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Everything posted by Vallisneria

  1. Each member is only allowed so much space so you either have to delete your old uploads or use a picture site like photobucket. A picture hosting site like photobucket is the easiest way, as they resize the pic for you and you just copy and paste their IMG tag.
  2. What are the sexes of your other swords? With 4 swords and a betta in a 20g there is lots of chances for fin nipping. Just keep an eye out to see if she is getting picked on because unless you stop that her fins will never have a chance to heal.
  3. The fin rot is probably due to her fins being nipped. So its best to solve the nipping issue, keep the water super clean and let her fins heal up. I've found that unless the fungus/fin rot is severe its best to not use medication. Just keep her from being picked on and give her clean water. Doctors orders - Rest and clean water
  4. Thanks for sharing. I definitely like the bright color of the golden ones. I read that supposedly the chocolates have a build up of sand or mineral on their shells. That's why they have that rough sandstone texture. It can wear away when kept in an aquarium. Babies will have a smooth brown shell. So it will be interesting to see the difference once we can get some babies to grow up.
  5. Holy man that's a lot of snails. Why so many? Starting a giant breeding operation? When you get some babies from the yellow foot ones I'd be interested in a few. I don't know about that not being able to flip over thing. I just dropped him into the tanks and some were upside down and quite easily flipped themselves over just like any other snail. I have them in with gravel.
  6. I just picked up 2 different sulawesi snails. Some "Towuti White Spotted Snails"(Tylomelania zeamais?) and "Rabbit Chocolate Snails". Both are very cool looking. So far I have them them separated in 2 different 20g as I wasn't sure if they would cross breed (I'm assuming like everything else they would). Last week AC had a bunch of "yellow rabbit snails" too but they were all on hold by the time I got there. So I figured I'd better snatch these guys up before they were all gone too. So does anyone else keep these? Did anyone get any of the "yellow rabbit ones"? Those looked even cooler.
  7. Something might have changed with the update. Did you try re uploading it? If that doesn't work I'm sure Tanker will be along shortly and can help more.
  8. Everyone has a warn bar but you can only see your own. Its a tool for the mods to use if you're naughty, or if we just get bored. If your level goes up start running for the hills as the ban hammer is coming down :banned:
  9. If his tank is newly setup its probably just his tank going through the natural cycles. Did he fishless cycle his tank or go the regular cycle route? New tanks also go through a few stages of algae. IME its usually brown algae first, a few weeks after setting it up. Then comes the green algae which an progress into bad algae if anything is out of balance. You should be able to "diagnose" it by what type of algae he is getting and then try to fix the problem. So what kind of algae is he getting? Is his tank fully cycled because along with being bacteria food the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are also algae food.
  10. See this is why i'm confused. Some people report being able to breed them while others say you can't because of the shape of their gonopodium, its too long to work properly :P I'm guessing its one of those things that is possible but not very common. You probably have to luck out on getting a male that can breed properly. Has anyone seen any non lyretail(normal finned) red eyed red swords around edmonton?
  11. Just looking for some clarification. I recently bought some Red eyed lyretail swords. Can you breed them? When I read up on them some people say it can be done and others say they can't because of the males elongated gonopodium. Then I went back to the store today to buy some more and asked for some females. The guy working said you can't breed them so it doesn't matter if you keep the m/f ratio in your tank. So my question is, is it possible to breed lyretail swords or do you have to breed a lyretail female to a regular male for it to work?
  12. Topic: Bowl show and Xmas party potluck Place: Allendale Community Hall: 6330 105A St Time: 7:30pm Its time to show off your prized fish in this year bowl show! All you need is a bowl/tiny tank(with a flat side) and your favorite fish. There are no categories but prizes will be handed out for 1st,2nd, 3rd place overall. So start getting your fish all pretty as its only 2 weeks away
  13. For bigger pics try uploading them to a site like Photobucket. If you upload them straight off your computer you are limited in the size of the files.
  14. At the ACE bowl shows we don't do the categories. Everyone just brings a fish and then we vote for our favorites. Its kind of hard to have categories when there is a limited number of entries. ps: If any Edmonton people are interested we are doing a ACE bowl show at the Decemeber meeting.
  15. Wow, what an ordeal. Had to take all the rock and plants out to catch her again, finally got her and took forever to get the toothpick into her mouth to open it. Was able to get a bunch of eggs out, but she is only 2.5-2.75 inches so I was having a tough time. Maybe should have let her spit into the main tank and then took her out. Is it easier with a bigger female? You just put the toothpick in the side of her mouth? Anyways, thanks Jayba Stripping can be kind of hard the first time, especially on a smaller fish. I also use a toothpick when doing it. I just hold the female in the net(less slippery then holding in your hand) and gently put the toothpick in the side of her mouth and turn(its the flat style toothpick so turning it pries open her mouth). Then dunk her head in and out of the water and the eggs flush out. Sometimes I dont' even have to use the toothpick. Just dunking her in and out of the water will make her spit them.
  16. I've never been asked about these dwarfs before but can look at the stock lists when I get them in the spring and let you know. There is not much use in searching now as the stock lists change constantly but I will let you know. Thanks, there is no rush. Just thought I'd ask since they are one of my favorite africans and would love to keep them again.
  17. Are you ever able to get any Neolamprologus caudopunctatus?
  18. I've had what I assumed was a male end up holding. It was a female Lab perlmutt yet it showed amazing "male" coloration. It was pure pearly white, not even a hint of black bars like the females should have. I wasn't feeding any hormones. I think she just decided to take over the "top dog" spot in the tank and started developing dominant coloring. Getting fish from a big chain store might be different, they might be hormoned, who knows what their suppliers do. If you don't want females in the tank, either cull the fry or let her spit them in the tank and be eaten. Then remove her from the tank and sell her.
  19. I do the same but I use brushes I found at the LFS for a couple $$$. They came in 3 sizes. If the tubes are longer then the brushes, I tie something heavy(usually a metal nut) to the fishing line so its easier to put through the tube, then I attach the brush to it and pull it through. Works great
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