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Everything posted by windeindoiel

  1. Ok so the light is a coralife metal halide with moonlights and all sorts of fancy. And I'll try not to worry about the anemone then, should I keep trying to feed it? And should I maybe flip the rock it's on over so it's on top and in the light again? Or should I trust it to do what's good for it? Do bubbletips have symbiotic algae in them? Also at the same time we bought a rock covered in star polyps but they haven't been coming out very much. A few of them poke halfway out for some of the day but that's about it. Where should we put these guys? And thanks for all the help, I'll get this coral and anemone stuff down one day.
  2. Yes when we picked this guy up we got an idoine supplement as well. We added 2 drops that day, then today we did a water change and we're doing another one when the water is ready tonight so after that we'll add another 2 drops. The light is about a foot from the water surface. I'll ask Lyder what type of light it is and post when he comes home. And we tried to feed it frozen prawns from safeway, that had been thawed out in a bowl of aquarium water. I'm concerned because all it's bubbles look deflated and it's all droopy and not really coming out at all. Oh also we have 2 tomato clowns that have been using it, which makes me worried they're just adding to the stress.
  3. Ummm well I don't really deal with technical stuff, but it's an expensive light, and our corals and clam are doing great under it.
  4. Due to my ridiculus condensation on the windows and my little black mold problem running rampant on all the window sills and doors, I want a fish room. It's just easier.
  5. They are very cool. I've wanted one forever but have never had a tank it'll be ok in. I'm debating putting one in the ray tank, because the rays don't really hunt anything anyway and the butterfly fish will be at the top anyway.
  6. Ok so I bought it on Thursday, and it hasn't really looked good since then. And today it looked like this, which is the worst it has looked yet. It's moved itself under a rock completely out of the light. We've tried to feed it a couple times, and I think it ate yesterday. Is it going to be ok and is there anything I can do to help it?
  7. I believe argonite raises the pH, and that should probably be avoided, the pH of Calgary water is already high. Though that said don't bother trying to lower the pH and all that, it just causes problems. Anyways, I use estes sand, that's what was strongly recommended when I was looking into getting rays, and I haven't had a problem with it. Like Tim said though, they do kick it up quite often so if it's just going to get sucked into your filters maybe don't go that route, especially because estes is really really fine. Small gravel might suit them better, just make sure it's fairly small and that it doesn't have sharp edges that will irritate the rays disc. My personal preference is to have substrate in the tank though, because the rays really like to bury themselves and I think it's interesting behavior, and I think it makes them feel more secure.
  8. I have tiny little red shrimp things in my tank. The urchin ate one of the corals, so I took out the skeleton and left it on top of the tank for a week or so, then went to move it and a whole bunch of little red bodies were left on the glass and under the coral skeleton. Do they look like shrimp?
  9. Ok here are my fuzzy pets. This is Wheezy and Fletcher (the white one). Wheezey has fun knocking everything in sight over and Fletcher hides all the cat food behind the couch... one piece at a time. This is Daisy, she likes bringing live mice home and trying to take them inside (after the first one got loose in the closet I learned to check her mouth before I let her inside), and hissing and screeching at Gizmo under the bed at 3 in the morning. And this is Gizmo. I sometimes wake up to her sitting on my chest with her paws on my chin and staring at me with her face 3 inches from mine. She also likes stealing all my hair elastics and seeing what sort of furniture they fit under. And that is my furry pets and their favorite antics.
  10. I dunno if a 6' long, 150lb vacuum can be described as 'cute'.....'cool' mebbe, but 'cute'? LOL That's just cute in a BIG way.
  11. Oh well, I suppose we don't have the room for another ray anyway.
  12. That is awesome. I can't wait to see pics of little baby rays!
  13. We actually got them at a great deal. And yeah, they are awesome. I'll get more pictures soon, we just haven't had time for that type of thing.
  14. Castexi or Shroderi? (yeah I can't spell, but you know what I'm talking about).
  15. When I first started researching rays to get one I went to aquaticpredators.com to ask my questions and everyone said to go estes. It's a little pricey (especially when it's a big tank!) but I've never had a problem with sand. If the sand is irritating the ray I think they symptoms are redness on the underside. My rays have sand stuck to them all the time, maybe because their skin is rough? Does she have a stinger attached there? Or has it broken off? I'd keep an eye on it, I think the recommended way to treat rays is by antibacterial injection or something, you should read up on it.
  16. It depends how your puffer eats snails, mine never tried to crunch through the shell (when they show any interest at all), they just flip em over and suck em out. If they eat their snails that way then there should be no problem feeding them to your puffers. I like them, but they reproduce like crazy, but then they spend most of the day under the substrate anyway so you don't see them that often. And seriously? $12? Seriously? We sweeped the sand with a net awhile back and pulled out about a hundred of them from the 300 gal. Well maybe not that many, I like to exaggerate. :P
  17. Is the mucus stuff peeling around her spine? Did you get her recently? Maybe her spine was mishandled when she was going through shipping? If that is the case our one leo's spine was in bad shape but she healed up good. And the scars and all that will heal with time too.
  18. Every now and then Lyder gets crazy itchy, swollen shut eyes and we can never figure out what from, so maybe that's worth looking into.
  19. I know this is pretty not amazing but I've never had cichlids before and I've never bred anything but guppies. Anyways, my juli's had little juli's! Aww and they're so little and cute all swimming in and out of their cave. So this brings me to my questions, as this is the first time I've noticed them (they are like microscopic!) and they don't have any yolk sac or anything like that, what in the devil do I feed something so tiny? Also they live in a 44 gallon tank with their parents and 3 other juli's, and this tank is in a very inaccessible place, so do I have to like spot feed them or anything? Because that will be extremely difficult. Can I just dump some sort of food in the water? Also if I leave them in there with their parents and tankmates, are some going to survive? Umm I think that's all for now. I am so excited by this.
  20. Yes when I wanted one I did lots of research, there was a good site but I don't remember what it is and right now I'm too lazy to look for it, but basically it said they're pretty easy to keep, just make sure you don't slack on water changes (as usual), they're opportunistic bottom dwellers and they need brackish water. Very cool fish though, I still wish I could have one.
  21. Looking very good, love the planted tanks. I'm on a laptop but didn't think to turn it sideways.
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