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Central Alberta Member
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Everything posted by neatfreak

  1. barbs like to nip fins, be careful with fancy tails!
  2. Looking good girlfriend! mine are breeding like CRAZY
  3. I strarted on this site through a friend and co worker.As vender reveiw. I loved the info,feed back. For we were trying to do the best we could do. After I left my job, I STILL loved this site, the jokes were GREAT[laugh out load] and you learn new things[up grades] lfs would improve,if they read public idea's. [if they choose to] I do miss the fun in it all though! we need to get the laughter back IN MY OPINION!
  4. Better watch it BOB, her name say's SCRAPPY
  5. I agree[and do the same] with Tanker :thumbs:
  6. I agree! world experience a most! and Common sense! I fully Agree with you. the newbies can learn from this as well
  7. if they have no females to fight over, or 1 male to 2or 3 females, have lots of terratories to choose from, if the proper tank size,[ect.] they grow up together at same size......on and on there is no gaurantee they will or won't but I personaly, don't want to lose any fish I buy I wouldn't want to put a puffer in with platty's,they both can be brakish but , are to different. or neons with angels,fine till angels out grow & are hungry like s/a and africans. africans are very aggresive & habitat does make a differance with Any fish[.Rocks for africans,Plants for guppies.]
  8. I wouldn't mix africans with south american's
  9. what part of Vancouver, I lived in North van, hubby in coquitlam,&burnaby
  10. [all growing boy's need there kang,] just trying to make a sad thing funny. sorry for your loss . but your kang is an awsome piece of fish :hey:
  11. I thank EVERYBODY for there idea's , I guess I'm the GREAT WHITE HUNTER of drift wood. that is before the snow fly's. then I'll be just GREAT WHITE .
  12. I do bleach my ornaments & rocks [1 cup to 5 gallons] just make sure you RINSE then SOAK in strong aqua plus & water over night!!!
  13. I was thinking on loading up my 130g with driftwood. what would the best place to find some, in the woods,beach,or by grandma's house??? I of course will clean them myself. any idea's???? :well:
  14. filterd water is great, but if you do keep it in a vase, the above info works. I currently have 12, I did have 24,all in vases. some old ones died,& I gave some away.
  15. I might try that red turning to blue experament ? we can be like myth busters!!! :guns:
  16. change of color,not sure. does she use aqua salt? the best water I say is, tap water[ has minerals] with aqua plus[prime] aqua salt[enhances fish color, produces own slim coating]
  17. I was told the red 3.99 will turn blue when feeding shrimp pellets . I don't know if it's true,but you can try. my blue ones stay blue.little darker with bigger claws.
  18. crayfish EAT fish, you can try minnows but; they will have chuncks out of them sooner or later. or other fish[lg oscars] might eat them.
  19. I forgot to mention I don't over stock! a little over is o.k.but for the health of my fish[and grow to there full size] I can't bring myself to. less is best in my books [inch a fish[full size]a gallon of water]
  20. if you load it with hiding areas LOTS, it should be good. [rule of thumb is 20g for 2] if you have babies you might want to move them.
  21. I agree with Neil, but I have to ask, with africans ,the large amount of water changes, they can handle all that. But other species not so much.Do they need it with over filteration? I personallly do 20% percent every second week, no losses yet,less aggravation on the fish. I like to have happy fish but doing water changes all the time seems a little abbsessive to me,fish stress and un-nessesary. YES I keep very clean tanks :bang1: , filter cleaning,wipe glass in & out,rock&plant cleaning I use laguna water prep,prime, salt filters:bio-balls or laguna med.,sponges,carbon[peat if needed] drift wood in every tank. the question is in your hands?
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