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Everything posted by firestorm

  1. I just picked up 6 pygmy cories from riverfront today, they had tons of other types of cories and they all appeared to be in good shape (no dead fish flaoting around) which is usually a good sign lol. So if you want to go check them out
  2. The poor guy, but it doesn't surprise me. I have seen many fish that you would think are way too big be eaten up by my fish. It's sad but it's reality I guess. But holy cow, it looks like it would take a week to digest that thing lol.
  3. Awe the poor thing. I don't know why some stores allow the fish to get like that, or to even leave fish when they should have been taken out, I know I wouldn't do things like that either
  4. I found in my higher light tanks, that when I place low light plants under taller plants they seem to do better, because the larger plants can shade them. I have java ferns and stuff growing in a tank just fine with 3pg and its only a 5 gallon.
  5. Good to know! I've actually been looking at the bettas on aquabid (and getting drool all over the screen as a result). There are some amazing fish on there. Has anyone here had experience ordering equipment and/or fish from aquabid? It depends on who and where you order them from. Many people on here have ordered plants successfully, and I will be ordering killi eggs in a couple of weeks. Sometimes it can be just as good as ebay, and good prices alot of the time.
  6. My friend took pics of fish at the BA's down here when she came up. She just asked the girl at the front counter if it was alright and no one seemed to mind. I would try to possibly even ask a supervisor or manager if they are around, but I don't think they mind if you do.
  7. What gorgeous fish they are. They look stunning against the black sand. Man I wish I had a huge tank. What size is that tank? How big does that aro and stingray get?
  8. 18,000K will not do well for plant growth. Those are better when trying to grow corals and stuff for marine tanks. Anywhere from 5000K-8000K is what I prefer to use. Usually getting on the lower end of the spectrum is preffered. I have tried 10,000K before but they still don't do as well as the 6700K.
  9. With great difficulty lmao. You can either try to net them out or using your siphon try to siphon some out into a bucket. What other fish are in the tank? If the brichardi are the most aggressive ones in the tank and you don't have any nocturnal fish, or very fast moving fish you might have a chance at quite a few of the fry surviving, but most times than not they will mostly all be consumed (a few sometimes manage to survive by hiding in rocks). Considering it's most likely their first spawn they might not be super good with protecting them, but they learn as they go to protect them well. Congrats on the spawn :thumbs:
  10. cork board sounds like a great idea too Jason, but yeah how did you get it to stay submerged without floating?
  11. You might want to tell them they might want to invest in an automatic feeder so that there is only 1 thing feeding the fish from now on. I have had clients that have lost fish due to the over feeding of them, essentially we had to either install and automatic feeder or put a scoop with a feeding line to show how much to feed them as well as demanding that they have only 1 person to feed the fish. The best way I have been able to detoxify nitrItes is with a smaller 25-40% water change and using salts. I don't think that filter quitting necessarily had much to do with the spike, as I have removed a whole filter from tanks before without getting a huge spike. I think it was mostly from the overfeeding and the filter quitting just made it worse.
  12. I was thinking it would make a great project for a flame moss wall Now that stuff is cool. I am sure your local craft store would probably carry similar screening with larger holes. I will check it out and see what I can come up with.....but now where am I going to find that much flame moss lol. Just another question, what exactly do you use the zip ties for? is it just to hold the mesh together? I was thinking you can easily use fishing line and weave along the edges and in around the moss clumps, although it probably would take longer but at least you won't see it compared to the zip ties.
  13. Sometimes. I have found that my mbuna sometimes do the same thing. They won't breed for a week or 2 then all of a sudden most of my females tend to be holding all at the same time lol.
  14. That's what I was thinking. I guess you can get mesh that comes in different sizes. I am guessing you got yours from the hardware store? Craft stores might also have some, I wouldn't mind trying out a moss wall. You have inspired me
  15. Yes a weed whacker might just do the trick lol.
  16. I found I couldn't keep any earth eaters with plants, they always dug them up and rearranged them. I even tried placing larger stones around the bases of them but I still didn't succeed. Just my exprience, but good luck
  17. Again a nice healthy lotus plant. Looks good
  18. Looks pretty, a healthy plant too. I love the looks of pearling. I once had my riccia pearl and it was gorgeous
  19. I find red plants do better with high lights (2.5-3wpg and over) CO2 injection and iron supplementation. Without these they might live, but will not give you the nice colors and healthy leaves as others. I haven't tried many of the ones you listed, but I find ludwigia repens to be a fairly simple plant to keep.
  20. Good suggestion, if only it were that easy -roll- Like how you used suction cups, I never thought of that before. But just a concern, is the holes in that mesh large enough that the moss really grows in well?
  21. That's a good way to put it Neil. I have only used BH in the past with juvenile discus, nothing else. Adult fish don't need as much protein because they are finished growing, that's all that high protein and fat is really good for. I love the fact the NLS carries so many varieties of food for so many types of fish, not to mention some foods contain garlic for those picky eaters. I also find that NLS doesn't break apart like many other foods do. Also what I notice is most other brands seem to have alot of grains in their list of ingredients, is this really what fish eat in the wild? I don't think so. Yes many consumers make such a hype about this food, but to be honest I fell in love with it after I first started using it. My protomelas insignus used to be drab in color, a week after using the NLS he colored up so unbelievably he is now a gorgeous fish. I would rather spend a little more money on a good quality food and extend the life of my fish than to use a cheap food and shorten their life span.
  22. My ocellatus shellies dont like being in large groups. I have found many tangs like the neos do better in just pairs compared to having groups, cyps seem to like being in schools or large groups. I give my tangs way more space than i do my mbuna.
  23. Some people feed their fry egg yolk when they are too small for other foods. I have heard they breed fairly easy as long as you have a pair, it also depends on the type of tankmates you have as well.....some fish are quick and can quickly make the eggs a nice snack.
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