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Fishful Thinking

Edmonton & Area Member
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Everything posted by Fishful Thinking

  1. Thanks, Kevin. I am interested in the following fish: Synspilum, Festae, Red Devil, Jack Dempsey, Carpinte, Green Terror.
  2. Thanks for the help. I think I will do option #3, less fish with as much aquascaping as they will let me. :thumbs:
  3. I was reading in a book on CA cichlids that one of the ways to diffuse the aggression of these guys is to not decorate the tank at all, the theory being that they are confused about their territory and therefore less likely to defend any. Just wondering about how well it works and what species it works for. Thanks.
  4. Thanks to all of the replies and discussion. The direction I am moving in right now for this tank is: 1 synspilum 1 turquoise severum 1 nicaragua 1 chocolate 1-2 geo. iporigensis 1-2 BN tinfoils/other barbs/tetras as dithers (my wife is in love with tinfoils!) I'll keep you posted.
  5. Thanks, Nick. The apistos will be moved and/or sold once the bigger fish grow up a bit.
  6. Jonah, I thought you would be pleased with the SA direction of this tank! What is the ballpark cost on an EBJD? Also, would angels get along with the larger fish that I am looking at stocking this tank with? (eg. Nics, Sevs, Chocs, GTs)
  7. Looks good! What type of fish are roaming around in that colorful environment?
  8. Thanks, Jason. I am planning for the worst but hoping for the best with the severum plant-compatibility. The 150 will have two handful culmps of java moss and one annubius. So far so good with the sevs, but I will definately not be putting them in my 90!
  9. Just a couple of clarification questions: 1. JDs just too aggressive for this setup? 2. Silver dollars instead of the tinfoils because of size/temperament/compatibility? 3. How many of the following species (as adults) could I safely fit? Severums, Chocolate, Nicaragua, GT, Geo. Iporigensis, tetra dithers A couple of comments: Satanoperca leucosticta look really cool. Thanks, Jay. :thumbs: BN is a great idea. Thanks, Canucklehead. :thumbs: Jason, thanks for all of the help and the tip on the geos. I have one that is two inches and the rest are all an inch. It is bizarre! :thumbs:
  10. I know I ask this kind of question far too much, but I just cannot help myself! I recently purchased a 150 gallon tank (72x18x30) and was looking at putting some bigger SA or CA cichlids. I will have severums, geo. iporigensis, apistos, bleeding hearts and columbian tetras in to begin with but I was wondering what my options would be for stocking bigger fish in the future. The following fish I am interested in, but I am not sure about compatibility and how many I could put in. If you have any suggestions, I would appreciate the help. :thumbs: - Jack Dempsey - Green Terror - Nicaragua cichlid - Tinfoil barbs - Chocolate cichlid - any larger geos that would work - anything that I am missing that would be cool or that would fit well? I am also wondering if anything I have in the tank right now will work with the above fish. As always, thanks for the help!
  11. I currently have two annubius surviving in my rift lake tank. They have some holes in some of the leaves, but overall they are still growing.
  12. I didn't want to post my own definitions for fear of being long-winded. Thankfully I just PM'd them. Degrassi, yours are far more concise! :bow:
  13. PM'd (Check your messages). I had to ask a lot of people how forums worked before it made sense to me!
  14. It's definately a crypt. In some ways it looks like Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia. Just a guess.
  15. Good idea to have an extra 20 kicking around. Thankfully I will have the 25 that the tetras are currently living in. I'm not planning on breeding them, but you never know. Sorry, Jason, it was a stealth ninja-style operation...
  16. I have an 80 gallon (48lx16wx24h) which I am in the process of convincing my wife to let me stock. Here's what I was thinking: 5 juvie Severums (cut down to 1-3 when they get bigger) 4-5 juvie Geophagus iporangensis 6 adult Bleeding Heart Tetras 4 adult Columbian Red-Blue Tetras 1 juvie BN pleco Heavy filtration and lots of rocks/driftwood to hide. Java moss and one annubius plant. Target playsand substrate. I realize that if/when pairing and breeding happens things could get tense, but are there any other issues that I am overlooking? Thanks.
  17. I have dwarf sagittaria in my 90 gallon (1.5 WPG, CO2 less than 1 bps) that were doing incredibly well for the last few months. The last two weeks they have been going transparent brown in coloration, from the bottom up. It started on the side of the tank with my CO2 powerhead and has been moving towards the other side of the tank. Today I saw one of my small, thin sword plants (I think that's what they are) doing the same thing. I haven't made any major changes other than I added a little bit of fertilizer. I was wondering if this might be fall dies-back as the room it is in gets a lot of indirect light and now with the days getting shorter this is a response from the plant. Also, could this be from a lack of nutrients? I have heard some people say that flourite loses its nutrients after 6 months and this tank has been running for about that long. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  18. Thanks for the help! This gives me a good reason to move some of my plants around.
  19. I have been keeping a mix of predominanttly haps and some Tanganykans, moving towards normal tap water. I was wondering if it was possible to plant the tank. Has anyone had success doing this? If so, what type of plants? TIA
  20. When you are reading those posts listen to what Jason is saying. He knows his stuff. :thumbs:
  21. I have a 1200 on each of my tanks and so far they have been great.
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