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Everything posted by Raven

  1. My grandma has a pond in her front yard. When we where over at her house this Easter one of my uncle's dumped out old water in preparation for another uncle to fill it with city water from St. Albert. Grandma told me her well water was too salty and would kill everything including plants. She wants to put fish in it when its warm enough, so i am wondering what kind she could get, and when it woukd be ok to put them in. Also wondering if anyone has any i could give to her I would like to know what kind of conditions the fish would need as well, to help her get things right.
  2. huh, well, i'll just have to try and get some new stuff from PJ's, since petsmart is crap. i just hope the price it right, lol.
  3. The brand is top fin water conditioner. From petsmart. Usually just add it to make the water safe right?
  4. Raven

    My 29G!

    With strips too eh? weird. Been reading up on plecos.... mine is not normal, a starlight someone said. Read they where a different species....thoughts?
  5. Was doing a water change yesterday and notice the liquid in the bottle was clear..... something told me that wasn't right. So i'm here to make sure.... its supposed to be amber right? The fish seem fine, so far. Oh, and i changed one of the carbon filters just in case. so if the conditioner was unless then maybe it will remove everything.
  6. albinos creep me out a little so # 2 for me.
  7. Colour change is normal from the stress of being the the buckets for so long. not sure about the eye thing....
  8. i've only stripped a female if they where over due in holding by a week or so. First time around the female held them for so long that fry where crowded enough to be stuck, and that's why i had to strip her in the first place.
  9. plecos are awesome! My old one i had years ago i did the same thing. switch between tanks every few days, the 10 g fry tanks included. My new one the kids are calling the kissy fish has done as awesome job with the 5 week build up from cycling!
  10. Raven

    My 29G!

    i think you maybe right, cause, as some of the pictures show, its face does go red and the rest of it will darken. Read they could be cross breed with tigers, should i be worried? could it be a cross breed?
  11. Tiring trying to help my kids be runners. Blah. With the 2 of them i kept missing the things i came for, though Val was super nice in selling me her 4 Juvi kribs. And the one bag on plecos went for more then i would of liked to buy them for so after wards i bought one at the petstore. nd apparently its special LOL
  12. another question to throw in on pots. where are the cheapest terra cotta pots?
  13. i got a bushy nose Pleco now and another user told me it was a silver tip. I have no idea what that means but i'd like more info on the special morphs of BN plecos.
  14. Raven

    My 29G!

    Thanks again Val! Nice seeing you again to! Big difference since the last time i has there eh? haha! Sliver tip? Is there something specail about him/her? Also i'm leaning towards a her because of a lack of bush but is there another way to tell?
  15. Raven

    My 29G!

    Haha great! Saw there was a rock krib female there too, but with kids there i had enough of them not wanting to sit for 5 mins and wanting to carry the fish every 5 seconds :P
  16. Raven

    My 29G!

    ok i think i've shots of everyone. The 'bushynose' ( if anyone thinks this guy/girls isnt one let me know and i'm returning it, i won't have one that gets big)pleco, the snail, the kribs, the odd one and then him with a kirb and him with the barbs.
  17. Raven

    My 29G!

    Will try one later. Picked up 4 young Kribs at the auction ( Val if you can remember what they were please tell me) and a bushynose at the pjs since i missed the first bag of albino BN and my kids were driving me up the wall. Apparently the was 2 girls and 2 boys so in the fall i'll have to sell one pair. But we'll see.
  18. Raven

    My 29G!

    I'm hoping so. So far it looks like the 4 remaining small ones have sort of banded together to ward of the larger one and the other one with no red, i'm starting to thing isn't a barb, maybe some sort of tetra since its body shape is longer then the barbs.
  19. Raven

    My 29G!

    i wonder how large a number, there is 6 right now, wasn't planning on being much bigger since i also plan to get the pair of kribs and 1-2 BN plecos....maybe 8 barbs will be enough?
  20. Raven

    My 29G!

    Another water change, and i took water for before and after testing to see if it was the reason the albino died. And everything was fine and then even better. guess he couldn't handle the tank abuse. poor little guy.
  21. Raven

    My 29G!

    Did a water change a couple of nights ago and maybe i did too much or too little. I found the albino bard dead this morning, Might of been from the abuse that seems to be going on in the tank. Also noticed algae growing on the gravel, not sure why that little snail isn't taking care of it, all it seems to do is hide out in the top corner by the heater.
  22. Raven

    My 29G!

    Huh, i wonder what the pet stores use as test kits.... i will have to go to PJ's and see whats there, i can i remember something being are 20 but i'm not sure what it is. Found a snail in there this morning when i was feeding them, wonder where it came from cause i didnt see it with the plants or fish. its about 1 cm too. If all else fails i will take a jar of water to a store and get it tested there, hopefully while i buy a kit.
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