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Everything posted by Frogfish

  1. Re establish your bacterial colony asap with bio additive but more importantly the seeded filter media. As for chlorine try smelling and tasting the water, if you're worried look up msds info to see if prime will harm you although I highly doubt it would. Throwing money at the issue will not help as throwing time at it.
  2. Sounds like chlorine, had this happen to me when first getting set up, real bummer. I would say now if you can find some seeded filter media (media from a filter on an established tank) and add it asap that would be the best, check nitrites and ammonia as well. Grab media from your other filters and put it into the filter on the 90 gal. This method is a little time consuming but I fill kitty litter buckets and let them sit for a day or more to use as fill water.
  3. Served in melted garlic butter at restaurants mts in the tank, great algae control.
  4. Son of a... just stepped on one coming to the bedroom at least it ended swiftly. Good thing there's an auction coming up this weekend. Any recommendations for some replacements for a lidless planted 20gal. (wish it was a long but it was free!)
  5. AA, Aquaholics Anonymous. Hello my name is frogfish and I'm an aquaholic, today I had a relapse and went to Pisces.
  6. That piece of driftwood looks like a... male reproductive organ. I'm fond of rams, nice looking fish with good character.
  7. Shouldn't be a shortage of driftwood this year along the riverbanks considering the floods last year. I agree with ckmullin old and dead wood should be mostly free of compounds such as terpenes and phenols found in evergreen species. A lot of the more expensive gnarled pieces at the lfs are root balls and not trunk and branches. I really like the look of roots as compared to branches because of the more irregular shape. Old wood and roots will not have bark attached, if the bark is there or doesn't peel off easily the piece is probably too green. If it's grey you're good if it's brown put it down!
  8. Lost two red eye tetra yesterday to suicide, they jumped out of the tank... I feel kind of guilty because of overfilling. Poor guys were veterans, surviving nitrite spikes, ich and many other newbie mistakes. Live and learn I guess I was just beginning to feel good about no longer being a fish killer too haha.
  9. Great news, I was at the store this morning dropping off branches for the aviary and monkey cages and there is a seminar coming up. Planted tank seminar Tuesday, March 18, 2014. 6:30-8:00 held on location.
  10. Really glad to have read this and seeing that someone with a lot of experience is dumping dry straight into the tank because not knowing better this is what I've been doing. To dose K I'm using KCl 0-0-60. I really like how much you get out of so little I did thorough research before adding it because of the Cl but its chloride ions not chlorine molecules so it has no ill effects on the ecosystem at least not since I started four months ago.
  11. Check the local garden centers they should have it but go to a real garden center not the box store type. Muriate of potash is awesome stuff 0-0-60 the plants leaves in my tank look as if they're on steroids. Ill admit I'm still a newbie at this but so far the research combined with trial and error has proven to be quite a fun journey.
  12. I accidentally killed some mts and a few nerites when using hydrogen peroxide to spot treat for cyanobacteria, that wasn't the result I was hoping for as the snails had just recently been intentionally introduced to the tank to assist with the biology of the ecosystem. Thankfully today I found a rogue mts cleaning the java moss.
  13. Chelated iron is available at most local garden centres, not the box stores. It is called chelated iron from plant prod. A 350 gram container should go for $20 or less. 1/4 teaspoon twice a week seems to do the trick for my 65gal jungle. Instead of relying solely on the tests look at the plants, they will tell you what they need defficiency symptoms are interveinal chlorosis on newer leaves and toxicity shows up in new leaves as well in the form of pale and shriveled growth. Be careful though because many deficiency and toxicity symptoms are similar especially in micro nutrients.
  14. Oh i religiously change the water in all tanks every sunday, this is just what I do to top up water, I know the water change is essential to maintain the closed ecosystems health and balance, I also love the added humidity and guests visiting also notice and appreciate it. Mostly I was just hoping to help float the idea of reusing excess water from doing weekly maintenance. Norm at Pisces was saying that outdoor plants relish in the murky water resulting from filter maintenance, really looking forward to giving the strawberry patch a shot of that before the fruit sets in of course. I completely forgot about saltwater setups but this water would kill plants unless run through an RO unit. Good catch ckmullin
  15. So I have been experimenting with some ''waste water'' to dose nitrates in planted tanks. I have been dosing water from a fish only tank to increase nitrates in my planted tanks. So far this method is going quite well and all tanks are healthy. At first I was testing water regularly in all tanks and used some simple algebra to figure out approximately how much water to dose with. A few months in I just take water from the fish only tank to use as regular top ups for evaporated water from the planted aquariums. The thought behind it was that I felt bad wasting the water and found myself compelled to find a way to re-use this precious resource. Other things to do with water from all tanks is to water houseplants and when winter is finally gone to water trees and add nitrate to the compost pile. I suggested to my wife that we use the water to flush the toilets with but the idea didn't fly. Have you thought of water conservation and if so what are your thoughts and ideas?
  16. Definitely worth watching the seminar on you tube, hopefully there is another one soon they hinted at hosting one in January but it got postponed.
  17. H₂O₂ worked for me but melted my Egeria densa in a bad way, all of that species of plant withered to nothing in less then four days. Sadly some of the Malaysian trumpet snails, nerite snails and a few gammarus shrimp also got wiped. Has anyone else tried peroxide treatments with similar unfortunate results on invertebrates? On the bright side spot treating peroxide from the drug store almost instantly cured the BGA problem. Its still definitely a band aid cure and adjusting cultural practices help keep the problem at bay.
  18. +1 for the reactor inline with a canister filter output, havent seen a bubble since the disc was swapped for a reactor. I would be cautious with any system that disperses into the intake of a canister due to the damage the gas could cause. In a smaller tank the old disc diffuser sits under the intake of an aquaclear 50 filter and there are no bubbles except for the ones coming from the plants in both tanks
  19. Gouramis are great just yesterday my wife was looking at our fellow in the 20 gallon tank and he spit water towards her. Occasionally I feed them blood worms by hand, they do nip at plants a bit, especially duckweed.
  20. Water seems to work, tried to open it up to add oil after reading the post and water just gushed into it as it was being opened so ill just refill it this way as the water evaporates.
  21. Frogfish


    Right on, yeah I noticed your post on your 20 gal great looking tank, I started one about the same time, converted from fish only to potting soil substrate planted, Oh yeah about the intro story, forgot to mention that all three tanks got here before the baby, really looking forward to go fish shopping with her as she grows up she is always looking at the tanks.
  22. I know nothing about shrimp feeding habits but I do know my trees, elm leaves might be a little harder for the critters to chew on in comparison to a softer leaf such as birch or shrubs like spirea, you might also want to try chickweed I think I'm going to let it grow this year it reminds me of the glossostigma i failed to grow The test tank is a great idea, try it with a variety of clippings and let the shrimp tell you what they prefer, as for the sap I wouldn't worry its just sugar.
  23. Frogfish


    Hello everyone, glad to join a forum with a community feel. This is the reason I decided to join this forum over others although they are still great fun to browse. Born and grown in Calgary and have had a lifelong passion for plants and horticulture from childhood. I am a career arborist and studied horticulture science at Olds College. I have recently gotten into the fishtank hobby, funny thing is I wanted nothing to do with it a few months ago but my wife insisted on bringing one home to set up in the nursery for the new baby. I said fine but the responsibility was all on her to keep it running. Well the tank made its way to the house a few months before the baby arrived and to make a long story short we now have 3 tanks running and all my wife has to do is enjoy them and occasionally wipe the spots on the glass after aquascaping operations. I really enjoy the science aspect of growing with this hobby.
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