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Wingin' It

Calgary & Area Member
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Everything posted by Wingin' It

  1. hahaha...that is a bit of a different set up! Congrats on the eggs...i'll cross my fingers for ya! LoL
  2. :welcome: howdy, howdy, howdy! lol
  3. I find myself offering up more and more the idea of keeping Tanganyikan shell dwellers...they're fish that typically spend most of their time in and around their shells. www.cichlid-forum.com has lots of pics/info on them and they all have their own little personalities and quirks. You probably won't find many of them in pet stores, but there are several people who are breeding them and selling them. Unfortunately, there are so many choices as to what to stock in your new tank, but that's also half the fun of it too...good luck on the hunt for your new fish kids!
  4. Oh that sucks...can't say i've ever put any of my killifish in with other fish before other than with ones of their own. Maybe try putting in a spawn mop?? More plants?? But maybe calling and asking the store if they'll allow a trade would be better?
  5. Gold's Aquarium (Calgary) will give you half the price he sells it for if he's interested in them. Big Al's will also take them for store credit Pisces Pet Emporium will also take in fish, i've only sold them little fish (comparitively speaking) so their credit system will be different.
  6. Here's a link to an ad on Kijiji http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-pets-other-pets...QAdIdZ160258711 I guess they're a little on the small side still...but $30 for both I personally wouldn't pay more than $30 for both, but i'm also cheap! LOL
  7. Saw a couple for around $30 each
  8. hahaha...too funny. Hopefully she continues to jump only within the tank!
  9. Try watching this video...Before the auction I tried it and it does work...though I didn't use duct tape...I used 3 very small zip ties. Good Luck!
  10. Wingin' It


    Welcome to the forum Gregg.
  11. Sweet! That's so cool that they're spawning! What colors are your leleupi?...I'm contemplating Calvus...but my tanks are sooo full at the moment...decisions, decisions.
  12. My Brevis are bad parents, from what i've read in the past, most are. Be sure to look under shells if you can see under them...they might still be around, but for mine, if the fry don't vacate the shell almost immediately after hatching, the parents eat them.
  13. I saw this early this AM too...and just thought that they were out of their freakin' minds!
  14. Just curious...who bought up the Mascara Barbs??? there were 2 lots of them I think.
  15. Welcome! that's a Huge community tank! Are you interested at all in the Cichlids (African/South American/Central American)? They can be very neat to deal with
  16. Last night, after I was all settled in the the night and finally finished re-arranging tanks, topping up water, and ready for some good old fashioned aquarium 'tv'...I discovered some new born, so tiny, you can barely see 'em...fry in my little 10 gallon planted tank! I thought to myself, what the heck?!! The only fish in there are a couple of very young ABNs and some very young Betta fry. Then I got to thinking...OMG...they're Killifish fry! Apparently, before my Ceylon Killifish committed hari kari (jumped the tank!) like a month and a half ago, they left me with their eggs...so they must have laid them in the java and flame moss! Sooo...to the person that bought the java moss attached to a piece of driftwood...beware...there is a possibility that you will get more than you bargained for! lol Oh and there might be some crystal shrimp in there too...but i'm more suprised about the killies! hahaha
  17. Ahhh...that was you...Shorts/t-shirt...had to go get a 2nd box for all your goodies??! you had some nice scores...Anubias Nana for only $9 too??
  18. I use it 'cause it's the only thing I have...but as of late i've been using the Brita water pitcher (as suggested by a fellow Betta enthusiast) and ageing it and adding a bit of the almond leaf extract.
  19. We got an awesome white Male Dragon plakat Betta, 6 W/C Dwarf Bumblebee Cats, 10 Yellow Tail Acei, and a banana worm culture. So...I had to litterally re-arrange two of my big tanks to accomodate some of the fish! Crazyness I tell ya! lol
  20. Found this link for you to D/L... http://www.fish-club.org/docs/AuctionRulesAndRegulations.pdf I would send an email or go to a meeting for your Lot #
  21. Hahahahaha...Can I pay my membership fees with donations?? LOL
  22. Wow...absolutely stunning! I love looking at SW tanks. Thanks for sharing!
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