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Everything posted by Parachromis1

  1. hi as you all know my umbie is my beloved fish. the other day he got a white bump that is rather large on his chin and it looks like a big whitehead pimple. he seems to have fallen off though. i had a large pair of festae die quite rapidly to this. how do i cure it and what is it? thanks Quinn
  2. haha just might need to downsize to one of them numerous 20 gallons i have sitting in the crawl space Nick
  3. nice looking fish Nick, i might need to order me some of those now :thumbs:
  4. the marina one works very well. i use a python and it works good as well. i'd go with the marina one because its cheaper and it is also better quality. Quinn
  5. laws of pressures and physics at work here. its actually pretty easy to understand. just a pain in the butt to set up though. cool lookin tank.
  6. very interesting topic Brad, but i am actually gonna try the brick thing for my 125 i think. Quinn
  7. i'd love to get my hands on a few rays in the future. just if my budget would let me
  8. i would think 6.5"is plenty as long as you dont put any larger ornamentsin the tank or have a super huge bicep lol. i would almost boost is to 7.5"to be safe. better to be safe than sorry. where abouts did you order your tanks and how much were they? Quinn
  9. that is helpful. thanks for the info. does that mean you should only level the 4 corners of a stand as well? Quinn
  10. Bingo sir. one of the zonatums i am getting from fish farm. it happens to be his father
  11. Mine is waaay too easy. 1) Nandopsis Haitinensis 2) Amphilophus Sagittae 3) Asian "Green" Arowana or Vieja Argentea Quinn
  12. yes they are tough to get but I belive it is possible. I have done some research on them and I get conflicting storys...... some say they are mean as hell while others say their aggression is overrated......but then what are they comparing them with???? Would the likes of feastaes,red devils,odo's, etc be out of their league???? Thanxs actually they are a re glass banger just like the above mentioned. i dont think their actually as mean as their cousin the hatian though, and well festaes are very nasty, and a true red devil is very hard to come by but the ones i had were very passive compared to the midas. so depending on what true species you put with them, it could turn out wonderful or it turn out a complete mess. but that can happen with any mix. but the GT's are a definite no go. if you find anyone with any sized cuban, let me know Quinn
  13. what i do is remove the fry when they are free swimming. dont worry about a divider im sure the parents will chase the others to the other side of the tank if they get too close to the fry. Quinn
  14. no problem. thats why we joined this forum to help one another out right? Quinn
  15. its also extremely hard to find a true platy or swordtail as they have been hybridized for a long time now. theyve also been introduced into each others ecosystems which has also caused hybridization. mollies on the other hand are alot different. larger stomach, upturned mouth, 2 swim bladders etc. so i hope that helps you. FYI mollies will actually live longer in salt water. Quinn
  16. nice lookin pair. if you put them for sale ill trade you my pair of white midas. or some fry and cash :thumbs:
  17. depending on if you can get cubans, they will basically destroy those other fish. a larger male specimen needs a 90 gallon or larger tank as these guys are true tank busters. and ive never heard of a green terror be able to stand up to something like this, the freddys maybe, but id go with a different fish besides GT's. Quinn
  18. sounds good to me. is that the fish we previously ordered?
  19. hey Dean, if we could get it here somehow, i'd definitely take one. Quinn
  20. when do you plan on doing the new order brad?
  21. tanks look well built. what size/ dimensions are they?? Quinn and i'd help ya set them up! :thumbs:
  22. tank looks kinda dark, but the setup is very well done. Quinn
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