but that's a risk I'm willing to take in some cases. I never assume that someone will give to the first person who expresses interest. I figure even if I'm first, if that person's best friend writes them, they'll probably 'win', or if someone offers a trade of something they've been wanting, can get there faster than me etc. I don't know if there should be a requirement either way, and I don't know how it could be monitored, but I just thought I'd point out the other side to it.
  5. VERY glad to hear all is fine so far. Thanks for updating us.
  6. Oooohhhh Now I'm all homesick! I'll be going back there this summer for sure. I went 2 years ago and won a whale watching ticket. We went and saw a superpod... amazing! (until I got seasick, that is... a first for me... I practically grew up on a boat) I volunteered at the Vancouver Aquarium in marine mammals when I was in highschool... too many years ago to count.
  7. Another thing I didn't mention, but that's been eluded to here, is that going with C02 seemed like a slippery slope to me. I mean... you get the CO2 so now you need better light, but now you need ferts, and then the balance isn't right, and you need more light and AAAAHHHHHH.... I guess it all depends on where you want to go with it. I admire people who want to go heavy into plants, but I've been happy enough with my heavily planted low light plant tank. I HAVE considered excel for my smaller tanks, but when I read it needs to be dosed frequently I ran away. LOL I barely remember to feed everything in this house, nm dumping something else in a tank. ;-)
  8. I know I'm not posting a photo, but a trick I've just figured out from my Dad was not to worry about being close to the tank to get a good photo. He sat across the room and took photos and then zoomed digitally... got some of the best pics of my fish I've seen! I always try close and get weird focusing. Not sure if this helps... I'm looking forward to hearing some tips here, though, thanks for starting it!
  9. I want a job there too! I agree, though... driving to the states won't recover your costs unless you plan on coming back with dozens of buckets of it. There are some things I would buy cross border if I was going anyhow, but for most things fishy, I like to support my local stores and know that they'll be here for me if I need them.
  10. I don't use it. I just try to keep to low light easy maintenance plants. I keep considering it, but have resisted so far. My main tank is quite heavily planted.
  11. Welcome! You'll find lots of people here who share your addiction... er... hobby. I'm nervous for you because it sounds like you have only one tank. I hope you know it will likely multiply.
  12. If you can't leave the filters running, maybe move the media into the tank before you shut them off... then it will stay wet and alive. Also, could you put a cover over the cover, so to speak? So put garbage bags on like described above, but then a second cover (sheet plastic or second garbage bag) that will reduce the risk of something getting in the tank when you remove them. I'm not sure if this is making sense. Just the thought of fumigation gives me stress... make sure you let us know how it all goes.
  13. Great news! I'm looking forward to seeing what all survived our winter now that spring is arriving. I love this time of year.
  14. Welcome! There's lots of cichlid experts here... I'm not one of them.
  15. Sorry to hear that... I can't think of a way you could have got it out.
  16. I was thinking about this this morning... make sure you put fresh carbon in your filters, too. When you fire them up it should help remove anything that MIGHT have got in, right?
  17. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.
  18. Were you sitting across the aisle from me?? I was the one with the woman who bid on the funky ornaments, I think I talked with you about moss... We really need to do name tags. I would love to know who everyone is, but I get too caught up in the bidding to remember to walking around saying "Are you on AA?" LOL I mean... we're not supposed to 'out' fellow AAs in public, right? *sigh* It's been a long day. I also became a card totin' member of CAS. Too bad the meetings are on the same night as something else I'm involved in. I could SWEAR CAS used to meet on Tuesdays... I must have a bad memory.
  19. I had a ton of fun, and spent more than I planned, but it all went well. I got a ton of plants, and on returning home I'm wondering where to put them all. LOL Good thing I bought a new little tank... it might get a lot of plants. ;-) Not sure if I remember everything, but I got a granite deco for the 5g hex, an auto feeder, some magazines, a pump, one of the little betta kits, which will be used for exploring the world of bugs with my kids, um... and some other stuff. The friend who came with me bought the livebearer assortment bag (WAY cool, and if the person who sent that is here I'd love a PM with what little invert that is in with them), the glass catfish and the funky decoration complete with pink coral topper. Her kids will be over the moon excited to see those.
  20. A dwarf puffer! They're the most charismatic fish I've ever owned. In a 25g planted you could play "Where's Puffer"
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