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Everything posted by Jayba

  1. Cool. The guy kinda looks like the chocolate but is more red wine color. I will let things keep going and see what comes of it I guess. Kinda neat to see different types come from essentially PFR's and yellows. So until I come up with a plan I will let things be just for fun. I should throw some blues in there and give another variable for sits and giggles.
  2. So I have kind of a shrimp wasteland going. Didn't have any other place to put 5 or so mixed shrimp. Have some cool young adults on the go. Just wondering if I have something cool or just 'meh' I have what appears to be a full colored PFR except he is a dark red wine color. Almost a plum/brown. I also have tigers this color. So cool or meh? Any shrimpers feel free to school me.....
  3. After being away for a couple of weeks I walked in and my Altums went all crazy like you described. The basement doesn't see much traffic while I am gone. They once again have settled down as there is more traffic, and that traffic feeds them a pinch as they cruise by. They now are begging as anyone goes by. I have subdued lighting as well, a 4 foor T5HO about 18 inches above the lids.
  4. A beautiful group of Altums and/or Red Head Tapajos would be stunning. Coincidentally I have both for sale in the livestock section.
  5. If it's new tank syndrome do mega water changes. The fin rot might be burns or who knows what. Prima and melafix are a waste of money in my opinion.
  6. Only one way to find out. Set up a 5 gallon test and see what happens. I know they throw a ton of sap when they are still on the tree. Maybe a quick boil first?
  7. L18, L81, L85 and L177 are all gold nugget plecos. L numbers are given because they haven't been asigned a name by science.The golden nugget will be 7+ inches and are poop machines. They can be aggressive towards other bottom dwellers at times. I would stick with smaller plecos like the Hypansistrus or Peckoltia species. The zebra pleco you like is a a L046 Hypansistrus Zebra. There are many attractive small plecos in these 2 species. Check out planetcatfish.com
  8. Free swimming fry! How long did they last? Looks great!
  9. I agree with both previous answers, but if you throw in a L177 or L81 you are going to need a way bigger tank. Plecos can be very territorial, and some don't deal well with competition of any sort. If you stick with hypancistrus sp or Peckoltia sp. you will be fine with 4-8 (depending on type etc)
  10. My Rex Griggs one has zero bubble even at 8 bubbles a second. If I was to do it again I would make it with an inspection port for cleaning and fill it full of bioballs to create some turbulence inside. Cost me about 25 bucks to Jimmy rig together at Totem.
  11. I have found carpet crispies 10 feet from the tank itself. Killifish are notorious jumpers. The only thing I can think of is poor water, and them them trying to get the heck out. Double check your test kit and good luck with the search. You have a cat or dog? Maybe they found the goodies on the floor?
  12. If you have a canister I used this for a long time. http://gwapa.org/wordpress/articles/external-inline-co2-reactor/
  13. So I ordered some killifish eggs from a friend in BC and as it turns out he had some sort of mix up in the peat. I had him ship me some Aphyosemion australe orange. There was also a group of mop breeding Fundulopanchax sjöestedti in there. We'll wouldn't you know I, when I hatched the eggs I found 5 little guys that were different. He was all apologetic, I was stoked. Contamints are cool if you know what they are! So now I have 30+ oranges and 5 of the freebies! here are some pics of their parents Fundulopanchax sjöestedti Aphyosemion australe orange
  14. If there is something there you want it'll be cheap . I bump all the time. Get in, bump and get out. Still is a great deal, until I factor 80 bucks for fuel.....
  15. Just thought of this: If both of the pipes go to the same t, the volume of how much water flows will be determined by that bottleneck. The first pipe to start a siphon would claim it's stake percentage to the 100% of the flow. That being said the other pipe would take whatever of the 100% it can steal away. So if you plug one pipe, the other should dramatically speed up. If I understand it properly.
  16. I see you are from Waterloo.So simply letting your water stand will not work. Your Your water has been treated with chloromine, a combination of both ammonia and chlorine. it is far more stable than just chlorine and will not evaporated out. For those of us that have chloromine dosed water swear by Seachem Prime or Seachem Safe to break this chemical bond. I have heard different things about Stability . You have ammonia, nitrite and nitrite. You're getting close to being done. Keep up the water changes daily and keep feeding very light. Cories have very little tolerance for ammonia and nitrite. Keep using the stability if you wwant Good luck
  17. RO mixed with tap water is the easiest. Just mix it the same all the time. It should be relatively consistent and stable. you can pick one up off ebay for pretty cheap.
  18. Oh yeah....forgot to mention that haha
  19. They are used to lower the PH of water. Here is a link that explains it pretty well. http://www.aldercones.com
  20. So my friend got back to me. She got them around a marsh in Elk Island park. where ever that is
  21. Already asked.....she hasn't gotten back to me yet. I'll share when she does
  22. I too will travel or ship for quality fish. If I wanted pet store quality fish I'd go to the pet store. I don't keep pet store quality slop. hehe
  23. I have a friend who works for the the government doing something with trees grassland and viability....er something like that. She brought me about 600 cones last week. So they are around....
  24. Unfortunately we are closed to the public right now. When I get back from work we will reopen.
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