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Everything posted by Fish_Frenzy

  1. Your pictures are just amazing! They never cease to fascinate me. Great shots! :thumbs: Tammy
  2. That tank size isn't suitable for Discus as it is too small. Also, Discus need a minimum temp of 84F, way too warm for Danios. I would start with a few Bronze Cories or some of the tougher, cooler water Cories. Start with a minimum of 3-5 as they like their own company. From that point you could gradually add anything from Platies, Swordtails, Dwarf Gourami or even an Angel. Research different sites to find out what is compatible temperature wise and also compatibility wise. Maybe even focus on a species tank with all the different strains of Danios...there are many possibilities. Discus are more of a specialty fish and when considering Discus, the main focus of the tank should be Discus and catering to their specific needs. Just thought I would throw out a few ideas for your consideration. :smokey: Tammy
  3. Alot of people do mix Clown Loaches with Africans...just because it CAN be done, doesn't mean it should be done. There are many reasons, and I am not going to rant or pick on anyone as I know alot of people who do keep Clowns and Africans without problems....yet. I do know however, with only 2 Clowns together, you will never witness the amazing social structure these creatures have. If you are interested in learning more about Loaches, check out Loaches Online, great site for info on Clowns and every other Loach. I don't keep Africans anymore so not sure on sites with suitable tankmate suggestions. Tammy
  4. Awww! Poor guy! Thats gotta hurt. I would have left him in Q and maybe added a clown buddy for him but being that raw, there is a good chance they will try to chew him up some more.
  5. Take a whiff...if they are dead, trust me, you will know! YUCK! Tammy
  6. Serpaes can also enjoy shredding a Betta tail....been there, done that. Tammy
  7. Nice shots Taylor, and I wholeheartedly agree with the creepy part. Not exactly the best pics to look at before bedtime...Now I have to go surfing to see some cute little kitty cats to ease the creepy crawlies :shock: Tammy
  8. I would recommend not doing RO unless you are serious about breeding...even then, I don't think it's necessary.The fish have already adjusted to Calgary water...to switch them to RO is just going to cause them to go through another stressful situation. I have had my Discus breed and have had wrigglers (they got eaten before getting any further) in plain ole aged Calgary water. IMO it truly isn't necessary to have RO for Discus. I hope this helps. Tammy
  9. Congratulations Kyle! They look nice n plump. I can only imagine how excited you were!! Tammy :thumbs:
  10. How about some cherry or ghost shrimp instead? I have kept Cories with guppy fry and with their own fry and if you don't mind a few fry missing then Cories would be ok too. Shrimp are a good clean up crew and they will breed also...baby shrimps are soo cute too. Tammy
  11. I would definitely separate him, he needs some place to rest and recover away from other fish. A nice cave for him to hide in and maybe a few plants in a 10G with an aged filter would be perfect, I would keep the temp at about 82F and I would not bother with a light as the loaches like it on the darker side. Tammy
  12. I have been checking those out on aquabid...I want them and they stop reproducing once the food source is eradicated. They will then eat algae wafers apparently. Tammy
  13. He is probably just a piggy and knows the trick to getting the food first. I have a Clown that does the same thing...he always goes for the best food before it falls to the bottom.... Tammy
  14. Awwww...Connie were those the ones from me?? Congrats on babies! Tammy
  15. I am assuming you know about cycling a tank. Once the tank is cycled, you can begin to add stock. For a 10 Gallon tank, I would start with 3 females and 1 male. If you start with 10 Guppies, the tank will be too overstocked once they start having babies...and they will...believe me. Tammy
  16. Sparkling Gouramis need heat. I think a 5G is too small for platies etc... If you are interested in doing Guppies, I can give you some for free. They don't need heat, are not shy and will reproduce and are very hearty. A trio or so would be fine in a 5G tank. Tammy
  17. :welcome: To the best aquatic site on the web! Tammy :thumbs:
  18. Your welcome Connie...I am just glad they went to a great home. They have a beautiful new home! Love the set up.
  19. If you are interested, I would sell you 2 of these guys....Probably same sex as they have never bred and they get along well. http://albertaaquatica.com/index.php?showtopic=18184 Pm me for more info Tammy
  20. Looks wonderful Connie! Nice fish and nice wood!! :thumbs: It will look great when the plants grow in and you get some dithers in there....p.s. Dennis has some jumbo Cardinals 4 for $10.00. Tammy
  21. Try offering them to a zoo or one of the pet/fish stores with large display tanks. Tammy
  22. Also, the black skirt will shred the bettas tail within hours if not minutes. A five gallon is too small for the congo and black skirts anyways. A betta in a five gallon is a perfect set up, if it is kept in the tank alone. Tammy
  23. For water changes, I just set up a 50G tank with a heater and an airstone and a Aqua Clear filter runnning without media and thats what I use for water changes. It's perfect because it is situated between 2 Discus tanks! LOL! Tammy
  24. Very nice! Well done! They are so adorable. Tammy
  25. Francos also has nice healthy stock and some less common loaches too!
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