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Everything posted by JLake

  1. Welcome to the site! So what are you planning on putting in the 55? A 55 gallon is a good place to start, expands the kinds of fish you can get. Also the number of them. DO tell what your plans are. :welcome:
  2. Im interested in sj for sure jvision. Ive bought some nice fish from him.
  3. Planning on coming and bringing my daughter. 6 months old and she sits in her bumbo and watches the 180 all the time. Might bring some juvies to donate to ace. Maybe some cyps, red back scraper fry and a few other left overs from my tanks.
  4. I see you had some other rays in there as well. How did they take to the newcomers? Great tank! Your the man :smokey:
  5. You could throw in a pair of larger shell dwellers. Like maybe meeli, or hecqui. They would leave her alone, especially if she lived in a cave alot. You could even get away with smaller adult shellies as long as they r too big for her mouth. Added bonus is that the shellies would convert nls to fry for your sb lady to munch on.
  6. Does ace accept any donations of fish? I understand they would have to be approved fish so nobody is stuck with them afterwards. I would donate some fry and some leftover tangs to ACE for the auction. Im sure a member can answer these questions.
  7. some of the females almost have a yellow shimmer to them and some are almost brown grey
  8. SO i have a mix shoal of cyps in my 180 tang tank. There are utintas and blue flashes. The males are easy to tell apart. The females however Im not sure if they cant be picked apart. Anyone know anything about this?
  9. If you wanna see it, put your hand anywhere near its shell! Im sure she will do it again. HAhaha gotta respect a good mum!
  10. Im guessing my pair of redfin compressiceps have spawned in a shell. Today i was catching some fish for new homes and got too close to her shell. All of a sudden she came out and bit my arm. Ive only ever been bitten by gold occies before. The redfin bit me much harder hahah triggered a pain responce instead of a touch sensation. Im guessing she will do fine fending off the other fish in the tank if it can fend off a 200 lb me!
  11. Great progress in your tank. looks real nice
  12. Yes remove the carbon to make room for more biomedia.
  13. I have a whole wack of f2 utinta cyps adults and juvies im trying to rehome. And some blue flash cyps as well.
  14. I am a water change junkie. It was purchased from potamo. I just want to get a female while i still can. I was going to add another larger eheim to the tank. I dont want to be looking for a laticep(female) and not be able to get one. SO how many wcs are we talking about here if I get another one in the 55? Would a extra filter help? I was thinking of maybe a ac110 to top it off? I really want to see them have pups one day. Last night I fed the ray before i fell asleep and he never woke us up. SO thats good news
  15. Oh yeah I also did something I have never done before. The bottom tray of the fluval is divided in two. I got some ammonia remover i think combined with carbon. Just as a precaution, I have never had a problem, jujst wanna be extra careful as the tank was filled with a colony of sandsifters beforehand. Is that a waste? What abput chemipure?
  16. Its just a pup 4-5 inch disc. In a 55 gallon by itself for the next few weeks untill i tear down my 180 tang tank. Eheim 2217 packed with media. Fluval 305 packed with media, and a air pump powered sponge filter. All established media. It has refused shrimp twice, but will eat aworm right after. I suction out its poops everyday. It was so loud last night that it woke me and wifey up. The tank is not in our room, it is 30 feet away. The ray drove the poor dogs crazy. Is it looking for a pal? I am getting a small female for him this friday. (as well as a new filter) How many worms should this guy be eating? How do I make him start eating shrimp? I am so into rays now. He is so curious. Temp is at 80 F. It poops often and has never refused a worm. Tonight I am going to feed him just before bed to see if that settles the lil bugger down. I never thought such a flat fish would have soo much charm. Im guessing they are nocturnal maybe? Cant find alot of info on this particular kind. Must go by another name? such a cool pet.
  17. I am a first time ray owner. SO far I have one male Lanticep(Pardon the spelling)> My question is, Why at night is it so rowdy. It woke me up a few times last night, banging off the lid and generally alot of splashing. Is this normal? Eating 3 large dew worms a day, is this enough? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  18. The bald eagle reminds me of vancouver island.... great pics
  19. Yeah its tough buying fish off ppl that you dont know. Its happened to everyone I think. Quarantine tank is the only real option, I learned the hard way.
  20. Welcome to the site! Congratulations on marrying a Canadian!
  21. You want some similis fry? almost the same as multies! fun fun fun
  22. Yeah my redfins use a shell that only the female can get into.
  23. JLake


    welcome. You are correct its a great place for info! Some real smarty pants on here. :welcome:
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