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Everything posted by rayfong

  1. Ok, I will post this earlier this time: March ACE Meeting Tuesday March 6th, 2012 Allendale Community Hall 6330-105A St Time: 7:30pm Topic: Synondontis catfish and relatives Speaker: Birger (for those who don't know he is also a moderator on the planet catfish forum) See everyone at the meeting.
  2. He is an on the ERAS forum a lot and he is ectothermic on AA.
  3. Depending on what time you work the show, you could come in about 10:00, bump what you want at 11:00 and then leave in time for your shfit at the show. The fall show/auction date has not been set in stone yet.
  4. Some might show up at the edmonton auction, and maybe at the calgary auction
  5. Attend the auction and you will see these crazy people. Some of those crazy Calgary people even come up (we've tried to stop them but its been unsuccessful).
  6. Those weren't Myleus schromburgki though. The ones at Big Al's had a couple of black bars, still pretty rare though as I haven't seen any yet.
  7. You can also look at birgittae rasboras, they stay pretty small. If you want to keep shrimp look at cherry shrimp, yellow or other neocaridina sp. I would also set it up as a planted tank but that is just me.
  8. Spring auction has been confirmed: Sunday March 18th Deliveries: 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM Viewing: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Auction: 11:00 AM – FINISH High Park Community Hall 11032 154 Street NW, Edmonton
  9. February meeting of the Aquarium Club of Edmonton will be February 7th at 7:30 Place: Allendale Hall @ 6330-105A St Topic: TBA
  10. Date is not set in stone yet, looking at either March 4th or 11th.
  11. You can purchase them at Oxypro or Praxair.
  12. As I have been busy and so has everyone else with the holidays, I was lax in sending out the email for the meeting. Topic: Open discussion on breeding and challenges. As well Glen our secretary will have samples of T-shirts and Pit Crew Shirts for people to try on for sizing. They will be pre-ordered only so the club does not have an excess of shirts for years. T-shirts will be around $20 and the Pit Crew shirts will be around $40. As well there will be a raffle after the discussion. Tickets are 5 for $5.00 or for those of you that bring in small change $1.00 each. You do not have to be a member to attend the meeting and new hecklers are always welcome.
  13. Guess I've got a bit of time before they get it on.
  14. I've got a group of about 6 of them, no luck as of yet. They are also WC
  15. Just a quick bump. Any people attending, donations will be welcomed for the raffle or auction near the end of the meeting. Last year we donated the proceeds to Santas Anonymous and we might do the same thing this year.
  16. The edge is not a good tank for a betta. Bettas need to go to the surface for air and with the small opening in the edge its not the best. The dymax is ok for the betta as the top is open and the betta can come up for air at any place. With the spec the only thing you might have to worry about is the flow from the pump. I currently keep 6 different bettas in open tanks and they haven't jumped so they should be ok. The only betta so far that has jumped has been a wild type betta
  17. There are a couple of sellers on Aquabid that sell bettas. CanadaBetta (Montreal), Canadian Aqua Farms (BC). I know CanadaBetta puts up videos of the betta that is up for auction on youtube.
  18. Aquarium Central also brings them in as well. I think they currently have some in stock right now.
  19. sponge filter is an air driven filter, Hydor is the most common make, you can find them at Big Al's or Aquarium Central. They are great in that they won't suck in shrimplets or fry. WC is just a water change. Ghost shrimp should do ok in room temp water.
  20. All extra frozen blackworms have been pre-sold.
  21. I will be ordering in some frozen california blackworms for the Tuesday November 1st meeting. I have some of it already pre-ordered and there are still a few lbs available. PM me if you would like me to hold you some. Cost will be around $10/lb depending on currency exchange. Raymond
  22. Next Meeting will be Tuesday November 1st. Topic: Keeping Amphibians in Vivariums and Aquariums – Duncan Buchanan Place: Allendale Community Hall: 6330 105A St Time: 7:30pm Hope to see everyone there.
  23. The natural prey of the cyphotilapia in Lake Tanganyika are cyprichromis so I would only keep one of those. I would only keep one type of tropheus and they would do best in a group of at least 10. As well they are quite active and sometimes frontosas don't like that much activity, it might stress them. I'm assuming they will be going into the 125 gallon tank. I would go either with: 1 - Cyphotilapia Gibberosa species tank 2 - Tropheus species tank or 3 - Cyprichromis, Neolamprologus leleupi and Altolamprologus compressiceps community
  24. 20 gallon might be a bit small for angels for the SA tank. A better option might be to go for Rams or Apistos with some of the smaller tetras (cardinal etc.), corydoras or otocinclus for your bottom dwellers. The asian tank gouramis would be ok, and maybe some of the rasboras or danios
  25. They've got gold stripe stiphodon (great algae eaters, including BBA) Red Neon and Tiger (not quite sure if these are stiphodons though).
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